
Invalid header signature; IOException with Apache POI on excel document

Hi, I'm getting: java.io.IOException: Invalid header signature; read 0x000201060000FFFE, expected 0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 when trying to add some custom properties to an excel document using apache POI HPSF. I'm completely sure the file is excel OLE2 (not HTML, XML or something else that excel doesn't complain about). This is a relevant ...

How can I convert this Apache Rewrite rule into a Tuckey UrlRewriteFilter Rule?

I have the following Apache Rewrite rule <IfModule rewrite_module> RewriteEngine on RewriteMap tolowercase int:tolower RewriteCond $2 [A-Z] RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*).html$ $1/${tolowercase:$2}.html [R=301,L] </IfModule> that changes this: http://localhost.localdomain.com/FooBarBaz.html to this: http://localhost....

apache htaccess redirect many url to one

Sorry guys if this is a lame question, but the examples i found dont quite work the way I want What I'm tryint to achive is send any web site request for products to "producto.php" but keeping the descriptive URL for the search engines. This is the .htaccess I have RewriteRule ^en/products(/)?$ /en/products/tactical/ [R] RewriteRule ...

Asp.net on Apache setup questions

We have an already existing project on IIS and we want to move to Apache (windows) with mod_aspdotnet. What things could not work? If we use 3rd party DLLs? Will office components work fine (export to Excel, Word, etc). If you have any experience on this type of migration, I'd like your inputs! Also, is there another alternative to mod_a...

Downtime when reloading mod_wsgi daemon?

I'm running a Django application on Apache with mod_wsgi. Will there be any downtime during an upgrade? Mod_wsgi is running in daemon mode, so I can reload my code by touching the .wsgi script file, as described in the "ReloadingSourceCode" document: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ReloadingSourceCode. Presumably, that reload requ...

How to set mod_deflate preferred compression method to deflate

The title says it all. mod_deflate always sends gzip data when the request header Accept-Encoding is gip, deflate. How can I tell mod_deflate to prefer to send deflate (NOT zlib) instead of gzip? If this isn't possible...why would the develpers name the module mod_deflate when it can't deflate. Also, what is the best way, if any, for ...

Is there a means of executing code during the startup of Apache Tomcat 6.x to perform intialization routines, etc.?

I want to initialize a global instance of a class before my Tomcat server completes startup and begins to offer my servlets. If this service somehow fails initialization, I'd like the entire startup sequence to fail as well (or as close to this as possible; it would be pointless for the server to be running otherwise). What's the best ...

open adobe fdf file on web server = blank document

I have an adobe fdf that contains data variables file that links to a pdf. When I open the file with windows explorer, the fdf opens the pdf file in adobe reader with data variables in their proper fields. When i try to open the fdf file in the web server, I get a blank page. Is there configuration on the server to do (mime type?) ...

pywin32 CreateEvent and Apache

Hello all, I have a website in Django1.1.1 deployed in Apache2.0. In the backend I have a launcher script that starts three python processes that interact with the frontend. One of these processes uses a Windows Event (using CreateEvent) that communicates with Apache. My problem is that when I run the launcher script first and then sta...

How to implement "remember me" for tomcat JndiRealm form authentication?

I have a webapp running on tomcat using a JndiRealm and form authentication. I would like to add a "remember me" checkbox to that form. What is the best way to do this? ...

apache rewrite conf.d

Hi guys, I have a question about the damn configuration of apache (I HATE IT). I have a cms that hosts multiple domains on the same port. What i am trying to do is getting all domainnames on port 80 to be send to port 8080. Also i have a cash dir based on the domainname and before all this a rewrite that strips the www. from the do...

Domain Name Server on Windows for locally hosted websites

I have a half-dozen domains (with associated domain names), hosted locally on Windows/Apache and accessible to the wider internet. At the moment, the name servers are provided by my domain name register at extra cost. I would like to host a domain name service (on the same machine as is hosting the websites). I have tried BIND withou...

Best small web app release plan?

Hi, We are using Apache and Python, but that doesn't really matter. Basically, we have a Production version of our software that is running with clients depending on it being stable. Meanwhile, we are coding up the never version. Does anyone have a simple release plan they'd care to share? I've done the following on past projects,...

Apache asks the password for each subdomain with htpasswd.

Apache asks the password for each subdomain with htpasswd. I want that he would ask the password at the first input and remembered me for all subdomains I use the following code: AuthType Basic AuthName "Projects" AuthUserFile /blablabla/baz.htpasswd Require valid-user ...

Apache Alias or ScriptAlias in use with PHP doesn't work

I'm trying to set an Alias in Apache to use for PHP files where all my PHP scripts reside. Usually, we write: Alias /php-bin/ "/var/www/php-bin/" Unfortunately this doesn't work for PHP: <?php require /php-bin/file.php; ?> Apache still understands the Alias (I made some tests), PHP however doesn't find the Alias the way it's suppos...

Who Add "_" Single Underscore Query Parameter?

I have a PHP server running on Apache, I get lots of request looks like this, - - [02/Sep/2010:16:14:31 -0400] "GET /request?_=1283458471913&action=get_list HTTP/1.1" 200 547 0 "http://www.example.com/request" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)" 28632...

apache redirect question

What I want to do is no matter what the user types in, redirect to index.php. Is this what I am saying here? Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond $0 !=index.php RewriteRule .* index.php?path=$0 [QSA,B] ...

Can't get setenv to work in .htaccess

SetEnv doesn't seem to work for me. I tried this in my .htaccess: SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^192\.168\.0$ ip_ok <IfDefine !ip_ok> AuthName "Guest Login" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /opt/lampp/lib/ok_users/guests.users require valid-user </IfDefine> and I had to provide username/password credentials even though my ip is

unserialize() function does not work on a variable from the MySQL table on new server

We just switched our website over to a new server. There is a part of my PHP software that pulls out a serialized data value from the MySQL table, and puts it into a variable, and then it's supposed to unserialize(). I never had this issue on any other servers (and this exact code is used on many different servers..), but I'm getting an...

How to use ThreadSafeClientConnManager.requestConnection(HttpRoute route, Object state)

With ThreadSafeClientConnManager.requestConnection(HttpRoute route, Object state), what is the second item "state" supposed to be? Ultimately I'm trying to ThreadSafeClientConnManager.releaseConnection(ManagedClientConnection conn, long validDuration, TimeUnit timeUnit) to release the connection. But I need the ManagedClientConnection, ...