
Map all requests to subpaths of a script to the script itself

I have a script at: http:://vis.setihub.org/dataset/index.php/ I want the server to let the script handle requests of the form: http:://vis.setihub.org/dataset/index.php/mysubpath/ I can use the PATH_INFO available in PHP to see what subpath was requested. I just don't know how to make the server send the request to the script in the f...

How can you use a url path as input to a script?

Say I am rolling out a CMS. Each user gets their own page at domain.com/username/index.php. At the moment I'm considering having a new account create a folder at said location and make an index file like so: <?php $username=blahblah; require("../indextemplate.php"); ?> Which would work fine. Everyone gets their own custom pages and su...

CakePHP, issue with subfolder after creating virtualhost for domain name

I originally installed my cakephp in a subfolder of my localhost folder (so in linux my localhost is set to: /var/www and I installed cakephp to: /var/www/site1 I had been using it at this address, so: http://localhost/site1 But now I am putting it up as a live site and I made a virtual server with apache so now this goes directly...

HttpConnection package

I want to download the httpConnection class from apache but I cant find a link, also need to know how to import it and where to put the class files when i have them. ...

PHP, IDE, MySQL, Curl API and apache installation

Is any installer which can configure PHP, IDE, MySQL,Curl API and Apache. my goal is to use Curl API using PHP. I am lots of trouble with manual installing. ...

setting cache headers in .htaccess file

I put the following code in my .htaccess file. But when I run my application, I get server error. I put the code to improve my site's performance. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /domainname/site/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^system.* RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-...

WAMP Curl installation

I have uncomment the following from the php.ini file ;extension=php_bz2.dll extension=php_curl.dll ;extension=php_dba.dll Also ,I have copied the php_curl.dll to windows\system32 and restart the apache server. I am testing the follwoing script <?php $curl_handle=curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_URL,'http://example.c...

Eclipse for PHP

I have installed WAMP and enable some extension. After that i have installed eclipse for php. now my question how can i let eclipse now that i should use apache installation and the version of php which came with WAMP. I will be developing web apps on windows. ...

Excruciatingly slow Ajax with IE6

The title, I'm sure, is gonna provoke a "here we go again..." with many readers. Apologies. I have googled this problem and got the phone book. Mostly re SSL, it must be said. Others point to the terrible JS engine in IE. None of the internet rants I found have really answered this satisfactorily for me. So I thought I post here......

How to get images from over webscope using PHP?

Hi ! How can i display an image on my webpage which i located above webscope? The image is located at /home/image.jpg and the website is located at /home/www/example.com/index.php which refers to http://example.com/. I have tried this code to retrieve the image, but it does not work :( header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); read...

Managing Apache HTTP Server via Java code

Does anyone know of a library that would allow me to tweak Apache HTTP Server parameters (such as Max Keep Alive or Max Clients) programmatically from withing Java code, without having to resort to parsing and modifing the configuration file? Thanks ...

How to allow download of file via Apache with Django's permission?

Is there a way for Apache to allow or deny a file download after checking with Django for permission? That is, I want the user to have a permission within Django to determine if the user has the rights to a file. And, if the user has the permission, Apache would start the file download. Or, if the permission is not set for that user, th...

Permission problem with apache

started new thread to avoid confusion ...

Source code security on Trac

I have trac set up together with subversion. I want to allow some people to be able to add tickets, but I don't want them to access the repository. There will be other users who will be able to access the repo via trac. Currently I am using Apache 2 for authentication. How secure is trac? How difficult is it for someone with limited acc...

Multisite installation, each website should have different IP

I have 17 sites with a multisite installation and uses the domain access module. This means that I have the same code base and same database for all 17 sites.Is it possible to configure Apache(hosting server) in such a way that all sites have a different IP even if the physical location for all sites is same? ...

Connection Reset by peer: mod_fcgid:

Hi When I try to run a program in PHP using domPHP API to create PDF files in runtime - with Godaddy server, I am getting the message - Connection Reset by peer: mod_fcgid the same work in our local server as well as in Dreamhost and Host gator. Godaddy support insists that this is a coding error and not server issue. Can any one hel...

Apace axis2 wsdl2java tool, foo_type0 classes

When I use wsdl2java - with adb data binding - to create the stubs for a web service given a WSDL file, I get some classes with name foo_type0 what is this type and in witch case is it generated?? Could there be a foo_type1 or foo_type2 type?? I have noticed it's generated when a type at the WSDL includes an < any /> element. ...

How can I embed an html page into a jsp whilst avoiding repeated logins yet hosting the html separately to the web app?

I have a tomcat hosted web-app, in one of the jsp pages the webapp displays I am using an iframe to embed an html document. I need to have the html pages separate to the web-app so that they can be altered without requiring a relaunch of the original web-app or access by editors to the web-app. It is also essential that html pages are ...

Extract xml data from gzip file using apache tika?

I am working a project in which i need to extract xml(sitemap)data from gz file using apache tika[AM NEW TO TIKA]. the fie name is something like sitemap01.xml.gz I could extract data from normal text file or html,but i don't know how to extract xml from gz and extract the meta and data from xml... I searched Google for past two days. D...

Problem getting apache to default to a particular JKMount using mod_jk

Hi, I have an apache instance fronting 4 tomcat webapps, lets call them app1, app2, app3, app4. I'm using mod_jk to act as the connector and I've set up apache with JKMount entries for each and I can happily hit: server:8080/app1 server:8080/app2 server:8080/app3 server:8080/app4 But what i actually want is to have all the traffic ...