
How to use gzip

Hy can anyone that is using gzip for html js php and css how to implement this on a server. What I want to know is : What do I have do write in .htacces 2.What and from where to download most important does it make a diferance and does it pay off. Thx for your help and time ...

How to set up HTTPS for local testing purposes?

I need to see how a web application will work with HTTPS. But I can't really find much information around about it. I tried to set up my local Apache but I can't find a CA autorithy to sign my certificate... Hints? Suggestions? ...

Clear apache server memory cache

I'm using mod_mem_cache in my apache web server to cache static content, but I need to know how to clear the cache. For disk cache I guess you can just erase the directory or use htcacheclean? But I'm not sure what to do for memory cache (without restarting) ...

Dynamic IP .htaccess blocklist?

Is it possible to block users from IP adresses with a dynamic file-based blocklist? So, suppose the .htaccess looks like: order Deny,Allow Deny from Deny from Allow from all Can this list be made dynamic, for example: order Deny,Allow [include Deny list here] Allow from all Another option would of course be t...

Unable to load dynamic library Error showing up with phpbb forum?

i've a forum and i've installed phpbb3 and i happened to see my forum is not showing anything.. I've uploaded a test file and phpinfo() function and all is working fine but all others are not working.. the error log shows PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/http.so' - ...

easiest way to make pretty urls e.g mysite/page1 rather than mysite?page=page1

What is the fastest way to beautify my urls? I always have a single id ('page'). I want the url to be www.mysite.com/page Thanks ...

Apache: how to setup in Apache/mod_proxy an upper bound on the number of concurrent forwarded requests?

I have a fairly standard setup where a front-end Apache server forwards requests to Tomcat through mod_proxy/AJP. How can I setup Apache/mod_proxy so it only forwards at most N (say, N=4) concurrent requests to Tomcat? Other concurrent requests coming into Apache should not be rejected, and should instead be queued to later be sent to To...

URL Rewrite to remove parameter but send it

I currently use register.php?referal=gamestand on my website so that when the user visits my website through the referal website, I can track how many players have registered from that place. referal=gamestand will automatically fill in an input textfield within the registration process using echo $_GET['code']; The problem is... on Go...

Perl CGI script returns different results depending on run

Hi, I have a Perl CGI script that emits different HTML apparently randomly. None of the inputs change. E.g., I will run wget twice and get two different results. The CGI is backed by a development database that, too, doesn't change. I have a debug statement that informs me that the same number of elements are returned from the DB into...

rotatelogs in lampp

Hi, i'm using lampp and i'm trying to configure the rotation for the apache log files. I've readed about rotatelogs and i've added this in my httpd.conf: CustomLog "|/opt/lampp/bin/rotatelogs /opt/lampp/logs/%Y/%m/%d_access_log 86400 +60" common problem is that i get this error: Could not open log file '/opt/lampp/logs/2010/07/03_acc...

trace infinite loop redirection in apache

I have a PHP script causing a infinite redirection loop and i don't know how to detect it. is there any way to detect this? can i add any command to my .htaccess to write redirections into a log? thanks in advance, ...

help regarding setting up pseudo/fake subdomains on apache

Hi, First of all, sorry if I got the term 'pseudo subdomain' wrong. what I am trying to achieve is this- When someone registers on my application, they get a new url like.. yourname.myapp.tld I dont want to use the subdomain system for this. To be frank, I dont know how the subdomains exactly work but it guess it requires a folder...

How can Apache serve assets (css, images, scripts) from a different document root?

Is there a way to do this? I'd like for my assets to be served from a different document root, and I'm not sure if Apache has directives for that. ...

How do I determine if a PHP script I'm running is as a result of mod_rewrite pointing to it?

I have a PHP script and I'd like to know if it's been executed as a result of mod_rewrite redirecting the request to it. Is there anything I can easily inspect simply to get a yes or no answer? Is there any way to get the rewritten path rather than the one that was originally requested? ...

PHP doesn't run through Snow Leopard Web Sharing

I've followed all the tutorials and uncommented the relevant lines in httpd.conf, but PHP files do not render under Web Sharing. The server just serves up the source code instead of running it. I know that PHP works, because I can run it straight from the Terminal using the "php" command. What is happening here? ...

Suitable CMS framework for site projects - advice needed

I will be creating a website soon, and as such I have four projects on the go (or three if you consider the first entry as a full project in itself, not two separate sites): 1 & 2 - Internet radio station 3 - TV episode guide with airdates 4 - News site I will describe each of them, and how I intend to use them: Project 1 & 2 The ...

how to turn URL to the new domain?

old domain link: http://www.old.com/aa/bb/cc.html i want when this old link to be visiting,turn to: http://www.new.com/aa/bb/cc.html how to do this? BTW: nginx or apache ...

htaccess internal rewrite across domains?

I'm trying to point a subfolder from one domain to another on my vhost (mediatemple). I want to use internal rewrites, not 301 redirects. Here's the goal http://www.clientdomain.com/blog/$1 --> http://www.mydomain.com/wpmu/clientdomain/$1 On the server side, the structure looks like this: /x/y/z/domains/clientdomain.com/html/blog/ --...

ModSecurity: Output filter: Failed to read bucket (rc 104): Connection reset by peer

Hi, I'm doing a POST request to a rest service made with django and piston uploading a file, but when I do the request i get this (strange?) error: [Sun Jul 04 16:12:38 2010] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Output filter: Failed to read bucket (rc 104): Connection reset by peer [hostname "url"] [uri "/api/odl/"] [unique_id "...

500 error when setting up directory protection with mod_authn_dbd

I'm trying to use mod_authn_dbd to password protect a directory. I used the code from their apache help page, but it's chocking on the DBDriver line # mod_dbd configuration DBDriver mysql //modified DBDParams "dbname=mydbname user=myuser password=mypass" //modified /path/to/folder/.htaccess: Invalid command 'DBDriver', perhaps missp...