
Maximum number of concurrent connections jBoss

We are currently developing a servlet that will stream large image files to a client. We are trying to determine how many Jboss nodes we would need in our cluster with an Apache mod_jk load balancer. I know that it takes roughly 5000 milliseconds to serve a single request. I am trying to use the forumula here http://people.apache.org/~mt...

Adding decision logic to Apache's mod_proxy_balancer with Memcache

Hi, What I am trying to achieve is to have Apache's mod_proxy_balancer check if a request was already made using a Memcache store. Basically: Streaming media request comes in. Check if streaming media has already been served with Memcache. If so, can that streaming media server handle another request. If so send request to said streami...

Apache .htaccess query.

I am hosting a bunch of files on an Apache server. The files all have an extension of ".plugin" (i.e. filename.plugin ). The files are actually zip files with the extension changed. When downloading via Firefox the browser saves the file as "filename.plugin" which is great. However when using IE it somehow knows this is a ZIP file and...

htaccess question: Remove 1(!) param from URL query

Hi, my URL looks like page.html?L=0&a=1&b=2&c=6 OR page.html?a=1&b=2&L=0&c=6 OR page.html?a=1&b=2&c=6&L=0 I need to delete the L=0, where L can be either 0 or 1. But I need to keep all other params. How can this be done? ...

CodeIgniter passing a URI as a parameter

I have a script that takes input that looks like this... http://tracking.mysite.com/9/1091/2115/u/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.foobar.com%2Ftestdir%2F But when I do this... die(print_r($this->uri->uri_to_assoc(4),TRUE)); I get this... (probably because CodeIgniter or Apache is decoding the URI embedded within the URI) Array ( [1091] => 2115 [u...

Apache 2.2 CGI perl timeouts, still times out even with periodic prints.

I have a cgi code that is being called by AJAX from clientside javascript. However, the result of the call is discarded by the client. On the backend this code occurs: $|=1; my $i = 0; while (<$fh_echo>) { #To prevent apache timing out the cgi script. print "." if $i % 100 == 0; #Do stuff $i++; } Despite the period...

php, apache & .htaccess: include php configuration file globally

hi, i have a php project which has a configuration file config.php that stores config information like database info, directories, etc. normally we would include this config file at the top of every php page like require_once(".../config.php); however, i have found a way to do this by creating a .htaccess file and include this: php_va...

Apache / PHP on Windows crashes with regular expression

I have discovered that the following PHP code crashes when it runs on a Windows Apache server: <?php $test = "0,4,447,11329,316,415,142,5262,6001,9527,11259,11236,1140,9770,9177,9043,11090,268,5270,9907,9196,10226,". "9399,1476,9368,6929,1659,11074,10869,8774,739,11344,10482,6399,8910,8997,11198,137,10148,10371,5128,767,2483,"....

WSDL2Java won't create all the stubs

Hello! I'm using Apache axis2 and more specifically, the wsdl2java tool to generate the stubs for a web service and create a client, given the wsdl file. When I try to generate stub classes for a paypal web service (its wsdl file is here) axis won't generate stubs for both the bindings included to the wsdl but just for the second one (...

Need regular expression + Apache help urgently!

I have three virtual hosts - 1. development -> 2. staging -> 3. live I want staging.mywebsite.com to point to the staging virtual host, for the live I want mywebsite.com and www.mywebsite.com to point to the live one etc., and then for *(everythingelse).mywebsite.com needs to point to the development server. Anyone have any idea?! ...

How to reload the configuration in catalyst

How to reload the configuration when ever the configuration changed in catalyst web framework and need to reload the configuration with out restarting the catalyst server. ...

How to choose between Jersey, Apache Wink and JBoss RESTEasy?

I just heard about Apache Wink, and I was wondering what differences it had compared to Jersey or JBoss RESTEasy. What can be done in one that the other two can't? We've been using Jersey for some of our internal projects mostly for it's simplicity, but I can't really figure out what makes these other two any better that I would consid...

Apache server running

Possible Duplicate: install apache server 2.2 When I have installed Apache and run http://localhost I get this on the screen: http://i35.tinypic.com/34j5d9s.png. Does it mean that everything is fine and Apache works? ...

site.addsitedir not fully processing .pth file

This is a apache/mod_wsgi/virtualenv/django stack. In the virtualenv site-packages dir I've got a virtualenv_path_extensions.pth file. The apache conf has a WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/my.wsgi my.wsgi has site.addsitedir('/path/to/virtualenv/site-packages') Now, if I start up a python shell, import site, and call the line above, my ...

Is it safe to use mod_rewrite B flag?

Hi, According to Apache bugtracker, the B flag was fixed in version 2.2.9 https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45529 How safe is it to use this B flag? If I include it in the next release of our software, can I rest assured that the majority of hostings will work fine with this? ...

Diferences between php5apache2_2_filter.dll and php5apache2_2.dll

Besides the name, what are the differences between loading one or another? I got issues with APC and X-Debug, I know that is a quick way to crash Apache but my application relies in APC and I MUST profile with WebGrind so it's no option for me to disable either. So I'm trying to think out of the box. What I can't do: Disable APC or X...

How to cache and retrieve images generated on the fly by an Apache Tomcat Server?

Hi, all, I'm working on a web-app project which involves allowing the user to view several hundred small images of roughly the same size, many of them several times. These images are generated on the fly by passing URL strings (specifying height, width, file format, and content) to a service running on an Apache Tomcat server; the URL s...

What is the equivalent function in APR or APR-Util for inet_aton?

In regular unix programming, I can use inet_aton. But is there an equivalent function in the APR or apr-util project from Apache.org? ...

Mamp and wordpress url change

So I had a wordpress installation on my localhost... http://localhost:8888 so I've uploaded the wp files on my FTP, and I've imported the DB.I can't use a new installation because I've edited some core files... I also edited the table wp_options on my site(the web) i've edited the fields, siteurl and home so those two fields, contained ...

Local dev environment, php & mysql work, but not together.

I've spent the whole day trying to set up development environment using: PHP Version 5.3.3 apache 2.2 mySQL Server 5.1 Windows 7 The localhost renders the php fine, and I can work with mySQL via the command line client, but whenever I try to interact with mySQL through PHP I get a 30 second "waiting for localhost" and then a blank w...