
Calling perl from php?

I have a php script that handles a form input. For design reasons both a bit out of my control, and which I do not entirely wish to change, I have to call a perl script with the parameters specified in the html form. I sanitized all inputs and then output them to a file called input, which is read by the perl script named, for sake of ...

Apache Server connection authentification

How would I go about having my android app be able to automatically enter a set password and username to gain access for a file on my apache server? I know that server side it would be php and obviously java for the app, but i am somewhat new to this and any examples or sites with tutorials would be greatly appreciated/. ...

How to setup a forward proxy and a reverse proxy on the same server using Apache HTTPD

I have an application that acts as both a HTTP server as well as a HTTP client. For security reasons, the application runs on a server on a protected/internal network. I would like to setup a HTTP proxy that acts as an external interface for external parties to access the application. For external HTTP clients to access my applicati...

Issue of authentication with apache.

Hi experts, I have two laptop,both Win7 64 bit.To demostrate some POC,configured apache(2.2.16),and wrote links in PPT,when clicking a picture in PPT,then guide user to the localhost web site.The issue is we can't log in in one computer,but can log in in another computer, and all the files are same copy. Here is the http.conf configrua...

Apache with two urls and two different SSL certificates

I will ask this with an example - I have a setup, nginx, django, apache ( nginx forwards ssl requests to apache) I have website https://www.xyz.com which has a ssl certificate associated with it and clients use it when connecting. Lets say, I have another domain name www.abc.com, which I want to assign it to the same server as xyz.com ...

friendly urls for users profile?

hello i wanted to create a format for users url, for example for the user ninja123, he would get a profile link of example.com/ninja123, im using php mysql on apache. this is the normal link! viewprofile.php?userid=2 how could i appraoch this problem? and im a bad .htaccesss newbie :)) thanks ...

.htaccess not working

I have a .htaccess file to remove the index.php part of the codeigniter-style URL. It's been working fine on one computer but when I copied the file over to my laptop it doesn't seem to do anything. I'm using localhost on both machines. They both run mac osx 10.6 with the bundled apache and php and the latest version of mysql. Everything...

Reload Apache from Rails application

Dear All, I have an application which allows users to add there own domains and forward them to particular CNAME so that it works with our application. For my part, I just need to add a ServerAlias for the domain in my vhost file and reload the apache. I understand that rails app won't have necessary privileges to reload apache. So,...

http file access and php sessions

If a site has php session's in place to enforce authentication/authorization to pages on the site which are implemented in php, how does the same logic enforce access to certain files. Lets say a repository of files in a directory. So /var/www/html/ is protected via authentication however, this PHP authentication logic won't prohibit...

3 WordPress Instances - is there a solution?

A website I work on is currently running three different instances of Wordpress blogs, all with their own set of users & permissions, plugins and themes. Unforauntely, I don't think Wordpress Network is a viable option due to the restrictions around where sub-blogs can be in terms of urls. Here are the url structures of each blog: ...

.htaccess: how to restrict access to a single file by IP?

I've look all over, but keeps running into same info that talks about directory level IP restriction, which usually looks something like this: Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from Is it possible to have same type of access restriction tied to a page/document? ...

Apache forward everything to Tomcat except webmail

I have my Apache HTTP server set up to forward all requests to Tomcat, i.e. proxy_ajp.conf looks like: ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/ where Tomcat is listening on port 8009. This works find except when I try to access squirrelmail (i.e. webmail) on the server. Is there a way to forward all requests to Tomcat except those going to...

php/apache: allow larger max_execution_time for a CRON job?

I want run a php script weekly using a cron job, however the script may take a few minutes or more. Is there any way i can allow a greater max_execution_time just for this script? ...

System text causing 403 forbidden error in PHP

Hi All , I have a simple form that is submitting to a post.php file . This form has input fields . If the text written in any of these input field is : System something , then I get a 403 forbidden error . However , if I write the same System in quotes i.e "System" then it works fine . It seems like that System is being treated as a...

mod_rewrite rewriting a url

Hay, can someone lend a helping hand to get a rewrite rule to work? I'm developing a CMS and the URL currently look like this page.php?id=2/About-us I want to remove the page.php?id=2/ part of the URL and just show About-us Any ideas how to get this working? EDIT I have since changed my URLS to page/PAGE_NAME and used th...

How do I debug an uninformative error message in apache/php?

Warning: Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0 Is the error message, as far as I can see I don't have it in my code/.htaccess file ...

expires headers? How do I implement them and what are they?

I am using jquery. I have tried searching how to implement them but it makes no sense to me. It talks about apache and Django and Lighttpd, but I have no idea what those are. I used ySlow on my webpage and it told me I need an expires header.. Apparently it really helps with performance though and that's what I really need. Anyone help...

Serve file to user over http via php

If I goto http://site.com/uploads/file.pdf I can retrieve a file. However, if I have a script such as: <?php ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); //require global definitions require_once("includes/globals.php"); //validate the user before continuing isValidUser(); $subTitle = "Attachment"; $attach...

Where to get latest SVN bindings against Apache 2.2 ?

Auld lang syne, it was possible to download pre-compiled bindings (binaries) of SVN against Apache 2.x on subversion.tigris.org Where now? ...

Transferring magento to MediaTemple

After transferring a Magento installation using these instructions, when I try to browse to the home page I am redirected to the "downloader" page ie http://mysite.com/downloader and then I get a blank page. Any ideas where the problem might be? ...