
mod_perl handles inclusion paths differently than cgi?

I have a script that's written in perl, and executed as CGI. It works fine. Recently I have installed the mod_perl module into apache, and used the PerlModule ModPerl::Registry directive. PerlModule ModPerl::Registry PerlModule CGI PerlSendHeader On Alias /perl/ /real/path/to/perl/scripts/ <Location /perl> SetHandler perl-script Perl...

What automatic decode routines does Apache+PHP use?

While looking over the doc's for urldecode() I came across this note: The superglobals $_GET and $_REQUEST are already decoded. Using urldecode() on an element in $_GET or $_REQUEST could have unexpected and dangerous results. This is the reason why a get variable with the value of %26 ends up being &. Are there any other ...

.htaccess pretty url problem (mod_rewrite)

I have a directory that lists products by categories. if a _GET variable exists, it is used in a query. I would like to use "pretty url's", like: example/a/1/b/2/c/3/d/4 becomes example/index.html?a=1&b=2&c=3&d=4 most .htaccess examples I see only use variables to replace the _GET values, but I can use rules like this: Options +Follow...

Simple Multiple Product Links in .htaccess file are not working

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.html$ product.php?pid=$1&rewrite=1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L,QSA,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.html$ product2.php?cid=$1&rewrite=1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L,QSA,NC] R...

How to control (start / stop encoding) Flash Media Encoder using ActionScript 3 ?

How to control (start / stop encoding) Flash Media Encoder 3.5 using ActionScript 3 (using Flash CS4) ? UPDATE: Flash Media Server 3.5 is also installed in same server. It includes an Apache server, which I think can run batch script, if CGI is installed. Is it a solution? Seems dangerous. ...

IE6: Large File Uploads fail and a Page Cannot be displayed is returned?!

Hello all, I have a very simple file upload PHP script. I am testing with a 175Mb file at the moment. This works fine on all browsers (firefox, chomre etc) including IE7 and above but it does not work for IE6. When I upload the file, the script should export an access database (that was just uploaded) and all its tables to text files t...

Very slow Apache on Windows 7

The simplest script: <?php echo 'hello'; Takes about 3 seconds to execute. There seems to be a big time interval Apache waits until it serves a web page. I tried turning off antivirus, disabling ipv6 and more but Apache is still very slow. What should I do? EDIT: Additional information: Apache 2.2 PHP 5.2 It's only dynamic PHP fi...

Restrict browsing of parent directories in Apache auto-indexing

I would like to have any directory auto-indexing by Apache not display a link to the parent directory. In my current setup, I have only enabled access to all subdirectories, thereby implicitly denying access to the one parent directory of each of those subdirectories. Unfortunately, the auto-indexing is still displaying a link to the p...

do we need to restart apache + APC after new version deployment of app?

when we deploy our app, we simply create a new folder and point a symbolic link to it, so apache will always find its way to the latest build. However, we get strange errors when we deploy and continue testing without first rebooting the apache server. We also have APC running and have a feeling that caching has something to do with thi...

MySQL only returns { first row } from the result of query !

I've used my server for testing PHP & MySQL Applications long time ago. Suddenly, When i try to execute any query on the any table in any database, i get only the first row in the result of the query ! I checked the configuration file, and didn't see anything strange there. OS: Linux / Ubuntu 10.04 64bit Server Edition, Web Server: Ap...

mod_wsgi unexpected behavior on bookmarklet submit or related database action

[updated below] I have a bit of a problem deploying a site on apache with mod_wsgi with some javascript bookmarklet functionality; alpha site is up and usable here: stemhub.org. The problem is that the bookmarklet (which is a browser menu button) submits to a page like http://stemhub.org/submit/http://the-users-link.com/here which th...

Simulate file structure with PHP

I'm running PHP on a shared Apache web server. I can edit the .htaccess file. I'm trying to simulate a file file structure that is not actually there. For example, I would like for the URL: www.Stackoverflow.com/jimwiggly to actually display www.StackOverflow.com/index.php?name=jimwiggly I got halfway there by editing my .htaccess fi...

capistrano apache deployment

hi, I deployed my ror application successfully using capistrano, but when i brought up a browser point it to the application, it said 'server not found'. here is my apache2.conf: .. NameVirualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName hylog.daemon.com DocumentRoot /home/work/hylog/current/public/ <Directory /home/work/hylog/curr...

Transfer raw binary with apache commons-net FTPClient?

UPDATE: Solved I was calling FTPClient.setFileType() before I logged in, causing the FTP server to use the default mode (ASCII) no matter what I set it to. The client, on the other hand, was behaving as though the file type had been properly set. BINARY mode is now working exactly as desired, transporting the file byte-for-byte in all c...

Making an HttpRequest with MultipartEntity in it

Hi all, I've been frustrated at trying to figure out how to make an http request with a multipart entity in it. The multipart has a custom boundary but I can't seem to be able to set it. My code below results in a response message of saying that my message does not contain multiple parts. HttpPut addDoc = new HttpPut(url); addDoc.add...

How to get Apache request thread handle number with PHP?

How to get Apache request thread handle number of current executing PHP script in that script? Platform: Windows, PHP<5.3 ...

Want to load .cache.html file of GWT application on client side

Hi Guys I want to load .cache.html file of GWT application on client side ( Browser ) but now when I load my application on browser each time .cache.html file is downloaded from the server I don't want it to be downloaded on each request , because it's too heavy Please suggest me solution Thanks ...

How to read Excel cell having Date with Apache POI???

I'm using Apache POI 3.6, I want to read an excel file having date like "8/23/1991". switch (cell.getCellType()) { ... ... case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: value = "NUMERIC value=" + cell.getNumericCellValue(); break; ... } But it takes the numeric value type and returns the value like this "33473.0". I've...

Phusion + rails: root site and sub site

Hey all, I'm facing a problem with the deployment of my sites on my server. What I want is to have a site hosted directly at the root and also at /site2. Config now looks like this: - /opt/dn/site1 contains Rails site 1 (so in here there's app, public etc) - /opt/dn/site2 contains Rails site 2 (so also wtih app/public/...) - /opt/dn/www ...

identify Apache config directive

My website has a file: www.mydomain.com/contact.php If I request any of the following (which do not exist), apache serves the contact.php page. www.mydomain.com/contact www.mydomain.com/contact/ www.mydomain.com/contact/anything/else/here How can I determine what part of the apache config to change to disallow this? The apach...