
Monitoring which statement updates (and when) a certain table row with Oracle 10

Hi all, I'm using (have to) a badly designed Oracle(10) DB, for which I don't have admin rights (although I can create tables, triggers, etc in my scheme). Now I had run into a problem: this DB connected with several users/programs. I must find out who updates a certain row, when, and if possible: with what kind of statement. Is it pos...

Weather for specific date?

Is there any weather api that supports query weather for a specific date(or date range)? In my application, i need to show weather for today but last year. I can store weather in DB for aech day since now, and next year i'll be able to show last year's data. But it's not "sexy" solutions. Any ideas? Thank you. ...

Jquery site questions

im developing a site heavily based on jquery and involving wordpress. is there any way to navigate between pages without reloading the whole thing, other than simple hide/show functions or with hide/show how can i link to a certain part of the site? for example if the home page is a heap of divs <div id="1"> <p>content here</p> </div> ...

How to export an Excel from dataset and save it into a specific path without showing the save as box

Hi, I have a code to exporting dataset to excel working fine, I want to exporting the excel into a specific location on the server, my code is down here and what changes should I do: Any ideas? public static void ExportDataSetToExcel(DataSet ds, string filename, string path){ HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;...

ResourceBundle MissingResourceException Linux Specific Key

Hi, I have been having this issue in iterating through an array of keys and calling the getString() method on the resource bundle. I have all the mappings I need in my bundle and for some reason one of the resource will not be fetched. This is only an issue in Linux Ubunthu 9. It works in Windows. It finds all the resources up until my ...

Jquery Delete From Table

This code does following: Click on "Delete" in item row -> deletes item row Click on "Delete" in category row -> deletes category row and all item rows (in all table) Need it to do following: Click on "Delete" in item row -> delete item row (WORKS PERFECTLY) Click on "Delete" in category row -> delete category row and all items ins...

Java Printing a Binary Tree using Level-Order in a Specific Format

Okay, I have read through all the other related questions and cannot find one that helps with java. I get the general idea from deciphering what i can in other languages; but i am yet to figure it out. Problem: I would like to level sort (which i have working using recursion) and print it out in the general shape of a tree. So say i h...

xslt display attributes in specific order

Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a way of displaying element's attributes in a specific order, with a use of sequence or somehow establishing an order rather than writing it explicitly. Sorry, explanation is a bit unclear. The example might help: So I have a template: <xsl:template match="Element/@1|@2|@3|@4"> <xsl:if ...

Define a logger for a specific call hierarchy

Hi, Currently i am working on log4j stuff for my application. I have a specific requirement of logging. I need to define a logger for a specific call hierarchy. Meaning all the log messages of a specific call hierarchy should go to a specific appeneder. Example AddFormAction(method1) ---|--- FormBusinessObject(method4) --|-- FormDAOOb...

Reset Particular Input Element in a HTML Form

I have multiple input textboxes in my page. I want to reset particular text box to its onload state if certain conditions fails. I am considering using a Hidden element to store the onload state of the textbox. I would other suggestions or solutions to resolve this issue. ...

HELP! How can I display one style in Safari and a different style in Chrome?

My client is starting to get antsy....so any help would be greatly appreciated. I am having issues with my secondary page header images shifting. It is displaying correctly in Firefox, I haven't been able to check in IE yet w/out access to a PC. It was displaying correctly in Chrome, but shifting in Safari. I added the "webkit hack" ...

Enter a TAB after every Xth character of text

Hi, not necessarily a programmer question but I need to enter a TAB after every 84th character of a text. I'm trying to do it in InDesign but I don’t see an option for this. Is there a good application to do this? Preferably Mac OS X compatlible but Windows XP is fine too. Thank you very much! ...

Read specific line from text file, according to Checked Listbox selection number.

Heya, i want to create an application which will read a specific line from a text file and show it in a textbox. The line will be chosen according to the number of the listbox selection i will make. Here's the code: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase...

.htaccess allow one specific file format only

Hi, I have a directory but only want one file type to be listed. I've tried the following: <FilesMatch "\.(?!ext).*$"> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </FilesMatch> However it gives me a 403. Is there any way to do this? Thanks ...

How to build very specific traffic who buys?

Adwords CPC, article, blogging are all good to build a lot of tyre kickers at our cost but not target specific. I am looking to expose our site to only to specific people who are looking for a niche service online specifically. Please answer if you have experienced and built your site with specific buyers. Thanks ...

How do you set specific properties to a class created by an abstract factory?

Is it possible to have concrete factories create concrete classes with type specific parameters for them using the abstract factory pattern? Or do the different concrete classes created by their respective concrete factories need to to have the same fields? Best regards, Christian ...

calculating new gps coordinates given initial coordinate and *Small* range

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to calculate a min/max lat/long bound on the specific given range of a gps coordinate. for example: gps coord 37.42935699924869,-122.16962099075317 range .2 miles I'm looking at the point + range + bearing in the http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html site but im not sure if this is exactl...

How to insert new line 3 white spaces or 2 words prior to specific character.

I was trying to format a chat log for a friend that looks like this: John Smith > hello Jane doe > hey how are you? John Smith > Pretty good thanks and she wants to format it like this: John Smith > hello Jane doe > hey how are you? John Smith > Pretty good thanks Simply entering a new line after > is not good enough as it would ...

TouchesBegan on specific object

hi all, I've been searching on google for that , but didn't found any answer. I want to use TouchesBegan but on a specific object, like a textview, a label, ... I've tried to replace "any object" by the pointer of my object but it doesn't work. Is there on other way to detect the touch on a object with a method , in witch I can tell a...

Import specific columns of CSV in Excel 2007

Hello, I have a csv file, which consists of many fields (columns). However, I would like to import some columns while not others. Every time I am importing csv files with same structure and selecting columns one by one takes much time. How to automatically select the columns imported? DO I need a template or VBA code? (I am lack of pro...