
Apache Rewrite Issue, Custom URI

I have a solution but it is one that I know is not the greatest and would better be solved with a full rewrite. Basically I have 3 rewrites that will go to the correct areas I want and do what they need to do. However in order to switch between where I need to go I had to write a URI class to strip through the url set the page and vars...

C++.NET WSDL Stubs fails when connection is lost

We are using C++ .NET to contact a webservice through Apache (2.0.63) which load balances to a Tomcat server. We used wsdl version 2.0.50727.42 (Visual Studio 2005) to generate the webservice code from a WSDL file (duh). We are using Apache to load balance for us and we can dynamically add worker servers (which happen to be Tomcat serve...

What's the difference between Apache and say, Mongrel/other webserver that's not ISS?

Is it that much faster? (And if so, is that just because it's written in C, or due to some other optimizations?) Ability to eventually do load balancing? Having lots of mod_anything you could possibly want here? EDIT: I guess my real question is, what exactly does Apache do differently that makes it so widespread/well used? ...

URL redirect using .htaccess gives 500 Internal Server Error

Hi, I'm trying to redirect anyone surfing to http://forum.student.khleuven.be to http:// forum.kringraad.be. Both URL's redirect to the same directory, basically. I tried the following using .htaccess: Redirect permanent http://forum.student.khleuven.be/ http://forum.kringraad.be/ and also the following: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Rewr...

Enabling axis2 module in apache2

Could someone direct me to the correct mailing list or forum please. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and trying to install Axis C++. I searched the repositories & installed the following packages libaxis2c-bin libaxis2c-dev libaxis2c0 libxerces-c3.1 libxerces-c-dev I tried to enable the apache module with a2enmod axis2c but when I restart a...

how do I get apache http client 4.0.1 (org.apache.httpcomponents) to redirect automatically to a get after a post?

According to the documentation, the apache http client is supposed to automatically redirect. I am submitting a post to a server, and it has a redirect. Unfortunately, the response handler is giving back an empty string. It just isn't following the redirect and giving me that content directly. Is there an easy way to get the client to fo...

Is CakePHP's routing messing up my .htaccess 301 redirect?

I just migrated a site to an updated version, but want to put 301 redirects in place for some of the most common entry pages of the site to their counterparts So here's the rule I'm adding to the .htaccess: Redirect 301 /oldhomepage.htm http://www.thesite.com/ It sort of works, but it redirects to http://www.thesite.com/?url=oldho...

apache status dynamic image

I have a php script which create a dynamic image with cache. I use ETAG and expire headers for all my images, for this I use a regexp like '.(jpg|gif|png)$'. With this method a user receive a "304 Not Modified" server response when the user has in cache images from my website and he refreh a page. The problem is that my dynamic image a...

Can an .htaccess file be too large

Our company is changing web platforms and we would like to be able to preserve our Google results so we are planning on putting the 301 redirects into our htaccess file. My concern is that if if I put in all these redirects (probably 3000 - 5000 total) it will slow the server down as it makes all those checks. Does anyone know if havi...

Online chat - Ajax poll or Reverse Ajax

Hi all, after an entire day of searches, I would to talk about the best solution for an online chat. This is what I know: Ajax poll is the old, bandwith consuming, and not scalable way of doing it. It makes a request for new data to the server every X seconds. This implies one database query every X seconds * number_of_connected_users....

Tomcat servlet logging

I'm new to Servlet containers and have created a web application using Tomcat 6.0.26. I have 'TODO: log' scattered throughout my code. I see there exists: myServlet.getServletContext().log() which appears to write to a file prefixed with 'localhost' in the Tomcat '/logs' directory. I don't need any advanced logging capability, but I...

Remote images displaying only sometimes

Hello, I maintain a local intranet site that among other things, displays movie poster images from IMDB.com. Until recently, I simply had a perl script download the images I needed and save them to the local server. But that became a HUGE space-hog, so I thought I could simply point my site directly to IMDB servers, since my traffic i...

Literals in Mod_rewrite rules

Hi, I have a rule, RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/Strain/([^/]*)/([^/]*)-([^/]*)$ /strain.php?id=$3&strain=$4&source=$2&area=$1 [L] However, having the "Strain" in there doesn't seem to work. What would be the correct syntax for a hard-coded directory name? Thanks :) Any help is much appreciated EDIT: eg,http://mysite.com/San-Diego/Store-Nam...

Apache mod_rewrite redirects, but it's not asked to

I currently have RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / # RewriteRule index\.cgi/(.*) /$1 [R=301,L,NS] RewriteRule . index.cgi [L] I cannot understand why the active rule redirects everything from abc to index.cgi/abc, even though the R directive is not present. This is supposed to produce an internal redirect. ...

No more SVN console client for Windows?

Am I right thinking that Tigris.org have stopped maintaining their SVN binary package for Windows including Apache 2.x compatible package? It isn't listed any more on the Download page. It's very interesting why does it happened? What alternatives are there now? Only SlikSVN? Does it have any differences with old Tirgris SVN? And how t...

1 domain 2 websites

There are 2 different websites in 2 directories ..path/siteA/ and ..path/siteB/ . I need to load one of them on domain example.com depending on their country they are visiting from. It can't be www.example.com/siteA it must be www.example.com . Is it posible? Edit: found the solution. ...

gitorious install won't login

I have installed a copy of Gitorious on my own server. Everything so far seems to be okay except the fact I can't login. Any attempt to login(with correct credentials), from multiple browsers, just throws me back to the main page. Logging in with wrong password will just clear password box. What could be causing this? ...

Apache2 SSL certificate file issue

Hi all I am new to https ( HTTP using SSL). I have managed to generate a self signed certificate file and have added the following lines to the apache conf file: SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /path/to/cert/file/myfile.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/key/file/myfile.key SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdow...

subdomain htaccess

Hi all, I have here a subdomain which i wish to pass on. here the example of url : http://subdomain.domain.com/login and it should point to : http://subdomain.domain.com/index.php/login i write a simple htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt|css|javascript) Rewri...

Apache not loading PHP oracle dll

on win 64, I installed apache, php etc. Everything works fine, except the oracle part. I can connect to oracle from sql developer which means my tnsnames.ora file is correct. When apache starts, there are no errors in the logs. But when I try to connect to oracle from my database, oracle module php_oci8.dll is not loaded. What am I ...