
Increase PHP Memory limit (Apache, Drupal6)

I'm trying to run a Drupal installation on a shared hosting server. (I'm just subscribing to a provider - I don't own the box.) I need to increase the PHP memory limit for my Apache server. I have tried ini_set('memory_limit', '64M'); in settings.php (a file that is included in every request), but this causes Internal Server Error 50...

OSX php.ini memory limits

When you are using the latests version of OSX (10.6), does the memory limit of 8M (or whatever you have yours set to) mean that you are now running with 8 000 000 bytes rather than 8 388 608? ...

PHP Memory Limit 25MB Exhausted - File Upload/Crop/Resize

I'm using a single image upload/crop/resize script for files up to 10MB. When testing, I set php_ini memory limit to 25M and that is exhausted when uploading a file only about 1.4MB. "Allowed memory size of 26214400 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 10368 bytes)" This seems strange to me, isn't 10368 < 26214400? (Rhetorical Questi...

PHP Command-line scripts are ignoring php.ini and ini_set('memory_limit',...) directives.

Hello, I am facing the common "Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 30408704) (tried to allocate 24 bytes)..." PHP Fatal error. Pages served via Apache are not exhibiting this behavior. I've tried the following: Increasing the memory_limit in php.ini to a much larger value. Increasing memory_limit within the script itself via calls t...

Salesforce/PHP - outbound messages (SOAP) - memory limit issue? DOMDocument::loadXML() Premature end of data in tag issue?

UPDATE: OK I figured it out, looks like fread has a filesize limitation, changed this to file_get_contents('php://input') , but now having SF give a Read timed out error and nothing on the PHP side. I have also added set_time_limit(0); to the PHP script which if I understand correctly execute the scri...

PHP - Plesk - Cron - Allowed memory size exhausted?

ini_set('max_execution_time',0); ini_set('memory_limit','1000M'); These are the first two lines at the very top of my script. I was under the impression if I ran something via cron memory limits didn't apply, but I was wrong. Safe mode is off and when I test to see if these values are being set they are but I keep getting the good ol'...

Why can't I create an object greater than 2GB in size in .NET, even on x64?

After reading Are C# Strings (and other .NET API’s) limited to 2GB in size? I played around with large strings and arrays in .NET 3.5. I found that the largest array I could allocate was int.MaxValue - 56 bytes. Similar thing for strings: the largest I could get was (int.MaxValue - 58) / 2 characters (since each character took 2 bytes). ...

Serving Large Protected Files in PHP/Apache

I need to serve up large files (> 2gb) from an Apache web server. The files are protected downloads, so I need some kind of way to authorize the user. The CMS I'm using uses cookies checked against a MySQL database to verify the user. On the server, I have no control over max_execution_time, and limited control over memory_limit. My tec...

PHP ini_get() and php.ini are not in sync

My php.ini has a memory_limit of 256M. phpinfo() reflects this. But from within PHP, ini_get('memory_limit'); returns 32M. My fatal errors for exceeding memory limit also say that the max is 32M. Any ideas why phpinfo() is lying to me? ...

memory_limit=80M. what is the maximum image size for imagecreateformjpeg() ?

i have a webhosting that gives maximum memory_limit of 80M (i.e. ini_set("memory_limit","80M");). I'm using photo upload that uses the function imagecreatefromjpeg(); When i upload large images it gives the error "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 83886080 bytes exhausted" What maximum size (in bytes) for the image i can restrict to th...

Modelsim memory limit

Hello, My PC has 3 Gig RAM and I want to run simulation using modelsim SE6.3 but in compile time needs more than 3 Gig Ram, what should I do??? ...

Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted

I'm handling witha quite little big database (87mb) import and to do that I use a php script. All the operations are made in locale with an apache installation on Ubuntu Lucid. When I run the script after few minutes I receive this error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted I've changed 'memory_limit' to 2GB in php.ini...