
Apache Config with Wildcard/Non-Wildcard Subdomain Mix

I have the domain, we'll call it "mydomain.com" and I want the following virtual hosts set up to resolve in the following way: mydomain.com / www.mydomain.com to point to /var/www/ dev.mydomain.com to point to /var/www/dev/ *.mydomain.com (all other subdomains) to point to /var/www/old My apache configuration is currently set up as: ...

Cron job for list of urls(closed)

Leave it I got What I want...and let you know what I was searching for it..coz the site is launching on 19 th of this month...actually I cant explain the details now... ...

Apache is randomly not serving content.

I have Apache installed on a corporate XP (yeah, I know) machine that I can't re-image. I have partial admin rights on the box. I can install software, but I cannot disable/uninstall or change configs on any of the corporate junk. Random content is not getting served to localhost from Apache. The same content may be served fine (or n...

How stable is APC 3.1.x?

Is anyone using APC 3.1.x in production on a high volume site? The 3.1 series is labeled a "beta" release, but it has some features that we'd really like to have (specifically, performance improvements for apc_clear_cache('user') which didn't make 3.0.19) So: are you successfully using APC 3.1.x on a very active site? (more than 1 PHP ...

How to Redirect Subdomains to Other Domain

What I'm trying to accomplish with htaccess mod-rewrite: Redirect all sub-domains to new domain name w rewrite rule. e.g. test1.olddomain.com ===> test1.newdomain.com test2.olddomain.com ===> test2.newdomain.com test3.olddomain.com ===> test3.newdomain.com This is what I have so far which of course is wrong: Options +Foll...

Apache Struts: Cannot retrieve ActionForward

I am trying to learn the Apache Struts framework and I have written a small application that does class enrollments but whenever I try and load up my application it just spits out the following exception: javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.J...

How PHP scripts compile?

Can you tell me what are the process in a php file compilation. ...

Best way to get rid of www. and .

I want all traffic to go to: http://www.domain.com http://domain.com | V http://main.domain.com I can use .htaccess or maybe something in PHP, I'm using zend framework. Please note I also have: http://sub1.domain.com http://sub2.domain.com thx ...

HTTP Error 408 / 409 - Not acceptable / Resource conflict Internet Explorer

Hi, I've wrote a PHP code, that downloads an excel file when the user clicks a button on the page. The code connects to db and use some stored functions which do some calculating multiple times so the execution time takes so long. I ran the code at localhost several times and everyting went well. But when I tried to run in my web server...

Need help with a RewriteRule - Apache

Here's what I want to do: http://www.mysite.com/ > http://www.mysite.com/index.php http://www.mysite.com/asd > http://www.mysite.com/index.php?page=$1 asd will be the name of the page(s) that get appended to index.php's $page variable. My current rewrite rule successfully redirects the requested page but fails to load th...

Apache mod rewrite rules to Zeus rewrite rules

Hi, This morning I wanted to move my development website online (in a protected folder), but I figured out that our host (on a shared server) does not use apache mod_rewrite but Zeus rules. I've never heard about that before but it seems that apache rules could be automatically converted via a command line, but as you can guess I have no...

How do I enable HTTP compression in Apache?

What is the recommended way to configure Apache to enable HTTP compression for CSS and JS fiels, using .htaccess? I have seen several different directives used in examples on the web. I have tried some of these and yet I have not been able to get it to work. I am checking the HTTP headers using Firebug. ...

Redirection using HTACCESS is working fine on the server but not on the Sub Domain

Redirection using HTACCESS is working fine on the server but not on the Sub Domain. I used the following HTACCESS code for the redirection task: Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^user/(.+)$ done.php?info=$1 http://site.com/user/123/USA to http://site.com/done.php?info=123/USA Does any changes needed on the Sub Do...

header information showing instead of page

when loading query results into a page using jquery load() I recieve header information and funny characters on my page. What could be the cause of this? In addition to this Firefox and Chrome only show this error. IE8 is fine. When clicking around the site instead of opening pages, the download dialogue opens - which tries to download a...

.htaccess force ssl when not www

I have a site which uses ssl when accessing a subdomain which essentially is hosting the actual app, whereas the front end site is present at www, which I don't want to use ssl. So this would allow: http://www.domain.com but if somebody types: http://secure.domain.com they get forced to: https://secure.domain.com which when usin...

How to block access to Subversion server for clients below 1.6 version.

My Subversion server access is through Apache HTTP. For instance, I don't want TortoisSVN not at version 1.6 and above be able to access it. The blockage should happen for any client not at 1.6 or above. ...

Make PHP page return "304 Not Modified" if it hasn't been modified

I have a PHP file that will return the same thing with the same $_GET parameters every time -- it's deterministic. Unfortunately for efficiency (this file is requested very often), Apache defaults to a "200 OK" response whenever a PHP page is requested, making the user download the file again. Is there any way to send a 304 Not Modifie...

Load Spikes on a Apache MySQL Server with Wordpress MU

Hi there, I am trying to investigate the reasons for some mysterious load spikes on a Linux Apache server (2.2.14) running PHP 5.2.9 on a dedicated server with enough processing power and memory. My primary web application is a Wordpress MU (2.9.2) installation. I have investigated and ruled out DOS attack, MySQL or Apache configuratio...

.htaccess redirect https to http not working

I am trying to catch any https traffic to the front of my site so: https://www.domain.com is redirected to: http://www.domain.com However other subdomains need to be redirected elsewhere. For the most part this is all working, apart from the https -> http redirection. Here's my .htaccess file at the moment: RewriteEngine On Rewri...

Rails and Python hosting problem

I am trying to host some files/rails app in the port 8080 for external access. For python I am using the SimpleHTTPServer module, and for rails, webrick. However, both of them does not work very well. I don't get the response back, and, sometimes, if I get it, it's VERY slow. Nevertheless, apache works very well on the port 8080 (i am no...