
Problem authenticating user for Subversion using Apache and Ldap

I'm trying to use Ldap authentication for a Subversion repository, accessed via Apache. Whatever I try, Apache generates the following error msg - authentication failed; URI /repos/branches/my-branch [ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][Operations Error] I've used the AD explorer from Sysinternals to connect to my AD server, and can s...

Alternatives to apache_get_modules() to get list of loaded apache modules

I'm trying to use php to get the list of loaded apache modules using apache_get_modules(), but I get an error that this function is undefined. From searching it seems the problem is that this only works when PHP is installed as an Apache module. This will not function when using PHP as CGI (ex: suPHP) I'm not sure if this is...

Email Server; How to configure postfix to suit my needs? (Do I need SASL or/and TLS?)

I have a linux server, where I just installed postfix. I have done nothing more with the email server config. My website is a classifieds website, where users may put ads, delete ads etc etc. No login and no member functions at all. Only place I need to use email is this: When posting a new classified a confirmation email will be se...

Cassandra getting data (query on different attributes)

dear how i can get data from Cassandra using value posts = { '1': { //this post id 'user_id': '4', 'body': 'This is awesome!', }, } i cen get the post using post id can i get posts related to certain user i mean get post related to user_id=4 like an example (query using user_id attribute) regrads ...

Restarting Apache should not allow PHP scripts to continue running after?

Hello all, I have a PHP script that is running and I sometimes just want to restart apache and get rid of all running PHP scripts. However, I have noticed after my restart, a PHP script will continue running. Why is this? Is there an option to make sure Apache does a proper restart? Or is the ignore_user_abort function causing this iss...

Apache + Tomcat with mod_jk: maxThread setting upon load balancing

Hi, I have Apache + Tomcat setup with mod_jk on 2 servers. Each server has its own Apache+Tomcat pair, and every request is being served by Tomcat load balancing workers on 2 servers. I have a question about how Apache's maxClient and Tomcat's maxThread should be set. The default numbers are, Apache: maxClient=150, Tomcat: maxThread...

Rewrite from https to http

I have 5 sites on one apache server. One of the sites is with SSL. So when the other sites are accessed with https then they are redirected to the SSL site which is incorrect. E.g. https://x.com (with SSL) http://y.com (normal site no SSL) If I access https://y.com then I get the content from x.com. How can I fix so https:...

Recursive loop in my .htaccess

Hi all apache experts, I have a problem adding a default rewrite php and html requests to my apache .htaccess. The idea is to set up templates for the content on my site, specifying that the content in a folder uses a specific template. It works fine for html, image and other resources; requests are rewritten to the template nicely. Bu...

Why apache is recv()-ing something for 15 sec every time?

I have ZendFramework based application that is using XMLRPC communication to other ZendFramework app. Both are on the same server (for development). That communication is very slow, and I am trying to find out why. After profiling, I got to the point where there is a slowdown within fgets() of ZF Lib XMLRPC reader. While strace-ing Zen...

Apache server restart with Ruby on Rails

Hi - I have just restarted my apache server which is running ruby on rails. Now it isn't serving any web pages because I think that some of the Rails related services are not working. Does anyone know how to sort this out? Any help greatly appreciated. More info: error says "Ruby on Rails application could not be started" with Phusion ...

Help with security doubt (PHP MYSQL APACHE Windows)

Hello, for example i have this url: http://localhost/miSite/uploads/ and by doing: http://localhost/miSite/uploads/../includes/, this results in a directory (includes) linsting. It'd be great if you could tell me a way to resolve this. ...

Sharing Apache Server with the Internet ?

I installed Apache with WAMP. I want to make my computer as a server for my web page for make some experiment on my web site.But I can`t open my server in Internet. I can see it in http://localhost/mysite/index.html but when I try to reach it in another computer like http://myserverip/mysite/index.html it says server not responding. I a...

Can I set up variables for use in an apache configuration file?

I have a php webapp convention that I'd like to follow and a lot of setup for it is done in the apache configuration file. Is there any way I can configure some strings that contain paths for multiple uses throughout the configuration file? A dim example might be: EnginePath = /opt/engine AppPath = /opt/anapp DocumentRoot [AppPath]/P...

Rewrite rule on multiple variables using Apache mod_rewrite

Hi, I would like to know how can I rewrite www.site.com?lang=lv&type=1&mode=2 into www.site.com/lv/1/2 using Apache mod_rewrite options. ...

Making pretty permalinks work in WAMP

I am not able to switch to pretty permalinks in WAMP. Changing to any form other than default gives 404 error. I have switched on the rewrite_module in Apache. I googled the problem and found that following changes should be made to httpd.conf file. My httpd.conf file stands as <Directory /> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowO...

How do I enable sticky load balancing based on session identifiers using apache mod_proxy_balancer

Our proxy configuration (in httpd.conf) to send requests to 2 JBoss instances are given below is based on mod_proxy_balancer <Proxy balancer://mycluster> Allow from all BalancerMember BalancerMember </Proxy> ProxyPass /app balancer://mycluster/app ProxyPassReverse /app

Redirect request using .htaccess

I need to do the following Redirect using .htaccess http://example.com => https://example.com/subdirectory http://www.example.com => https://example.com/subdirectory https://example.com => https://example.com/subdirectory https://www.example.com => https://example.com/subdirectory but i do not want to show sub directory in...

mod rewrite code passes Lyxx syntax checker but fails on execution?

Well I only have 2 things going on here RewriteEngine on #part 1. if testdir/something is typed in # then go to testdir?id=something RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} home/testdir RewriteRule home/testdir/(.*)$ /home/testdir?page=$1 [L] #part 2. Send everything else to the homepage unless # it is a file that exists, or if the re...

mod_rewrite question

How to rewrite rule using mod_rewrite - so all links which starts with "/share/" like this one "www.domain.com/share/XXX/YYY/ZZ..." will be showed as emtpy page? I tried this RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/share/(.*) RewriteRule (.*) empty.html [L] But it doesn't seem to work Please help ...

How to hide the root of my webserver, which holds multiple sites, from the world?

I have a deluxe hosting account with Godaddy which allows for multiple sites to be installed on one server. Problem is the root of the server is a site. www.rootsite.com when inspecting all other sites on the server (which are in their own folders) with firebug I see www.rootsite.com/newsite instead of www.newsite.com I would like it ...