
I am trying to run rails on Apache, but can't get it into development mode

Hi there, I am setting up a development environment for ruby on rails. Using rails 3.0, ubuntu, mysql and apache2 with passenger. So far so good until I go to localhost and it tells me: "Mysql2::Error Unknown database '[app-name]_production'" The error occurs because I don't have a production database. Only _development and _test. ...

Which version of apache http client is compatible with java 1.4.2?

Somehow I can't find this info ...

error on running my application in Django with mod_python

I have win32,python2.5,django1.2, apache2.2, and mod_python3.3.1 I have installed properly mod_python. Now my application name is myapp.setting which path is c:\myapp.setting. In myapp.settings my file is myapp.settings\url.py,settings.py etc. now in apache httpd.conf file I have changes following:- <Location "/mysite"> SetHandler...

find the name of user executing the cron

I've got a file index.php. there are 2 users having separate crons running accesing the scripts. is there any function in php/linux to identify which user's cron called that... its a cent-os.. ...

Apache logs live filtering

Hi all, I'm running a web app on Apache 2.2 with the usual access_log enabled. For privacy reasons, I'd like to remove specific parts from some URLs before they're written to the log (i.e., post-processing the logs is not an option). I made a small perl script along the lines of $|=1; # unbuffered writes open(LOG, ">> ${ARGV[0]}") o...

error in configure mod_wsgi with Apache2.2

I am follow this http://pradyumnajoshi.wordpress.com/2009/06/09/setting-up-mod_wsgi-for-apache-and-django-on-windows/ I am using python2.6, Apache2.2, Django1.3 and mod_wsgi>3 on windows xp. now I have installed Apache correctly it is running well. and I have add the following line in httpd.conf file:- LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod...

Secure files with .htaccess

Hi there, I have a set of files in a secure directory (currently secured by .htaccess, only 'the site' can access these files). The files should only be available to members of the site; when they are logged in. I did have links in the members' area which went to a secure download script - however, using the readfile() function caused ...

How do I exclude CSS, JS, JPG, GIF files from mod_rewrite rules?

This is what I have so far: RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_]*)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [NC] RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_]*)/([A-Za-z0-9_]*)/?$ index.php?page=$1/$2 [NC] RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_]*)/([A-Za-z0-9_]*)/([A-Za-z0-9_]*)/?$ index.php?page=$1/$2/$3 [NC] All of my css files are located in /ssi/. The site structure itself is /index.php?pag...

Posting a base64 encoded file problem

Hi. I'm try to post in a hidden input a base64 encoded image (~ 500KB) and all I get is an error 501 Method Not Implemented GET to /test.php not supported. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. my code <?php error_reporting(E_ALL) ?> <html> <head></head> <...

AS3: Sockets & HTTPS/SSL

Hey guys, I've had quite a bit of success implementing the Socket class in AS3, particularly with making HTTP requests to retrieve binary (images) or ascii (JSON) data. However, I need to be able to be flexible between HTTP and HTTPS - so given the current state of AS3's Socket class, this becomes a problem. My question isn't necessar...

Django app stops working when deployed on Apache ( subprocess runs, but fails )

My Django app stops working when deployed on Apache ( with mod_wsgi ). It runs on a Windows server. The app calls on a windows executable called "rex" ( Alchemy Remote Executor ) which executes a command on another remote windows box. process = subprocess.Popen( ['rex',ip,usr,pwd,command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=...

Compiling Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.2.16 with OpenSSL

Apache 2.2.16 is currently the "best available version" of the HTTP Server. I made some changes to the source and need to recompile with OpenSSL. My question is, should I use OpenSSL 0.9.8o or OpenSSL 1.0.0a? The latter is a more recent, major release, but Apache couples HTTPD 2.2.16 with OpenSSL 0.9.8o in their binary offering. See ...

mod_fcgi + APC + Shared Memory

One of my sites is growing and I'm having scalability issues. My knowledge with this new software is rather small, my hosting company doesn't have a clue either. Shared Memory is not working since variables are not cached between requests, is there a way to make this work? At the moment the script is relying on Memcached but there is th...

Structuring a central Git remote to serve production Apache sites

I've been referring to http://toroid.org/ams/git-website-howto as a starting point for a production web server running on a managed VPS. The VPS runs cPanel and WHM, and it will eventually host multiple client websites, each with its own cPanel account (thus, each with its own Linux user and home directory from which sites are served). E...

mod_rewrite chaining?

I have a bootstrap php file that I am routing all requests through: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?query=$1 [L] Say I have a url like /books/moby-dick, but I need the URL to pass to the index file like /books/detail/moby-dick. Is there a way to "rewrite" /books/moby-dick to /books/detail/moby-dick before the last RewriteRule? I thought ...

php htaccess redirect

hi to all, i have a site in php. now i want to redirect my older site url to new url. whenever user enter my old site url in address bar using browser url must be redirect to my new url. How can i do this using .htaccess file. Thanks in advance. ...

remove query string key=value at webserver level (apache/nginx)

I would like to remove fb_xd_fragment from the query string and pass the rest of the request off to the application level. This is for an improved cache hit rate so doing this modification at the application level is not useful nor possible (trust me). Example of how to modify the query string using apache or nginx would be nice. Ex...

Hiding file name with htaccess

My Perl app reveals the filename 'processing.cgi' in the addressbar when running on my hosting account, but on localhost it seems to work fine, that is, it doesn't reveal the filename 'processing.cgi'. Here's .htaccess thats exactly the same on both locations: AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +ExecCGI IndexIgnore * DirectoryIndex ...

How do I hide actual directories using mod_rewrite?

I am hosting a couple of domains of the same wordpress installation, now I'd like to have a per-domain folder for some various files I need to put up there. Essentially I want to map like this: URL Path webbfarbror.se/f/* _files/webbfarbror.se/* grapefrukt.com/f/* _files/grapefrukt.com/* This little sn...

Apache -Caching: How to Configure Response headers in Apache 2+.

Hi All, I am very new in Apache Configuration and caching. I want set some headers in Apache (eg max-age, min-fresh, last modified etc). Have checked Modules are there and there installed and loaded.... Have edited httpd.conf and re-started the same after making some changes regarding caching headers...... e.g. <FilesMatch "\.(...