
Problem with struts 2 and json plugin

I'm using the json plugin that comes with struts 2 (json-lib-2.1.jar) and trying to follow the website to set it up. Here's my struts.xml <struts> <package name="example" extends="json-default"> <action name="AjaxRetrieveUser" class="actions.view.RetrieveUser"> <result type="json"/> </action> </package> </st...

Apache mod_rewrite: how to redirect addon domains subfolder access to addon domain itself?

Situation (directories tree) on an Apache server: maindomain.com/ | |_ .htaccess (just an empty file, no rule in here) | |_ addondomain1.com/ | | | |_ .htaccess | |_ index.html | |_ addondomain2.com/ | |_ .htaccess |_ index.html Currently files in addondomain1.com can be viewed by going to: http://www.addondomain1.com/ind...

How to edit httpd.conf for www aliasing?

How do I setup Apache, editing the httpd.conf file I think, to properly alias www so my server directs the right way? ...

Django Apache static files

I have a couple of conceptual questions: regarding serving static files (media) in Django in production. I understand that Django serves static files in development different than in production: read this: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/modpython/#serving-media-files http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howt...

Apache virtualhosts overriding each other.

I'm working on getting a development environment setup on Arch Linux. My virtual hosts all seem to work when I comment out the other virtual hosts in the file but if they are all in there only the first one work when I point my browser to the ServerName. # # Virtual Hosts # # If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your # ...

IE7 and IE8 dropping cookies

Hi, We've recently upgraded our production systems from Java 1.5, Apache HTTPD 1.3 and Tomcat (sorry, not sure which version) to Java 1.6, Apache HTTPD 2.2 and the latest version of Tomcat (again, sorry, not sure of the numbers). Since this upgrade, we've noticed that a (very) small percentage of traffic to our site from IE7 and IE8 dr...

Apache Rewrite: Always use HTTPS (how to add an exception)

On mydomain.com, I currently keep all of my apache conf files in: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ In there I have a file called alwaysHttps.conf that contains: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} I have a bunch of virtualhosts, and for one domain on the site: myotherdomain.com I would li...

Issues testing websites over local network

So I'm creating a few webapps that need to be tested over our local network, the projects currently sit on my MacBook which uses the built in Apache "Web Sharing" server. When developing locally, I just modify my hosts file and httpd-vhosts.conf to create virtual domains for each of my projects, and everything works fine and dandy. The...

Selective Forbidden error

Hi, I am experiencing a weird problem. I have a contact form written in php, in several computers the page works without any problems, but in two specific computers, as i send the form i get a 403 error. even weirder is, if the form isn't filled correctly, it doesn't give me the 403. I gave every folder and file that might be related...

Apache mod_rewrite: explain me %{HTTP_HOST} expecially when using addon domains

Apache mod_rewrite: explain me %{HTTP_HOST} expecially when using addon domains Situation (directories tree) on an Apache server with addon domains: main-domain.com/ | |_ .htaccess (just an empty file, no rule in here) |_ index.html (shown when accessing http://main-domain.com) | |_ addon-domain-1.com/ | | | |_ .htaccess | |_...

browser cache emulation in jmeter?

Running some user-load tests with jmeter, and noticed that for each page load after the first load, the load sizes are similar. This leads me to believe that jmeter's simulation does not use browser cache emulation (e.g. the caching of css and javascript). Anyone know of a method for emulating browser cache in jmeter? ...

Safari PDF viewer does not recognize referrer?

My goal is to have user-uploaded files (mostly PDF) available for download only via a link from the host website. I've protected user-uploaded files with an .htaccess file that resides in the uploads directory. .htaccess checks the referrer against the hard-coded domain name, and if the referrer matches, it allows access. Otherwise ac...

Mapping domains in a forward proxy

I'm currently running apache on my local machine as a forward proxy server. The config is pretty simple: ProxyRequests On ProxyVia On <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> However, if a user uses my proxy, I'd like to be able to map certain domains (without touching my hosts file or DNS) to certain directories o...

Keep rails running under mod_proxy

I have a shared host using hostgator and I run my app using mod_proxy because FCGI doesn't really cut it. How can I ensure that if mongrel crashes or stops running that it will be restarted? ...

In Linux, where is the default root directory for log4j.appender.R.File?

Hi all, in windows, when I use the following File path, log4j will write the file to C:\eclipse\logs\appLog.log (I am using eclipse as the IDE in windows): log4j.appender.R.File=logs/appLog.log Then when I deploy the jsp to the apache tomcat in a Linux server, where does the log file go? (I try to avoid using absolute path because I w...

python delete function not working in apache

i am using the s3cmd linux utility to deletes files from our amazon s3 bucket. i have created a function in python which calls the s3cmd command line utility and access and deletes the files amazon s3 bucket. command= 's3cmd -c .s3cfg del s3://project-bucket/images/testimage.jpg' os.system(command) when i run the project through djang...

Displaying custom error page in PHP for errors which can't be caught by set_error_handler

I would like to be able to discard a partially rendered page and show an error page in PHP. I already know about set_error_handler(), but it can only trap certain types of errors. I would like to know how to show an error page when an error type which can't be trapped by set_error_handler() is raised. Unfortunately, it seems that the f...

Passing values to htaccess

i have a htaccess file for redirection the redirected content is RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -location&action=photos&page=$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /sitename/view.php?link=$1&action=photos&page=&1 [L,QSA] The page numer is dynamically passing from the page How we can get the page number here pls helpme ...

Google Spreadsheet API update \ edit with protocol

Hi, I'm trying to implement some basic functionality for Google Spreadsheets, using the protocol specification with requests. The reason i'm doing this because it is for Android, and gdata-java library doesn't really work and the alpha android one doesn't really cut it. I managed to implement authentication, and get for lists, and delet...

How to configure in Apache an exception to password protection for a CakePhp App?

Hello, I have a CakePHP Application which I want to protect with a password. The tricky thing is, that all files/locations should be only accessible with a password EXCEPT one specific Address (a function withing a CakePHP-controller) The Address is like that: http://example.com/MyApp/MyController/MyFunction?MyParam=MyValue All...