
PHP 5.3.2 and Zend Framework Sessions

We recently upgraded our PHP and apache versions on our server. Prior to this our sessions were able to be carried over between subdomains without error. Unfortunately when we made the upgrades it stopped working. From what I can see everything is the same. I have tried ini_set("suhosin.session.cryptdocroot", "Off"); ini_set("suhosi...

Java apache commons telnetclient

Hey guys, I'm trying to use the telnetclient class in apache.commons.net and have run into a bit of a problem. TelnetClient telnet = new TelnetClient(); terminalTypeOptionHandler ttopt = new TerminalTypeOptionHandler("VT100", false, false, true, false); EchoOptionHandler echoopt = new EchoOptionHandler(true, false, true, false); Suppre...

How to see error info and debug info from Apache server?

Nowadays when running WAMP or MAMP (or the default web server on a Mac), whenever there is error from the CGI file (such as Ruby or PHP), the error message is not shown (and no line number either). Is there a way to run the web server in a shell so that any error message is shown? The one I am trying to show is on a Mac's built-in web ...

Doing SSL with Reverse Proxy

We have one server serving Django content using mod_wsgi and one server in our DMZ reverse proxying all users. The only way to get to the content is via the reverse proxy and we want some content to be secure and some not to be. Is the best way to set it up having SSL on both servers, or is that a waste? Should I move all the encryption...

[sort of solved]Why would a web page be blank even if the source was identical to a web page that isn't blank?

I have a page on a server at a remote location that only displays if it is accessed internally. Heres how it works, the page has a button and a list of files, when the button is clicked the script creates a csv file from various database tables and writes it to a folder on the server. The page then refreshes with the new file in the li...

htaccess 301 redirect problem wordpress

I'm trying to move one website to wordpress and I want to redirect a few pages to the new address. I've added the following lines in htaccess and the redirection does not work as I want. Instead of opening http://domain.com/category/category1/ it opens http://domain.com/?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=13&Itemid=26 wh...

IE8 not working with apache basic auth

Hi, Basically what happens is when I go to the site ie8 pops up the prompt for logging in, I provide credentials and hit "ok". The popup comes up again, I repeat, same result. I've repeated up to 10 times and still ie never logs me in, if I hit cancel I get logged in (after several attempts) This works fine on firefox and chrome. Any...

PHP app in liferay - HTTP Status 404

Hi, I'm a liferay newbie. I'm trying to write a simple php app that echos some text and add it as a plug in to liferay. I've created the file helloworld.php, zipped it up and installed it. Finally I add it to the page but am getting the following error: HTTP Status 404 - /helloworldapp/ type Status report message /helloworldapp/ descri...

What different settings affect PHP and/or Apache timeouts?

I was asked to help troubleshoot someone's website. It is written in php, on a linux box, using an apache server and mysql, and I have never worked with any of these before (except maybe linux in school). I got most of the issues fixed (most code is really the same no matter what langues it is) however there is still one page that is t...

Custom .htaccess password protection handler

I need to protect a site that has a ton of static .html files. The standard .htaccess scheme doesn't meet the requirements. Is there a way to specify an .htaccess style of password protection with a custom handler? That is I need to write the code to determine if the user is allowed or not, but I don't want to modify a million .html fil...

Benefits of a 64 bit Machine for Hosting your Web Application

Hello all, I am about to buy a server, before I do so, I just wanted to ask the SO community on its thoughts of a 32 bit server or a 64 bit server and its advatnages on a LAMP stack. 1) Is it difficult to install Apache, MySQL and PHP on a 64 bit machine or is it the same as a 32 bit machine? 2) Are there any performance gains of havi...

Enable GZIP on a PHP server?

I was going on a binge to increase speed of my website and optimize what I can within reason, one thing I wanted to go into was editing some Apache/MySQL configurations so I can decrease page loading time, I wanted to try something with .htaccess but I hate 500 errors that ensues, as I got PHP I'm wishing to do GZIP compression there. W...

configure httpd.conf to allow host access to my website

I have a server which is online right now, but requires authentication when accessing, so it is basically closed to everyone but me. Thing is, I don't want to "Open" the website to the public, but I need to test my website on different browsers. One way is to do it from websites like browsershots.org, which requires access to my websit...

Accessing a site via localhost instead of IP

How do i set it up so my php files in my sites folder can be viewed with just the command localhost/ instead of the default the bottom one works fine but where do i need to change it so in my browser i can just enter localhost ...

DNS problem - dig resolves but curl cannot connect to host

I have recently created a Rackspace cloud server instance using CentOS 5.5. I have used yum to install the "Web Server" group (it includes Apache, etc.), added www.booztrakr.com as the ServerName in httpd.conf, made sure iptables allows on port 80. I had registered this domain with Go-Daddy and changed their name servers to the Rackspa...

windows apache dynamic domain

Hi all, I have Windows 7 + Zend server In httpd.conf file i have: NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin keyne@localhost ServerName local-izbori.bg ServerAlias *.local-izbori.bg DocumentRoot "C:\Program Files\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\izbori-www" <Directory 'C:\Program Files\Zend\Apa...

Problem creating friendly SEO URLs on local server

I'm having problems implementing friendly SEO urls on my local (Mac OS X Snow Leopard) development server. *Note: site.com is just an example (1) Currently my site's root is set up with a virtual host pointing to a sub-directory of my Sites folder. (2) Pages are currently being accessed in the following format: http://site.com/index.p...

Fedora LAMP: Problem include configuration file

Hello, I've been configuring LAMP server on Fedora core 13 and when I tr to include my configuration files from within /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf using apache's Include directive, apache just fails on restart action. What is the problem, is there any problems on Selinux stack? Sultan ...

Nginx vs Cherokee replacement for Apache

How do you compare Nginx and Cherokee in terms of memory usage and performance? My VPS serves Drupal 6.16, magento 1.4.1 and CS-CART 2.0.15 with apache2 prefork-mpm. Apache2 eats my memory even though my sites are pretty low traffic profile (htop shows that each apache process eats %18 memory) . If I change apache to nginx or cherokee w...

YSlow tells me site is not compressed even though it is

"Grade F on Compress components with gzip There are 19 plain text components that should be sent compressed" I have checked the compression of the main page, as well as all 19 components individually using "http://www.whatsmyip.org/http_compression/" and it shows compression in all of them. Furthermore, I ensured I'm not using a proxy ...