
apache url rewrite on .htaccess

I need to figure out the code on my .htaccess for the following. Redirect url http://www.mydomain.com/somekw to http://www.mydomain.com/differentkw also http://www.mydomain.com/somekw?sort=rating&order=ASC to http://www.mydomain.com/differentkw I have read up about .htaccess but I have very little skills, hopefully someone can he...

how to configure apache tiles to read jsps from inside jar files?

Hi, The architecture of my web application is highly modular. I am using apache tiles as the templating framework. The app modules are bundled as different jar files and put inside WEB-INF/lib folder. So each jar file will contain its own tiles configuration files (containing tiles definitions) and related jsp templates. I am using Com...

Subrequest for PHP-CGI

virtual() can be used only when running PHP as an apache module. My shared hosting runs it as CGI so it doesn't work. Is there any other method to do it? Note: the subrequest is for static files that I'd like to let Apache serve (for performance, HTTP-headers caching, etc.). Right now this is handled by using an HTTP redirect (that I wa...

CGI Issues on Apache in a 64-bit Operating System

I have a Ruby on Rails application that uses Apache as web server and my application calls a CGI for some time. This was installed in Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit. My problem is, the CGI is not working as expected, Apache says 'premature end of script'. I am sure that there is no problem with my CGI nor in my Ruby application because it...

Need to set Apache ServerName directive based on environment vars

Hi I have an Apache config which gets deployed to several different webserver platforms (uat, staging, development etc). The platforms are identical Redhat environments. Each platform has an environment var "HOST_PLATFORM" of "uat", "staging", "development" etc. I'd really like to be able to do something like this in my vhost: <...

PHP/APACHE: can i auto_prepend to a .js file?

I'd like to auto_prepend_file all my js files with: var SITE_ROOT = 'http://www.mydomain.com'; Can this be done in .htaccess like it can for php files, if so, how?!!! ...

RewriteRule to redirect requested URLs to a certain URL

Hello everyone, I want to redirect requested URLs that use subdomain such as anything.example.com to example.com, and I want the URL to remain anything.example.com. Currently I am using: ServerName www.example.com ServerAlias *.example.com RewriteRule ^/$ /homepage/ [P,L] It works fine this way. But when I remove the flag P it stops...

where should i implement a "default redirect" in apache

Currently i have 3 separate vhost files default,staging,and devel. I want www.example.com and example.com to use the default vhost. I want staging.example.com to use the staging vhost. Heres where the problem im having is; i want anything else ex. anything.example.com or else.example.com to use the devel vhost. what is the best way to ...

httpd.exe Crashes when executing a PHP Script with MySql in it

Hi, I'm new to PHP and i've been learning some php for the past couple of days, now i'm trying to execute a script with MySql code in it but unfortunately the browser comes up with an error about httpd.exe! it's just a simple code making a mysql connection: <?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); echo "$conn"; mysql_cl...

web services call from a web application running on tomcat

When trying to make a web service (hosted on a different server) call from a web application running on Apache Tomcat 5.5.23 we are getting the below listed error. The certificates are imported to the JKS and the web service call is successfully made as part the unit testing. Appreciate your help. The error logs are an error occured:...

htaccess conflict when adding to existing rules

I tried unsucessfully to add this rule RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule (.*) /blog/$1 [L,R=301] to an existing htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / #uploaded files RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.* Rewrit...

What are some best practices for using continuous integration (e.g., Hudson) with mod-perl for apache module development?

I am looking into using Hudson to perform continuous integration testing for developing apache modules using mod_perl. Does anyone have any best practices or recommended strategies for utilizing these kinds of CI systems with apache modules? ...

Why can't I get Apache2 mod_dumpio working under Lucid Lynx Ubuntu?

I did the following to try to set mod_dumpio up properly: Used a2enmod to enable mod_dumpio Changed LogLevel to "debug" in apache2.config Added "DumpIOInput On", "DumpIOOutput On" and "DumpIOLogLevel debug" to apache2.config Issued "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" to restart Apache Issued "apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_MODULES" to make sure mod_d...

Best methodology for PHP+APACHE+MYSQL Development

Hi! I want to start learning PHP. I have had a look at the various options available to install the PHP+MySQL+Apache combination. But it all seems too cumbersome and a lot of editing to the CONF files always leads to one problem or the other. So I had a couple of questions to ask: 1) How will something like WAMP help me? If I instal...

Which wamp/lamp development environments have openSSL

I'm looking for a wamp/lamp development environment that supports OpenSSL out of the box so I can do things with https://. I'm not sure if OpenSSL is a feature of Apache or PHP, but I would rather not add that myself. If your development environment supports it, please add it here. ...

How does Linux determine the next PID?

How does Linux determine the next PID it will use for a process? The purpose of this question is to better understand the Linux kernel. Don't be afraid to post kernel source code. If PIDs are allocated sequentially how does Linux fill in the gaps? What happens when it hits the end? For example if I run a PHP script from Apache that ...

Uploading a file to my Linux PHP web host through a URL

Hi, First of all, I don't know if this is where I have to ask this question; so I'll count on the moderators to move it if need be. I have a Linux PHP web hosting account on GoDaddy. When I have to upload a file, I normally use FTP, either a client or the host's file manager. However, if the file is one which I have to download from ...

commons-net ftp is uploading corrupted files

Hi all, I'm trying to use apache commons-net for ftp file transfers. Problem is files are intermittently arriving at the server corrupt. by 'corrupt' i mean that winrar tells me a zip file has an 'Unexpected end of archive'. sometimes the files are completely empty. I have noticed that this happens more for larger files (100kb+), howev...

Redirect entire site except one directory to a new site - apache .htaccess

I am trying to move my current site over to a new domain, except for ONE directory. Example: current site: oldsite.olddomain.example new site: newdomain.example So I know I can create an .htaccess redirect entry to do this, and it works, but I want ONE exception - I do NOT want to redirect a specific directory. I still want thi...

Apache mod_speling case insensitive url's issue

I want to have case insensitive URL's using apache's mod_speling module, but this is producing unwanted lists of "multiple options" whilst the apache documention says "When set, this directive limits the action of the spelling correction to lower/upper case changes. Other potential corrections are not performed." I'm testing this on a a...