
How to set log4j.properties so that i can log on both console and file

Currently I am getting log in either in file or either on console but i want log on both so how can i configure log4j.prop for it?? ...

I need help breaking an Apache .htaccess 301 303 Redirect Loop!

Here is my .htaccess: Options +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch #non .PHP files <Files manage> ForceType application/x-httpd-php5 SetHandler application/x-httpd-php5 </Files> <Files profile> ForceType application/x-httpd-php5 SetHandler application/x-httpd-php5 </Files> <Files process> ForceType application/x-httpd-php5 SetHandle...

how to redirect url in apache

I am facing the issue. ...

apache log4j implementation through log4j.xml, log4j.dtd

I have implemented log4j through log4j.properties but i have read there is some benefit of using xml of log4j so now i am trying but not getting it... ...

Run inkscape in PHP

Hello! I need to run inkscape in PHP so I can convert an svg image to PDF. However every time I try: //some PHP code system("inkscape -z --file=svg.svg --export-pdf=pdf.pdf"); //more code I get no new file and I get this in the apache erro log. (inkscape:28607): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Unable to create ~/.gnome2 directory: ...

PHP / Apache, very weird redirect issue...

with NO .htaccess in place, all requests to /login go straight to /cart/register which then goes to /cart no code in any of those files gets executed (PHP files) there is nothing in the httpd.conf referencing "login" or "cart" Any help would be MUCH appreciated! ...

Whats the technology behind sites like (Google Sites, Shoppify etc)?

I am wondering how sites like Google sites and shopify allow customers to create a website and then link it to their own domain?. Google sites allow a user to create their own website, at a user supplied domain, and shopify allows a user to create their own e-commerce site - once again, they can supply their own domain to be used to acce...

Apache+Passenger - Apache running; but not responding to requests

Background I'm running a Ruby on Rails application that has to serve a lot of static files as well. My setup currently is: Debian Linux Lenny 5.0 Apache 2.2.9 Passenger 2.2.10 The problem Everything runs fine. I see apache process spinning up, passenger instances get created and everything works fast and snappy. Then, after som...

How can I install Apache Ant on Mac OS X ?

Hi guys, I tried to install Apache Ant on my Mac and I followed the next steps : I Downloaded apache-ant-1.8.1-bin.tar.gz into my Downloads folder. I moved the file to /usr/local/ using this commands : sudo sh and mv apache-ant-1.8.1-bin.tar.gz /usr/local/ Now I want to use cd /usr/local/ but it's not working, I get back "No such file ...

Getting mod_rewrite to pass $_GET params?

There's a couple other questions on this same topic on here that I've read, but mine is slightly different. I'm trying to do a very basic mod_rewrite: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^go/([^/\.]+)/?$ /go.php?page=$1 go.php looks like this: <?php ini_set('display_errors',1); if(isset($_GET['page'])){ echo 'page='.$_GET['page']; }els...

At enterprise level, is Apache Tomcat used standalone or with Apache server?

Which one of these two is most commonly used scenario? I want to use the same scenario in my learning process. thanks. ...

PHP5 doesn't work an a custom DocumentRoot

Hi, I am currently struggling with the following problem. I have successfully installed Apache2 and PHP5. And it works until I change the DocumentRoot of the Apache2 to something different than /var/www. I want to set the DocumentRoot to /home//wwwroot, but after doing this all php pages are just white. (no download message or sth.) H...

PHP removing HTML from POST data

I am trying to submit a form with HTML data in it to my server, but it appears to be stripping it out and I cant seem to figure out why. If I do file_get_contents("php://input") I can see my content in the raw form: action=submit&content=%3Cp%3EAnteater+Alumni%3A+Help+current+UCI+students+reach+their+goal+of+raising+%2...registration+f...

how to change mime types in MAMP

I'm developing a website that has a HTML5 video. It looks like when ogg files are served with other mime types than video/ogg firefox flips. I've updated the mime.types file inside the mamp/apache/config folder and have restarted the MAMP server multiple times, but ogg files are still served with plain/text context-type. Can someone po...

Does mod_ssl 2.8.31 work with Apache 2.2?

Hi experts, I'm trying to setup a mod_ssl - Apache server for authentication purpose. I just downloaded the latest mod_ssl package (2.8.31) and the CHANGE document says it's only been upgraded to Apache 1.3.41. However, 1.3.x is no longer maintained. Should I stick with the older version of the Apache just because mod_ssl said so or s...

.htaccess Set PHP Value depending on Hostname

Hi, for our project we need to set several PHP values depending on the environment (development/production), most notably session save path and some tracing and profiling settings. We do not want to set them in the PHP script because due to some horrible legacy code which would require a lot of changes and we don't want to have to chang...

PHPMyAdmin cannot connect to MySQL

I installed the lampp sever on my local in linux OS, but its giving error while opening phpmyadmin. #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) ...

Require the www via mod_rewrite - additional conditions needed?

Hi! To rewrite example.com to www.example.com I was told to use the following rules within my root .htaccess file: # Require the www RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/robots\.txt$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/sitemap\.xml$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/favicon\.ico$ Re...

mod_rewrite RewriteRule to handle HTML Entities

For some reason, we recieving a bunch of inbound traffic on URLs that contain HTML entities. E.g. http://www.ourdomain.com/index.php?key1=value1&amp;amp;key2=value2 I want to create a RewriteRule to replace these HTML entities (specifically &amp; with &), and forward people on to the corrected address. I'm tried these: RewriteRule &...

AJAX Push Engine: Can’t contact APE Server.

I'm trying to set up the AJAX Push Engine (APE) on my Mac, running Mac OS X 10.6.4 and Apache 2.2.14 When I run the APE server, this is the output: Hristo$ sudo ./aped Password: _ ___ ___ /_\ | _ \ __| / _ \| _/ _| /_/ \_\_| |___| AJAX Push Engine Bind on port 6969 Version : 1.00 Build : Dec 7 2009 23:05:18 Author : We...