
Serving Large Protected Files in PHP/Apache

I need to serve up large files (> 2gb) from an Apache web server. The files are protected downloads, so I need some kind of way to authorize the user. The CMS I'm using uses cookies checked against a MySQL database to verify the user. On the server, I have no control over max_execution_time, and limited control over memory_limit. My tec...

Red Hat file include problem, PHP / APACHE

I have a Red Hat Linux box that I did not configure but must get a custom PHP application working on it. This is the error I am getting. I am essentially just trying to include include.php into a file test.php which resides in the same folder. I get the below error. Warning: require(include.php) [function.require]: failed to open stre...

Apache config for PHP and Django

I'm wanting to run PHP and Django together on the same apache config and I'm wondering how to do that? devserver.com <- Serving PHP files from /var/www devserver.com/django <- Serving Django from /var/www/django (/var/www/django/mod.wsgi) Any idea how to do this? ...

Apache: ProxyPass max parameter has no effect

I am using the following Apache config to forward requests to a Tomcat server: ProxyPass /myapp ajp://localhost:8009/myapp max=2 This is a simplified config, but is enough to reproduce the issue, which is that the max parameter has no effect. If I through 10 concurrent requests to Apache, all 10 are forwarded to Tomcat at the same tim...

.htaccess and .htpasswd to prevent access to folder problem

Hi, I have a website admin area I want to protect with a password.. so inside the admin folder I put an .htaccess and .htpasswd files containing this: .htaccess: AuthUserFile C:/wamp/www/website_project/admin/.htpasswd AuthName "Restricted Area" AuthType Basic Require valid-user .htpasswd: (generated using an online tool) admin:sOS...

Languages / stacks for deployment

I'm working on a rather intensive rewrite and given a choice of the following options: JSP / Java running on Tomcat PHP running under Apache Ruby (running under I'm not sure, ROR?) A couple of basic questions I would like to know about the above. Speed is a concern. We have a MongoDB backed database, so we shouldn't need to be waiti...

PHP & Apache error - where it is shown ?

I'm running PHP with Apache locally on my PC on Windows. The script uploads files to the server. When the file size is bigger than upload_max_filesize that is defined in php.ini or the max_execution_time is exceeded, the file is not uploaded to the server and I don't see any message error. My question is where I can see what was the erro...

My web host is adding ?PHPSESSID=fgh2h45... to the end of the URL...

I'm using iPage.com host. In order to use PHP sessions in their host I need to add session_save_path('/home/users/web/.../cgi-bin/tmp'); at the start of each page (in my case only index.php because everything goes trough index.php first). Now, they automatically add the session id to the end of every URL requested like this: website.com...

help with URL rewrite for a multilanguage site with .htaccess (Apache)

Hello, I have a multilanguage site and I'm trying to rewrite the URL's with a fake directory something like this: http://localhost/theSite/page.php?id=param&amp;cat=param?lang=en,fr,es to http://localhost/theSite/(en|fr|es)/page/param/param .htaccess Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(fr|en|en)/(.*) $2.php?id=$1&ca...

django django_authopenid.openid_store error in apache

I am getting the following error on my website: Error importing openid store django_authopenid.openid_store: "No ElementTree library found. You may need to install one. Tried importing ['lxml.etree', 'xml.etree.cElementTree', 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 'cElementTree', 'elementtree.ElementTree']" i have commented all the django openid co...

Detect iPhone browser in .htaccess/apache and redirect to iPhone site

Is it possible to detect iPhone browser agent in .htaccess and redirect the user to the correct iPhone page? ...

Apache2 and CGI - how to keep Apache from buffering the POST data?

I'm trying to provide live parsing of a file upload in CGI and show the data on screen as it's being uploaded. However, Apache2 seems to want to wait for the full POST to complete before sending the CGI application anything at all. How can I force Apache2 to stop buffering the POST to my CGI application? EDIT It appears that it's act...

Trying to run Rails App with Apache/Passenger, but getting 404s

Hi, I've installed passenger (don't know if the installation is correct) onto apache (i'm just using a development macintosh running snow leopard). the httpd.conf file has a VirtualHost setting like this <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName myapp DocumentRoot /webapps/boom/public <Directory /webapps/boom/public> Allow from all ...

How to configure Apache to run CruiseControl.NET dashboard with mod_aspdotnet.

I have installed CruiseControl.NET and VisualSVN Server on my development server. Rather than running CruiseControl.NET Web Dashboard off IIS, I would like to run it off the Apache that VisualSVN Sever installs. I stumbled onto this question on Stackoverflow, and it has helped a lot. I have the following config in the http-custom.conf f...

my website refuses to serve .png files

When moving a site from a staging environment to a production environment, .png image files are not being shown. When going to the image directly, firefox reports: The image (image-path) cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. I've checked mime.types in my apache config, and it contains a line for image/png png ...

How can i protect my server from multiple queries on port 80?

Hello guys, i have a very simple server running WAMP on a windows machine, with a php code who is a simple API for my clients that returns an XML. The things is that the hardware is very modest, and if a user calls the link to the API and hits F5 many times (calls the link repeatedly) the server performance goes down a little (response t...

mod security causes % sign to cause 'not acceptable error'

Hey guys I was just curious if anyone had this problem before. When I go to my site url http://www.site.com/search.php?q=%25 or simply type a % sign in the search bar, I get Not Acceptable An appropriate representation of the requested resource /search.php could not be found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found er...

PHP Extensions Crash Apache HTTP Server on Windows 7 64-bit

Apache 2.2.15 (32-bit) PHP 5.3.2 VC6 Thread-Safe (32-bit) Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 2 GHz Apache Service Monitor recognizes PHP, but crashes if ANY extension is enabled in PHP.ini. If I disable them all, as below, then it works. ;[PHP_BZ2] ;extension=php_bz2.dll ;[PHP_CURL] ;extension=php_curl.dll ;[PHP_GD2] ...

Running magento on other port than default 80

Hi, I have configured Apache virtual hosting on port 8080 to point to my magento website. Listen 8080 <VirtualHost 6x.2x.6x.1x:8080> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName domainname.com ServerAlias *.domainname.com DocumentRoot /var/www/sites/domain/ <Directory /> Options FollowSymLi...

MySql and SQL Server resources utilization comparision

Does Apache with MySql will use less system resources (RAM, CPU utilization) if we develop a web application instead of IIS with Sql Server? My friend told that MYSQL consume very less when compared to SQL Server. I have both PHP and ASP.NET skills. Which one will be preferable to develop application? ...