
Can i host ASP.NET on an apache server?

I have heard of the pains of setting up IIS. On a windows box, can I simply drop a ASP.NET application into Apache server and have it work? Or are there any other server alternatives? I am relatively new to web server concepts. I have heard suggestions for the server in mono but it doesn't seem practical using mono on a windows box, ...

WAMP Virtual Hosts Not Working

Hi guys, please help me, I am pulling my hair out. I cannot get Virtual Hosts to work with WAMP. I have uncommented out this line: # Virtual hosts Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf This is my httpd-vhosts.conf file: # # Virtual Hosts # # If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your # machine you can setup VirtualHos...

Compiling apache modules for Windows and Linux distros

Hello everyone. I have written an Apache2 module in C, now I am at the point of distributing the module. I am not sure of the standard practices regarding the distribution of Apache modules, so I am considering to provide binaries for some of the more common platforms, like Windows and Ubuntu, etc. I have two questions to ask- Will ...

.htaccess allow one specific file format only

Hi, I have a directory but only want one file type to be listed. I've tried the following: <FilesMatch "\.(?!ext).*$"> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </FilesMatch> However it gives me a 403. Is there any way to do this? Thanks ...

Authentication Failed (error 530) with Embedded Apache FTP Server

Hi, I am embedding the apache ftpserver in my java web app, I have tried a couple different things and everytime I try to connect to the server via FTP, it says Authentication failed. I have attached my code, and also the console output when I try to do the logging in. Does anyone have any suggestions? I tried running this on OS X and...

Is there a way to set a different PHP module per Virtual Host?

I'm developing for a bunch of sites on my local machine. Some of those sites ultimately run on php5.3, and some run on php5.2. Is there a way I can setup virtual hosts to use different versions of php for each? ...

How to configure Apache 2.2 for django 1.1 on Windows xp

I been having hard times configuring Apache 2.2 for Django app that will run on a local area network. I been through a lot of tutorials and documentations still can not get it working for me My question is there a straight , step by step method for configuring Apache 2.2 for windows i ready to try anything that will work thank in adva...

How do I send a site user login information without being redirected to that site?

I have a form that collects a user's username and password for a third-party site. Only when the login information works do I want to proceed on my site. My problem is that I currently have it set up as a form with the action link the third-party and when they click on the button, it just redirects them to the other site. How can I only ...

Problem with uploading files on root linux server

I have a plesk panel and root dedicated server on 1and1. I'm using custom programed php script to upload the files and create the folders to server. I have the upload folder named upload_data_folder with the 777 permission. The scenario is the following: I want to create folder in my upload_data_folder and than upload files in that newl...

Remove ".html" from URL via .htaccess for a WordPress website

Background information: I've searched stackoverflow for a specific solution and couldn't find one that fixed my situation. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. Your knowledge is appreciated. I've decided to accept a contract to "convert" (in the client's words) a Joomla site into a WordPress site. Everything is going along smo...

How to make php_info working on apache + fastcgi?

the same with title~ Thank you very much. ...

Serving images from outisde of document root

Is it possible? Let's say my directory structure looks like this: /data /data/images /public The document root is in the "public" directory. This won't work, of course: <img src="/../data/images/1.png" alt="" /> But maybe it's possible to enable serving images from directory above document root somehow? I would like to know. ...

How to read Excel cell having null values too in Java...???

I'm using Apache POI 3.6. I've a column which is blank. I want it has to be read and then to the next cell. Even if I could resolve NullPointerException problem I could not get to the next cell. Here's my code snippet : HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(c); String value = null; switch (cell.getCellType()) { case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORM...

mod_rewrite add trailing slash

I am using a .htaccess file to direct requests for a directory to a custom php file that provides info about that directory (and i want the url displayed by the browser to not change). Here is the relevant part of the .htaccess file. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /myphp.php?url=%{REQUEST_URI} [QSA,L] This wor...

Cannot find Java Import in Eclipse?

I've dealt with errors like this in Eclipse before, but I have no idea why I'm getting it this time. I have the Apache Commons IO library in my Build Path as well as in my "lib" folder. I've given the error below. It's pretty straightforward. [javac] Compiling 3 source files to C:\Users\Justian\workspaces\ConnectionComp...

Delayed Jobs leaking memory?

I'm using collectiveidea's delayed_job with my Ruby on Rails app (v2.3.8), and running about 40 background jobs with it on an 8GB RAM Slicehost machine (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Apache 2). Let's say I ssh into my server with no workers running. When I do free -m, I'm see I'm generally using about 1GB of RAM out of 8. Then after starting the w...

encodeURIComponent + Apache AllowEncodedSlashes

Hi, I'm running Apache(XAMPP package) and i'm trying to allow forward slashes in the URI to be able to retrieve parameters sent with encodeURIComponent, so i added the directive AllowEncodedSlashes On NameVirtualHost *:80 ... in httpd-vhosts.conf. however i'm still getting 404 error, am i missing something? Regards. Yehia A.Salam ...

Dynamically point domain in Apache to application running on Tomcat

Hi all, I have question. Let's assume that I have API which allows me to add dynamically add DNS records. Now, I would like to run simple application on Tomcat and put Apache in front of it, so that any domain added to DNS pointing on this Apache would be served by application running. I read a bit about Dynamically Configured Mass Virt...

httpd rewrite rule with a different DocumentRoot dir

Is there a way to make a rewrite rule to file located in a different than DocumentRoot path? Say I have domain http://test.ldt/ with DocumentRoot */home/test_ltd/* and I want that when a file is requested under static. subdomain (http://stats.test.ldt/) it would look for requested file from another path, say /home/static_files/ I was ad...

How do I make the browser display the clean URL on a re-write?

Hello, I have a hyperlink that looks like this: http://domain.com/sample/comments/65 And when I click on it, it goes to this: http://domain.com/sample/comments/index.php?submissionid=65 I'm using a rewrite rule to make it do this. This is what I want, except I also want the URL displayed in the browser to still look like "http://...