
Mod Rewrite: Handling two Get Variables

Hello all, How can I edit this url rewrite to include a further get variable being appended to the URL? I have tried a few attemps but I always get a 500 internal server error! I have added comments to show what I am trying to achieve. # /view.php?user=h5k6&page=1 externally to /h5k6/1 # Some times the page get variable will not exist...

using mod-rewrite to redirect requests for jquery.js to GoogleAPI cache

Hi All, Our Linux server with Apache 2.x, Plesk 8.x hosts a number of e-commerce websites. To take advantage of browser caching we would like to use Google's provided copy of jquery.js. Hence in the vhost.conf file of each we can use the following RewriteRule RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} jquery.min.js [nc] RewriteRule . http://ajax...

Apache htdocs in folder with unicode name

I have my apache (for windows) htdocs in a folder like c:\anything1\怘怙怚怛\anything2. The problem is that in this case php won't execute any scripts from here and will display an error message like this: `Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required ...

Drupal Migration Problem

After migrating my Drupal (6.16) installation from shared hosting to Linode VPS (Ubunto 10.04 32 bit). Whenever I click a URL it shows only the homepage. I put ?q=user at the end of the URL to login as an admin. When I logged in it is the same. I couldn't navigate to any URL. It shows only homepage. I forgot to clean Drupal cache before ...

Is it possible to log the first line of the response in apache?

Hey, We have an Tomcat server where we're trying to log the HTTP version which the response is sent with. We've seen a few times that it seems to be HTTP/0.9, which kills the content (not supported I guess?). We would like to get some stats on this by using the access log in apache. However, since the header line for this isn't prefixed...

PHP created directory with NO permissions ...?

Just had something really weird happen, and I'm not sure why. Our site crashed because PHP couldn't write a cache file to a directory which is created automatically by the script. When I investigated, I saw that the directory had NO permissions: no read or write for owner, group, or public. This script creates directories hundreds of t...

PHP SASL(PECL) sasl_server_init(app) works with CLI but not with ApacheModule

I have written a simple auth script so that Webusers can type in their username and password and my PHP script verifies them by SASL. The SASL Library is initialized by php function sasl_server_init("phpfoo"). So phpfoo.conf in /etc/sasl2/ is used. phpfoo.conf: pwcheck_method: saslauthd mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN log_level: 9 So ...

VARCHAR does not work as expected in Apache Derby

I'm having this same problem: How can I truncate a VARCHAR to the table field length AUTOMATICALLY in Derby using SQL? To be specific: CREATE TABLE A ( B VARCHAR(2) ); INSERT INTO A B VALUES ('1234'); would throw a SQLException: A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink VARCHAR '123' to length 2. ...

Is it possible to deploy a Ruby app on a plain clean Passenger setup?

I'm thinking to something really similar on what you can do with mod_php: drop an application in some way inside Apache and making it run with Passenger, without adding anything inside httpd.conf (no vhost, nothing except the basic Passenger configuration). It's something very similar to Wordpress or many other frameworks: just unzip/svn...

How to hide certain file type using apache .htaccess?

Its been a long time since I've needed to crack open an .htaccess file... What is the simplest way to 40x prevent access to a specific file extension though out the entire site? ...

How do you share pre-calculated data between calls to a Rails web service?

I have a Rails app that allows users to build up a network structure and then ask questions about how to navigate around it. When adding nodes and connections these are just saved to the database. At the point you make a query of the network I calculate the shortest path from any node to any other node. Constructing this in memory tak...

Apache + Passenger not passing on custom status codes

I'm currently building an API. This API communicates with the client via status codes. I created several custom status codes (as per http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html#sec6) in order to inform the client on certain things. For example I introduced the 481 status code to signify a specific client error. The Rails app ...

Web programming: Apache modules: mod_python vs mod_php

Hi! I've been using for more than 12 years PHP with Apache (a.k.a mod_php) for my web development work. I've recenlty discovered python and its real power (I still don't understand why this is not always the best product that becomes the most famous). I've just discovered mod_python for Apache. I've already googled but without success t...

unset in Varnish - syntax error

I'm trying to hide the "Server" header returned by Apache on every request, from Varnish. Using in sub vcl_fetch: unset obj.http.Server; on Varnish start I get: Expected action, 'if' or '}' (/etc/varnish/default.vcl Line 43 Pos 9) unset obj.http.Server; --------#####----------------- Any ideas? ...

What is .htaccess RewriteRule best practice?

Is it better to have a single RewriteRule with a bunch of RegEx or multiples Rules with fewer RegEx for the server to query? Will there be any performance differences? Heres is an example a single rule with almost all RegEx groups as optional: RewriteRule ^gallery/?([\w]+)?/?([\w]+)?/?([\d]+)?/?([\w]+)/?$ /gallery.php?$1=$2&start=$3&b...

Can an Apache module inject configuration in runtime?

Hi, I wonder if it's possible for an Apache module to change global config structures. What I want to achieve is injecting new vhosts without Apache restart. Of course I'm aware that the changes would fully take effect after all workers have recycled, but for me - it's still better than a restart. I've written an Apache module before...

rewrite rule for codeigniter

this is my controller in CI class Welcome extends Controller { function Welcome() { parent::Controller(); } function index() { } function bil($model='') { } I want to do a rewrite so that http://example.com/index.php/welcome/bil/model becomes http://example.com/model in my htaccess I have RewriteBase / Rewrite...

relative path not working for images in css

Hi, I have the following file structure: C:/wamp/myproject/admin/webroot/images I have an index.php file lying inside the admin folder which calls a header.inc.php file lying in the same folder. header.inc.php has the following code- <td align="left" valign="top" class="header-bg"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellp...

Use Apache authentication in Django without popup

I am using Apache to authenticate users for Django, but I would like to do so without the popup form that Apache uses in its basic configuration. How do I embed the login form within a page while still using Apache for authentication? That is, I'd like a page that says "Please login" and provides a form asking for username and passwo...

Rackspace Cloud Sites Apache Server Variables

Ran into an issue with the server variable HTTPS not being set when .htaccess was processed. I found the answer here: http://cloudsites.rackspacecloud.com/index.php/How_do_I_force_SSL_on_my_PHP_site%3F but my question is, what other variables may not be set or have different results than expected? I'd rather have a definitive lis...