
ModRewrite weird redirect behavior on removing WWW

Hi, I'm trying to use some rule on my project to remove www from the beginning of the URL but I've some problem. my server structure is: domain.com/beta_folder domain.com/beta_folder/page+type domain.com/beta_folder/page+type/content+name domain.com/beta_folder/page+type/content+name/edit domain.com/beta_folder/page+type/content+name/e...

htaccess rewrite issue while testing on localhost

I'm running OSX (10.6) with Apache with .htaccess enabled. In the htaccess file I have the code: Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^page/([A-Z0-9._%+-]+) index.php?page=$1 [NC] This runs perfectly on my external server and redirects nicely to index.php?page=whatever However when testing locally from localhost/~jam...

Locating memory leak in Apache httpd process, PHP/Doctrine-based application

I have a PHP application using these components: Apache 2.2.3-31 on Centos 5.4 PHP 5.2.10 Xdebug 2.0.5 with Remote Debugging enabled APC 3.0.19 Doctrine ORM for PHP 1.2.1 using Query Caching and Results Caching via APC MySQL 5.0.77 using Query Caching I've noticed that when I start up Apache, I eventually end up 10 child processes. ...

FastCGI with Apache 2.2 stops responding, warning messages

I've seen this question posted a few times using a Google search, with no real answers. I have a multi-threaded FastCGI application running with Apache 2.2 on FreeBSD 7.2. There are a few issues with it, and I am unable to really figure out the source of the problem even after poking through a bunch of the mod_fastcgi source code. My F...

How to disable Keep-Alive per Directory

Is it possible to disable Keep-Alive on a directory basis? For example, I have an API that runs on something like domain.com/api/ It'd be nice if KeepAlive was not used on any requests in the /api/ directory. Update/Solution: SetEnvIf Request_URI /api/ nokeepalive Source: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/env.html ...

What happens when MaxKeepAliveRequests limit is exceeded?

If a user hits the MaxKeepAliveRequests limit, what happens? Does the user get an error or does it just create a new connection? ...

Apache mod_rewrite help with Wordpress

I administer my wife's site, namelymarly.com. Up until last week, the root page of the blog was namelymarly.com/blog/. Last week I changed it in the WP settings to be namelymarly.com. WP created the new htaccess file, and I moved the index.php to the root directory (but left the WP folder where it was in the /blog/ directory), as instr...

How to properly set URL rewrite rules for a php script to only accept POST

I have a rewrite rule for GET and POST: <LocationMatch "^/my/script/dir/?$"> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(HEAD|GET)$ RewriteRule .* /resources/scripts/storage/admin/list.php Script POST /resources/scripts/storage/admin/create.php </LocationMatch> How would I modify it to only allow POST? ...

using .htaccess to redirect from friendly url to actual file

I have the following RewriteRule in my .htaccess to redirect from a friendly url to my main application file: RewriteRule ^\/(.*).html$ home/www/page.php?p=$1 [L] This should send any url that points to a html page to page.php with the url as a parameter that will be parsed by the app. This works for urls that look like http://www.exa...

Set apache documentRoot to symlink (for easy deployment)

we are looking for a way to point our Apache DocumentRoot to a symlink. E.g. DocumentRoot /var/www/html/finalbuild finalbuild should point to a folder somewhere like /home/user/build3 when we move a new build to /home/user/build4 we want to use a shell script that changes the symbolic link "finalebuild" to this new directory /home/user...

Randomly Losing Session Variables Only In Google Chrome & URL Rewriting

Using Google Chrome, I'm seemingly losing/corrupting session data when navigating between pages (PHP 5.0.4, Apache 2.0.54). The website works perfectly fine in IE7/8, Firefox, Safari & Opera. The issue is only with Google Chrome. I narrowed down the problem. I'm using search friendly URL's, and hiding my front controller (index.php) ...

system time is different than apache timestamp -- ?

Im on a development server. When i do this in php: echo date('r',time()); response: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 18:10:32 -0400 However, my computer's time is 17:10:32 (im on GMT -5). Where do i configure my apache/php to change this setting? i've looked in php.ini and httpd.conf already. Thanks ...

Apache console accesses network drives, service does not?

I have an apache 2.2 server running Django. We have a network drive T: which we need constant access to within our Django app. When running Apache as a service, we cannot access this drive, as far as any django code is concerned the drive does not exist. If I add... <Directory "t:/"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ...

How Session Works?

Any body can explain me how session works in PHP. for eg. 3 users logged into gmail. how the server identifies these 3 uers. what are the internel process behind that. ...

How apache server handles session?

Please tell me how apache server store each logged user's session details. ...

.htaccess redirect from subdomain not passing subdomain part

I have an .htaccess file which catches all subdomains (I am using a wildcard DNS record) and redirects them to a secure login page, but only if the subdomain isn't www. My code for this is: # Turn rewriting on RewriteEngine On # If no subdomain is supplied then add www by default RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain\.com [NC] RewriteRule...

Apache Virtual Hosts with Multiple wordpress blogs.

Hi, I'm running a VPS @ slicehost with Linux 9.10. I've got a basic Lamp setup so far. I am hosting a few sites and adding a half dozen more, and I'd like almost all of them to have word press blogs available. I tried installing wordpress into each directory following the normal instructions thinking that apache virtual hosts, since...

Wicket application + Apache + mod_jk - AJP queues are filling up!

Dear community, We are having a Wicket-based Java application deployed in a production server cluster using Apache (2.2.3) with mod_jk (1.2.30) as load balancing component w/ sticky session and Jboss 5 as application container for the Java application. We are inconsistently seeing an issue in our production environment where our AJP qu...

How would I write a RewriteRule to make an exception for one file

I currently have this in my .htaccess file: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ index.php?pagename=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} The the html file name is rewritten to the pagename query string. However I'm trying to allow access to one particular static html file, so somehow I need to overwrite the rule or ...

Selectively configuring Apache 2 mod_headers for Google Chrome Frame

I am currently evaluating Google Chrome Frame and so far i'm happy with it, but what i'd like to do is selectively use it for certain sections of my website. Some sections require ActiveX so need to be viewed in native IE, whereas others benefit greatly, and may end up requiring, Chrome Frame. I've currently got the following configure...