
Securing Wordpress on Apache

Hello, I've just set up a Wordpress blog on Slicehost using Ubuntu Jaunty and Apache. I would like to have a clear overview how to fully secure it. I've read plenty articles on the net but none answers my questions: do I need to create a special user/user group for running wordpress? if yes how I configure Apache, sftp and wordpre...

Redirect additional domains to the single in use-domain using Apache mod_rewrite in .htaccess

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^someparkeddomain.com RewriteRule ^(.*)$ hxtp://www.thedomainUsed.co.uk/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.someparkeddomain.com RewriteRule ^(.*)$ hxtp://www.thedomainUsed.co.uk/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^anotherparkeddomain.co.uk RewriteRule ^(.*)$ hxtp://www.thedomainU...

mod_rewrite with GET requests

I have mod_rewrite working on most of my site. Right now I have a search that normally would point to search.php?keyword=KEYWORD And I'm trying to rewrite that to search/?keyword=KEYWORD Just to make it a little bit cleaner. So here's my mod_rewrite. (There are other rules I'm just posting the one that isn't working.) RewriteRule...

Is there Apache utility that takes Query String and some encoding and return Map of key,value[] url decoded?

Is there Apache utility that takes Query String and some encoding and return Map of key,value[] url decoded? ...

Apache mod php and script invocation

Say I am running a PHP script, foo.php, inside apache configured with mod php, then, say I invoke the script from my browser(or any other means), does apache spawn off a new process in which the script gets executed? How does it work? Can someone pls point me to some good article on this? ...

Which workflow engine should I chose for implementing a dynamic reconfiguration of workflows?

I want to be able to interrupt a running workflow instance, say when a new activity is about to be invoked, and extract information both about the structure of the workflow and the data in the particular instance. Then I will consult with an external system and according to its response I will possibly alter the behaviour of the workflow...

"#exec cgi" command is ignored from html; same script runs as a "form post" command

Apache configuration files all appear correct; I've added the ExecCGI to the RootDirectory, although this file resides in the ScriptAlias directory so that shouldn't even be necessary. I put a .htaccess file out there which is also probably not necessary. This is a simple counter.cgi file - runs fine from the linux command line; runs f...

How server manage different user's requests at a time?

can you tell me how server handles different http request at a time. If 10 users logged in a site and send request for a page at the same time what will happen? ...

Web server which supports removing a file immediately after it has been downloaded once?

I need a web server that allows me to remove a file after it has been successfully downloaded once. Is there any way to do this with apache? Is there another web server I can use for this task? I had already looked into Tornado for this purpose, but couldn't find a way to get an event to fire as soon as the download finished. the on_con...

SQL Server instead of MYSQL in WAMP

Hi, We have an application which uses WAMP server. Now, there is a new requirement from a customer who wants to use MS SQL Server instead of MySQL. How easy is it to port to SQL Server from MySQL. Also it has to retain this configuration. Apache->PHP->SQL Server on windows. How can I connect from Apache to SQL Server. Hope PHP works well...

Compile C# as CGI

How do you compile a C# program as CGI to run in the cgi-bin of a LAMP/Linux/Apache server? ...

Getting 500 Error when trying to access Rails application through Apache2

Hey, I'm using Apache2 as proxy and mongrel_cluster as server for my Rails applications. When I try to access it by typing in the url I get a 500 "Internal Server Error" but when try to locally access the website with "lynx http://localhost:8200" it works. This is my config: <Proxy balancer://sportfreundewitold_cluster> BalancerMember...

Apache mod rewrite .htaccess

Hello, Can anyone help to solve problem with overriding in apache2 ? I have enabled mod_rewrite in apache2. ut apache just ignores my .htaccess file with rewrite rules. When I add this line to my .htaccess file: This is my virtual host configuration: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.modomain.eu ServerAlias mydomain.eu *.mydomain....

how do I redirect from one page to another with mod_rewrite?

All the advice online says do: rewrite 301 URL-A URL-B But that won't work if I turn on mod_rewrite (it seems?) with RewriteEngine on So, I'm bad a regex, but shouldn't need it here. How do I do: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^untamed-adventures.com/travel/How/tabid/58/Default.aspx [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://untamed-adventures.com/ ...

Apache giving pages as downloads rather than displaying them

I just installed MediaWiki on a website and I am having some problems. Whenever I go to "www.something.com/wikidir" the server gives me the PHP index file as an unnamed download instead of displaying it. However, if I go to "www.something.com/wikidir/index.php" everything works as expected. I'm not familiar with Apache and was wonderi...

Any harm in setting php.ini, my.cnf and httpd.conf (apache2.conf) charsets?

I am thinking about setting the php.ini, my.cnf and httpd.conf default charsets=UTF-8 The website is in swedish lang only. I have some folders with special chars in them, also some files. Is there any harm by doing this? Is it cross-browser safe? Thanks ...

mod_rewrite apache

is there any way to hide redirected url, here is what I think: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://minteddomain.com/mint/pepper/tillkruess/downloads/tracker.php?url=http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}&amp;force So the long redirected url http://minteddomain.com/mint/pepper/tillkruess/downloads/t...

Mod_rewrite condition not working

Hello. I've checked the regexs and they all match but for some reason its not working in mod_rewrite? I would like http://www.system.com/chips/intel?c=xxx to read: http://www.system.com/chips/intel/xxx I have: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (c=.*)$ RewriteRule (/([^/]+)/?).*?c=(.*) http://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1/$2/ [L] And I'm getting a...

How to decouple trac from, or align trac with, apache authorization

I've had a trac server running for about a year now - chugging along just as expected. Today, I implemented basic authorization on the apache server that trac runs under. Trac now picks up the user as authenticated by Apache, and doesn't allow either logout or a login. I tried to create an apache user with the same name and passwor...

How do I do cron job for list of URLS

Ho do I do cron job using a list of urls?? actually the search path is mention below www.mydomain.com/search?url=www.google.com after google.com another another url which is in the urllist.txt should be the next. so at the end of the day the whole list of urls in urllist.txt will be completed and saved in my database. what I need is ...