
Ubuntu terminal questions

I am wondering about my VPS providers ubuntu terminal. Are all these terminals the same? I think they are so user-UN-friendly. I can't copy-paste into the terminal, when I try opening textfiles, I can't scroll up and down easily. I cant save easily. Nothing is easy... Is it always like this with Ubuntu? Is there any way to make it e...

How to check if file exists in Apache

I've set this up successfully in IIS in the past, but i'm not sure how to do it in Apache. I want to check to see if a file exists, whether it be: /path/to/file.php /path/to/file.cfm /path/to/file.html /path/to/ If the file does not exist, I want to redirect to /404/, where I have a file that does all 404 related handling. Lastly, w...

Clustering in ServiceMix 4

Hello, I'm trying to configure Apache ServiceMix 4 to provide load balancing feature mentioned in it's documentation (for example here: http://servicemix.apache.org/clustering.html). Although it's mentioned, I couldn't find the exact way how to do it. The idea is to have 2 ServiceMixes (in LAN, for example) with the same OSGi service i...

Do compiled PHP scripts exist?

Hi, I am wondering if anyone has used or read about PHP scripts compiled as a .so extension for Apache... Thing is I think I remember reading about it somewhere but dont know if such a thing exists. This looks promising, but incomplete and abandoned: http://phpcompiler.org/ Im interested because i think it could improve performance... ...

modrewrite RewriteRule problem

I am using Apache 2.2 and mod_rewrite. I would like to take the following urls and map them to another url. The pattern is simple and like this: http://domain/test/ex1.html -> http://domain/app/index.php/content/?name=ex1 I tried the following in an .htaccess file (place in /test/ directory in docroot): RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /a...

Server-side auto-minify?

Is there any way to automatically minify static content and then serve it from a cache automatically? Similar to have mod_compress/mod_deflate work? Preferably something I could use in combination with compression (since compression has a more noticeable benefit). My preference is something that works with lighttpd but I haven't been ab...

redirecting www.subdomain.example.com to subdomain.example.com

I've had some users trying to access a site that is registered as subdomain.example.com with www.subdomain.example.com. is there some sort of .htaccess rule I can add to redirect people that arrive using www.subdomain.example.com to subdomain.example.com? Also, do I have to change DNS stuff? ...

Pause-able download

Hello, I have an Apache server running which hosts a php web application. Also, its provides provisions for downloading a file of size around 900MB from it. However, while testing the application I found out that its not possible to pause the downloads and resume them later on. Could someone help me? Is it an apache property I must chan...

rewrite .htaccess for a link like http://DomainName.com/UserName

Hello, I want to do a .htaccess rewrite, which when users enter this http://DomainName.com/UserName should go to http://DomainName.com/UserDirectory/UserName, but should show http://DomainName.com/UserName to the user Thanks Jean ...

Why apache does not update media files when I update tham in my FileSystem?

Why Apache does not update media files when I update them in my file system? (I use xampp on Windows to manage Apache) So when I update my php files I see changes immediately byt when I update media files like .swf's it does note update them when I call them. Why, and how to solve such problem? ...

google maps api keys to be set webserver-wide, (as env var? inside apache?)

I have a web site with many virtual hosts and each registered with several domain names (ending in .org, .de), site1.mysite.de, site2.mysite.org Then I have different templating systems based on several programming languages (perl and php) in use on the web server. The Google Maps Api requires a unique Google Maps api key for each vhos...

Best way to install multiple versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL on a single FreeBSD host

I want a test- and development-environment for web using Apache, PHP and MySQL. I need to be able to test a single web-application with multiple versions of PHP (5.2, 5.3, etc) and multiple versions of MySQL (5.0, 5.1, 5.5, etc). It shall be hosted on a FreeBSD server. My idea is to compile each version into a directory structure and ru...

PHP and Gettext don't work on my server

I have a website. I'm trying to get gettext to work so that my English, Sweden and Norway sites can come up. I can't get it to work. What have I done wrong? This is my config code: // define constants ( defualt - danish ) $lang = 'da_DA'; $lang_short = ''; $lang_prefix = 'da'; if ( isset( $_GET['lang'] ) ) { switch( $_GET['lang'...

log4j support in Android

I am attempting to shoehorn an existing SDK onto an android device and one of the dependencies of said SDK is Apache log4j. I am able to load my test program onto the android emulator but when the log4j object "PropertySetter" is called the program fails with a verification exception. Is there a way to ameliorate this issue? ...

Rewrite query string "?x=y" style to "/x/y" style

I have a PHP MVC framework I've built from scratch which uses the traditional domain.com/controller/action URL routing. While I'm currently handling the below conversion in the router I'd like to replace them in the URL for cosmetic reasons. For example: controller/action?filter=bank Becomes: controller/action/filter/bank I've don...

trouble with utf-8 chars & apache2 rewrite rules

I see the post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2565864/validating-utf-8-in-htaccess-rewrite-rule and I think that is great, but a more fundamental problem I am having first: I needed to expand to handle utf-8 chars for query string parameters, names of directories, files, and used in displays to users etc. I configured my Apache...

Apache module for restful services

Hi .. My objective is create an apache module that will provide RESTful services (i.e., we have some legacy code that controls/queries some networking equipment and we would now like to expose that functionality as a RESTful service). I guess the flow might look something like this: WebBrowser -- issues RESTful URI---> [Apache (my_mod...

Why is the same CURL code failing on one server and yet works on the other one?

The code attempts to grab a test page for example Yahoo.com in this case. I am outputting the var_dump http://jinimatics.com/test.php (this works) http://jinimetrix.com/test.php (this does not) (Curl is installed on both servers along with fairy recent Lamp Stack) ...

Get client ip with python

Hi, I'm a newbie in python. I want to write a simple web that prints the client ip on screen my http.conf Handler: AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher PythonDebug On The cgi.escape(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) return this error: KeyError: 'REMOTE_ADDR' and I just get lost with the BaseHTTPRequestHandl...

Apache Mod Rewrite question

I am not really familiar with apache modrewrite I have url parameters such as {domain}/index.php?blog=5 i simply want to make it {domain}/home.php?client=5 Is it a task as simple as it sounds and can anyone help ? ...