
htaccess problems with redirect for no www

I've been trying everything to manage a redirect from www.domain.com to domain.com, but nothing seems to work for me. I always get a redirect loop - and I've tried various things I found here or on Google. So here is my .htaccess, maybe someone could help me figure out what I can do to redirect correctly or if there is something wrong i...

PHP virtual() not using mod_deflate in subrequest

Hi, I am using a custom PHP framework, which makes use of virtual() calls to serve files. The general idea is all URLs are rewritten to index.php which decides what resource was requested, then uses virtual() as a passthrough if the resource is images/ css / js. This works quite well, apart from browser-side caching (which was fixed b...

help with PHP script to list directory needs to be recursive

I have a php script that reads a directory and lists all the files/directories in link form, and it works, except I'm trying to get it to be recursive so that when I choose another directory it once again uses the script to display the files inside. Right now when I select a directory it just goes to the default apache listing....any hel...

"No such accessible method: setFields() on object: java.util.ArrayList" when using Apache Digester

I'm currently trying to consume a list of strings from some XML using Apache Digester, as described in the How do I add literal elements to a List object? section of the FAQ. I'm hitting the following error: [DEBUG] Digester - [SetNextRule]{job/editorial/articlegroup/article} Call java.util.ArrayList.setFields([This, This, is, is, a, ...

How does MAMP know to look in /opt for web applications?

I've installed a PHP web application that's in /opt/webapp name. However, I'd like to be able to tell MAMP pull the PHP files from something like /username/localdevversion/. The problem is that I can't figure out what tells MAMP to look for PHP files in /opt. I've looked in /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf and /Applications/MAM...

XAMMP - How do turn on --with-imap-ssl

Hi, How do I turn on --with-imap-ssl in XAMMP? I'm on Mac. Under my imap setting I have this IMAP c-Client Version 2004 However, I think I also need to have the following option, which is not currently showing SSL Support enabled Thanks, Tee ...

Google Reader API request token, get 400:Bad Request

this Android code worked fine before, but i'm having problems for some reason. here is the request i'm trying to make: https://www.google.com/reader/api/0/token i'm getting 400:Bad Request as a response, and i'm not sure why. isn't this the correct URL for requesting a token? the auth token is being passed as a header in all requests...

how to use a rewrite rule to test the date in a cookie?

I found out that you cannot use a RewriteCond backreference as a pattern condition in the next Rewrite Cond... What I have looks right, but Tim is correct in the comment bellow... This is still passing when we are beyond the expiration date saved in the cookie. Any ideas on how to actually test the value instead of the existence? Rewr...

my.cnf mysql phpmyadmin

Hi, Problems:- Whenever I try to select all tables in a database the connection is just lost and unknown error is given by the server to the browser and the browser just reloads with its own error page stating that the server gave unknown error. (This is in phpmyadmin) I tried to solve this by adding max_allowed_packet to my.cnf first ...

Periodic Query or Other Implementation: Java and Http

Consider, several users are using my Java Application. I am using Http Common Apache to GET/POST from a Http Server to get various user data. There is a module in this client Application which triggers current Page no. of the Document (user1 opened). I want other Users(User2, User3,....UserN) to know the Page no. User1 opened. Should a...

PHP, Apache & Oracle setup

Hi, We are planning to develop a web application on PHP & Oracle (11gR2) on Apache and the OS is RedHat AS5 update 3 (AS5.3) Linux. I would like to know the recommended versions of PHP and Apache to be used for such a setup. I have come to know that PHP and Oracle offer the best performance when Apache is running in prefork mode. In ...

Auto initialization for a django app on apache/fcgi

Hello, We are implementing a web service that is hosted in Dreamhost VS, uses Apache with FCGID running a Django application. Our key issue is that the initialization of our application is extreamly long (10 sec) to enable very fast responces. We would like to be able to have a process running waiting for users at all times in a post...

Apache: show files in a directory

I have a private directory with some files, I'm able to do an HTTP authentication but when I try to show the files in the directory I get a Forbidden Error. How i can edit my .htaccess file in a way to show the directory content? This is my .htaccess now: AuthUserFile /private/.htpasswd AuthName "Private" AuthType Basic require user m...

Joomla crash after installation.

http://localhost/joomla/administrator/ The web browser returns an error that the page does not exist after I complete the installation and deleted the folder. I have to use apache2. I am also using the latest version of apache, mysql. Im using php 5.2.13 VC6 x86 Thread Safe. I used a combo of two tutorials: Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 When...

How do you make sure the client gets the 404 error status?

This is actually a two-part question. My server is set up to redirect all 404 errors within Apache itself to index.php?404. Does this still send a 404 status message to the client to tell them the page was not found, and then display my customized 404 error page? Because I also have processes within other pages. While the page itself may...

Checking whether or not a script is running on Apache via PHP

I need to check whether or not an administrative script is already running on Apache, if not then it runs. Currently, I'm loading the server-status contents and checking against it but if I'm checking whether or not the current script is already running it will always return true because I'm running the script to check on itself. Does t...

Help with .htaccess

Hello I need help with .htaccess I was using RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/unsubscribe(/.*)?$ [NC] that to make a folder load without affecting of RewriteRule ^([0-9]+) view.php?id=$1 [NC] I want rewrite the rule to make a folder independent without doing of other rules into that folder Current code to do so is : RewriteCond %{REQUE...

Redirect parked domain (htaccess)

I have two domains in the format of foo.com and foo.net. I currently have the following in my .htaccess to redirect non-www to www: # Rewrite URL to force WWW RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]*\.[^.]*$ RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !=443 RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]*\.[^...

How to change the directory public assets are served from in rails?

My setup: thin running on port 1234 with --prefix /foobar apache running on port 80 apache reverse proxies /foobar to thin on port 1234 I would like the static assets to not be served via the proxy to thin, but instead be served at /assets directly via apache instead. I have to use a relative path because I don't know the host name/...

Apache stripping comments from html

I have a deployment where Apache forwards to Tomcat running on the same system. I'm running into a situation where Apache is stripping out comments in html returned by Tomcat. This is causing lines like the following to be removed causing the js to fail on IE: "<!--if IE><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/scripts...