
.htaccess rewrite rule preventing infinite loop

I have a directory named dollars that contains a file index.php. I would like for the url http://localhost/dollars/foo to translate to dollars/index.php?dollars=foo. This is the .htaccess file that I currently have in the dollars directorty: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^index\.php RewriteRu...

Visual SVN Server, Tortoise SVN and Windows 7 problem -

Hi. I am running Visual SVN Server(with Apache) on a Windows 7 computer and network. After about 15-20 minutes of my first commit/update, I am unable to access the repository via Tortoise SVN. The error message I get is: OPTIONS of "https://jason/svn/repository1": could not connect to server (https://jason) Restarting the Visual SVN Se...

How to upload (FTP) images with a certain group ?

I've configured a IP Camera that upload images in a Ubuntu Server. In Ubuntu server is runnig Apache http server and vsftpd (Very Simpe FTP Daemon). I have to catch the images from a wep application, how I have to configure the permissions ? (without security problems) I thought that I can set the group of uploaded images to www-da...

Make a test server not accessible to any networks

I need to make a test lamp server that runs php files on localhost for anyone with direct access to the computer but isn't accessible from any networks. How does one do this? ...

redirect to http

I have some rewrite rules in my .htaccess that switches the domain to https if its a secure area. I want it to switch back to http if its not a secure area, heres my rules: RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} =443 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/account(.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/shop/checkout(.*)$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/...

Apache AllowEncodedSlashes Not Working

Hi, I'm running Apache(XAMPP package) and i'm trying to allow forward slashes in the URI to be able to retrieve parameters sent with encodeURIComponent, so i added the directive AllowEncodedSlashes On NameVirtualHost *:80 ... in httpd-vhosts.conf. however i'm still getting 404 error, am i missing something? Regards. Yehia A.Salam ...

`No such file` error after uploading large files with php

There is a service for uploading large files (more than 500MB) with php/apache. The progress of upload is tracked by the uploadprogress pecl extension. This scheme works fine only for small file uploads. However, there is a problem when uploading large files. Once the upload is finished, there is a standard information in the $_FILES ar...

Do I need to change anything in php.ini to make changes to .htaccess?

Hello, I am trying to put a rewrite rule on .htaccess, but it's not working. Do I need to make a change to php.ini to enable rules to be added to .htaccess? Thanks in advance, John ...

Apache serves incorrect page

To preface: this has got to be one of the strangest bugs I have ever seen, especially since it comes and goes. There exists a page called view.php and another page called save.php. The bug manifests when I request save.php - I instead get view.php. Request headers say save.php, and it happens in Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, Safari. It ha...

.htaccess if/else depending on {SERVER_NAME} ?

I have this .htaccess file but I would like it to only do this when I'm on the live site. Is there any way I can: // if server_name looks like example.com to this // else dont run this bit RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (auth|register|secure|payment|admin|trading_careers) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{...

Oracle has OWA. What is the PostgresSQL equivalent?

I'd like to write stored procedures in pgSQL that dynamically generate web-ready data. I need a pure SQL to HTML or SQL to XML gateway. Oracle has OWA. In Oracle you can setup a RAC frontend to a SAN and connect a large set of OWA hosts to your RAC so you layer your web requests and spread your queries. What is the PostgresSQL or MyS...

Safari not always rendering page

Having an issue where Safari will not always render the page. When it does, it doesn't always show all the images. Issue happens with all the sites run off one set of code. One site is http://www.wfar.com/. I check the Apache access log and can see the hit, and it passes back a 200 and roughly 8,000 in data. Nothing shows in the error l...

How can I get the DirectoryIndex filename for a given URI using PHP?

I have a PHP program that has the user copying a URI into a text field. It then takes that text field and parses out the filename. The problem I'm having is if the user just puts "http://www.test.com/directory/" how can I tell if the file being served is index.php, index.html, etc etc? I tried using apache_lookup_uri, but it's not giving...

Hide Port Numbers after redirect from IIS to Apache

Hello All, I am running IIS 6.0 and Apache 2.2 on a Windows Server 2003 (dedicated) I have a default website on IIS which is required on port 80 (default). Apache has been setup to listen on 8080. I need IIS for one sytem and Apache for another. I have setup an IIS redirect to URL to forward any request to www.myotherdomain.com to www...

Configuring JBoss and Apache for remote debugging

Hi all, I need you help to configure JBoss and Apache for remote debuging from mu IDE (Intelleji). The JBoss and Apache are installed on remote machine . Please supply me steps how can do that . Thanks in advance ... ...

Deployment/Distribution/Installation of Apache modules

Hello everyone.! I am a student and on an internship currently. I was developing an Apache module, that will be available for my company's clients to download and use. I have completed the module now. Now I want to know what are the best practices regarding the deployment of module. Should I provide binaries of the module or source fi...

Why would a Mac load a different web page by default?

I was working on a site the other day and hadn't set the DirectoryIndex for the public_html directory. On my Windows machine it would load index.php. However, on a Mac running Safari it was loading index.js. I didn't think that the user's browser has an effect on what Apache serves as the DirectoryIndex file. Does anyone know why this wa...

Cannot load module

I receive this error when I try to run Apache 2.2 with mod_wsgi, I have the correct Python version number and the module is installed correctly for Apache. httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 128 of C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apac...

How to disable the DEFLATE module for a specific directory?

I am trying to figure out how to disable the DEFLATE module (gzipping) for a specific directory on my server. This is what I have in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-...

How can I get mod_rewrite and mod_alias to work together?

I have a Windows/Apache/PHP environment set up to imitate a shared hosting account but cannot get mod_alias and mod_rewrite to play nicely with one another. Both are definitely enabled at the server level and on a per-site basis. I have d:\web\public_html\ set up as DocumentRoot. But generally speaking it will be empty. I have d:\web\s...