
php-cgi processes not closed off after script finishes executing - PHP5.3.3, Win Server 2003, apache

I have a strange problem running PHP5.3.3 on a Windows 2003 server with Apache. Sometimes scripts that have been initiated finish the work that they are doing, but the process does not close. This can leave a large number of orphan php-cgi.exe processes running, but not, apparently, doing anything (not using any CPU time). After a whi...

Alias Domain to Zend Directory

I have a ZF website at domainA.com and I'd like to alias domainB.com to something like: domainA.com/photos/album so that album would be the root of domainB. How might this be accomplished? ...

Apache PHP MSSQL sloooooooooow, win7 x64

Hello I had an php apliccation with mssql2000 (sql server 2000) , I'm using appserv 2.5.9 with apache2 and php5. I've upgraded my computer to Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and tryied to run the application, but it goes to sloooooooooooooooooooow Since like 2 years, works perfectly fine (not application problem, and no db problem, works fine...

HTaccess rewrite rule

Hi all. I have a webpage http://mydomain.com/form.php?id=123 , I need to keep this format for old functionality , and to implement a new functionality so the user could access this page like this http://mydomain.com/123. So the client will see this http://mydomain.com/123. And the server will understand as old version http://mydomain....

Apache mod_rewrite: RewriteMap directive using PHP script on Windows machine

This has been driving me insane. I can't seem to get the RewriteMap directive to work for a php script on windows. Here is the relevant snippet from my httpd.conf file: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteMap router "prg:C:/dev/web/www/routing.php" RewriteRule (.*) ${router:$1} </IfModule> My simpl...

Converting org.w3c.dom.Document to org.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl

Is there anyway to convert an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document to org.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl. I need to parse the images inside the Document and HTMLDocumentImpl has a method for extracting the images. I've tried several methods like typecasting, and importNode but it doesn't work. ...

Apache: redirecting users, but keep same path?

I want to be able to redirect users to a different TLD but keep the same path: For example if the user goes to: example.com/cars/10 Using apache how can I redirect the user to something like: my_new_site.com/cars/10 ...

Apache log analyzer that can handle URL parameters?

Hi, I have a web site that uses IBM Websphere Portal technology with an Apache web server inside. The content for the web site is stored in Oracle's UCM (the web content management system). When a user of the web site asks for a web page, a request like this is logged in the Apache log - - [26/Jun/2010:11:16:09 +1000] "GE...

Is Apache Shindig 100% compatible with iGoogle implementation

Is Apache Shindig 100% compatible with iGoogle implementation of gadgets.* API and gadget XML specs. best regards ...

Why are my shared variables getting cleared out between PerlChildInitHandler and PerlResponseHandler in mod_perl?

I am trying to load a configuration file into a hash during my PerlChildInitHandler and then access the values from PerlResponseHandler. However, even though the process number is the same, it seems that variables changed during the child_init() call revert back to their default values when handler() gets called. The basic scenario is: ...

Rewrite .php to .aff and treat .aff as php

Hello, On my website I have an affiliates/ folder. Inside that I have showgames.php I want to be able to access the file as www.website.com/affiliates/showgames.aff Inside affiliates folder,I placed this .htaccess AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .aff RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(.*)\.php$ $1.aff [R=permanent] ...

2 or more Zend apps on a single host with base url rewrite

how can i configure my zend apps so that they can be accessed on the same domain like the one found on apache tomcat e.g. if you have two applications deployed on apache tomcat server you can access them like http://localhost:8080/AplicationOne http://localhost:8080/ApplicationTWo now what i want to have is if i have 2 apps X and ...

Redirecting https to http in Magneto with checkout exception (Apache)

Hey Guys, I am using a Magento installation with the one step checkout plugin meanning I have very few pages that need https, I want to control https search indexing and user access by redirecting the whole https version of the site except of course for the secure checkout. the secure checkout section is /onestepcheckout/ (and also inc...

Apache protect all paths but whitelist a specific path

Below is my VHost (which is slightly modified to obscure some URLS): 1 NameVirtualHost 2 3 <VirtualHost> 4 ServerName internal-name.local 5 ServerAlias *.internal-name.local external-domain.co.uk *.external-domain.co.uk 6 7 <Directory "/var/www/html"> 8 AllowOverride All 9 10...

rails 3 - fcgi_handler and dispatcher missing

Im trying to update a 1&1 server to run rails 3 with apache and fastcgi. Has anyone done this yet? I the dispatch.fcgi file I have: require 'fcgi_handler' but apparently rails 3 does not have this file any more. ...

.htaccess make folder act as root?

Hi, Is there a way to make .htaccess tell a folder to act as the lowest level? What I mean is this, say you have a folder like so: /about/ /contact/ /css/ /images/ .htaccess index.php header.php If they are at /contact/index.php, then if I have <a href="../index.php">Home</a> to go to the home page, it works all fine, but if they a...

What apache2 module to use for traffic limiting?

I'm looking for a module for Apache2 which can limit bandwidth for a given period after a certain amount of traffic has passed. Does anybody know of one? The system is Debian (Lenny). I already looked into: - mod_cband : old, buggy, not being developed anymore - mod_bw : Only for bandwidth throtteling - mod_throttle : was promising, bu...

htaccess redirect all pages to single page

Hi I want to redirect all of my old domain request to my new domain using htaccess file. Below is what I am using but it does not work if the page is not on the new site. For example google index about.htm on the old site but on the new site it does not exist. I would like it to just go to the root in all cases. I know this is not idea...

Will this config error stop apache from restarting

I have a production website running apache on linux. There are all sorts of rules set up which I don't want to mess with. I need to restart apache so I decided to do a configtest first to check that everything was ok. My question is, will apache restart given this error? >$ service httpd configtest Syntax error on line 129 of /et...

my GET variable is being escaped?

I'm really confused here, can someone explain this to me? request: http://example.com/test.php?var=String's $a = $_GET["var"]; $b = "String's"; echo $a . "<br/>"; echo $b . "<br/>"; $output = mysql_real_escape_string($a); $output = mysql_real_escape_string($b); echo "<hr/>"; echo $a . "<br/>"; echo $b . "<br/>"; result: String\'...