
Redirect to a sub folder using .htaccess

I moved a website over to a sub folder and I added a htaccess file to the root of the site. For some reason it is not redirecting to the subfolder. below is my code Options +FollowSymLinks # # mod_rewrite in use RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /public_html/corp/ i also tried Options +FollowSymLinks # # mod_rewrite in use Rewrit...

How to remove subfolder from url

I moved my site to a subfolder called /corp/. So to get to the site you type in mywebsite.com/corp/index.php I would like to remove the /corp/ so it looks like mywebsite.com/index.php Thanks for all the help! ...

How do I run Apache (httpd) and Tomcat together?

I recently got projects that runs on Struts and I am expecting more JSP coming ahead. After googling the question, I was led to blogs of people who tried to do the same. Those blogs weren't exactly a step by step procedure of how they did it but more like a reference in case they need to do something the same in the future. In some cas...

What are the best sites/books for learning Apache?

What are the best sites/books for learning Apache from scratch? Any recommendations? ...

htaccess redirect - stricter matching on 301?

The following htaccess based redirection rule works fine: Redirect 301 /content/category/2/24/30/ /new/c/url/ The problem is it works too well. If a user goes to /content/category/2/24/30/50/50/ it will redirect to: /new/c/url/50/50/ How can I get it to do a strict match? Either redirecting both examples to simply: /new/c/url/...

to use thread safe or non thread safe php?

i wonder which installation to use for my php? i will be using apache. i read that thread safe is faster with apache and non thread safe for IIS? isit true (good to know if i intend to use iis later)? ...

.htaccess Issues, Virtual Subdomains & Codeigniter

Hello guys, basically my problem is this. I have set up a system that accepts wildcard subdomains, and rewrites them to a single CodeIgniter installation. There is a controller called dispatcher that takes the arguments that it requires, as well as being passed the subdomain being used in the URL. My problem is this: I need to create Re...

URL Rewriting on Localhost? Apache PHP

Hi, I am using Apache mod_rewrite on Xampp on my local machine but the code doesnt seem to work. Please look at the code below and assist me. I'm a beginner with this. RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^m3/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/?profile=com...

Why do I get "configure:error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" when installing GCC on my Apache server?

I'm attempting to install GCC 4.5.1 on my Apache server, but it says there is no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH. Any suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated. When I use echo $PATH it prints: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/:/var/lib/:/usr/share/ These are the c...

Getting familiar with XAMPP

Iam not able to get familiar with XAMPP interface on Windows7 (Only prior experiencxe is with HTML,C,C++). How to proceed to begin development work in PHP and MySQL and test developed contents using Apache Server. Please help to understand its working flow. Thanks in Advance. ...

Running Django in Virtualenv using Apache with Mod_Python and Multiple Python installations

I would like to run a Django project on a server using virtualenv in Apache using mod_python. Now I know that the recommended apache module to use is mod_wsgi, but I don't want to install that for now. The default python installation on the server is python2.4, which is used by some other website on the server. Because my project was bu...

apache mod-rewrite removing www from url

I want to remove www. from my site url. I have added this to .htaccess: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.mydomain.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://mydomain.com/$1 [R=301,L] It works if I type www.domain.com/x but not if I type www.domain.com/x/y. The rewrite "eats" the x value. Thanks for your help. ...

Error in a rails app under apache and Phussion Passenger

Hi. I've a rails app with Oracle, Apache, and Phussion Passenger over Centos. The apps works randomly, and constantly appears this error "You don’t have permission to access / on this server." Any clue? Anyone has had the same problem? Thanks in advance ...

Django maximum recursion depth exceeded

I'm building a small web project using Django that has one model (Image) that contains an ImageField. When I try to upload an image using the admin interface I am presented with this problem (personally identifying information removed): RuntimeError at /admin/main/image/add/ maximum recursion depth exceeded Request Method: POST Re...

How do I configure Apache2 to allow multiple simultaneous connections from same IP address?

By default, Apache2 seems to allow only 1 connection per IP address. How do I configure Apache2 to allow multiple simultaneous connections from the same IP address? Here is my situation: a web app being hosted on a server. a remote client makes an request that may take 15 seconds to complete. the same remote client makes another (ind...

Apache Mod_cache configuration with Tomcat and Max-age directives

Hi, I have the following system configured: Tomcat -> Apache Now, I have some URLs on which I have Max-Age, LastModified and Etags set. My expectation is when Client1 makes a call to the server, the page should get served from tomcat, but should get cached in the mod_cache module of Apache. So that when next client makes a call, the ...

setting apache environment variable

Hi , My hosting environment using Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) and I am modifying ./usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf to set environment variable and restarting the server . SetEnv XML-RPC-IPs I did set it as a first entry in the file and restarted the server . But even restarting if I try to print it is still ge...

Apache Can't start because of a make_sock bind to address error on port 80

I have noticed a new thing going on with my server that I can't quite figure out what is making it happen. I'm hoping someone out there has experience with this problem and can help me find a solution to get it to stop. I did a reboot on my ubuntu server tonight that I have running at slicehost.com. Everything runs great until I go ...

Are there any resources on the correct ordering of Apache .htaccess directives?

I was tweaking my .htaccess file for the first time, and ran into the problem where my custom 404 page would not load because I placed the Options -Indexes directive after the ErrorDocument 404 directive. Seeing as ordering directives willy-nilly can easily break the intended behavior, is there any online resource that details what the c...

How can I debug external JAR files

Hi, I'm using some apache libraries in my code. At the moment I'm hitting a variety of problems that I need to debug. However the problem is when I pass data into one of said Apache libraries, when I try to step into the method call using netbeans it simply does the processing in the background and doesn't step into the code I want to ...