
install & setup mod_security on RHEL5/Centos5 with Plesk

i've not founded any up-to-date or passable informations, how to install apache's mod_security addon on a machine runing plesk (the thread in parallesl forum is also confusing..). # wget -q -O - http://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic.sh | sh # yum install mod_security # yum update as some of you maybe know, plesk runs his own apac...

How to return an apache error page from a wsgi app?

Hi, I have a simple working wsgi app. I can successfully return whatever HTTP status code, headers, and HTML I want. What I would like to do, is that when I'm returning a status code other than '200 OK', for WSGI to let apache fall back to its error handling and display whatever page apache is configured to display according to its 'Err...

apache2 rewrite rules in .htaccess

I have this in my .htaccess file RewriteRule ^example6/$ http://www.yahoo.com [R=303] The rewrite engine is on, all other rules are working except this one. Any idea why this may not be working and what I need to do to get it working. Thanks ...

If you have an SSL Cert, why not use https for the whole site?

I was asked this question not too long ago, and didn't have a good answer... Is there a good reason why a site that has an SSL certificate wouldn't use https:// for their entire site rather than http:// Are there SEO issues? Performance overhead for the server? Just in case it matters, we use LAMP stacks. Thanks! ...

Beginner Facebook Application Questions

I'm just getting into Facebook application development. I've got some questions about how the applications are developed. First, there's the Facebook PHP SDK. You can install this to a web server capable of executing PHP, but does that mean if you went to www.example.com/facebook-php-sdk/examples/example.php that it would look like you'...

Is Quercus (Java) faster than native PHP?

If so, why? (Or maybe the better question is 'when'?) I've found some scattered comments, such as in this post, which seem to indicate that Quercus may actually offer some performance advantages over native PHP. I am looking to use a Tomcat/Quercus configuration instead of an Apache/PHP one. (I need a Java servlet container and the alt...

Apache CustomLog help required

Hello SO folks, I would like to log images to a seperate file on the server for all domains. This works: CustomLog logs/host1-access-log combined env=!image CustomLog logs/image-access-log combined env=image But it is necessary to add this to each and every vhost. This quickly becomes a problem when you have 24710 hosts. I don't...

Wildcard Tomcat url-mapping or filter-mapping

I'm using Railo 3.1 , Tomcat 6 , Apache 2.2. I'd like to create a servlet-mapping that recognizes any path. e.g. <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>CFMLServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/default/*.cfm/*</url-patter> </servlet-mapping> I know that this url-pattern is incorrect per the specification. Since this I'm using a conte...

PHP authentication + mod_rewrite

I have a PHP script that tests is the user is logged in, for every page he accesses in a certain subdirectory. If he's logged in, he gets the page, otherwise he gets redirected to a login page. Instead of including this into every file (not possible since some are binary), I set up .htaccess like this RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQ...

Rewrite rule generator?

Anybody know an online tool to generate Apache mod_rewrite rules? I'm thinking of simple standard scenarios: Simple redirects (url1=>url2) Removing / adding www. /a/b/c/d to index.php?value1=a&value2=b... and so on and so on.... I'm asking because most mod_rewrite questions turning up on SO could be answered with a link to that, an...

django session timesout within 10 seconds

I've finally deployed the app. on production and the session timesout very quickly. If I'm not continuously clicking on links, it'll expire in 15-20 seconds. This doesn't happen in Dev. but again the setup is completely different. Here is the setup I have in production - nginx + apache (wsgi) + django 1.1.2 Backend is mysql. The keepa...

Why don't SSI's work for me?

I'm trying to include one html file into another. I'm coding on the MAMP stack. I assume SSI's are automatically permitted. I type <!--#include virtual="header.html" --> in the body of one html file, the other file is called header.html, and they are both in the same folder. I even tried calling the file header.shtml instead. Non...

SSL with Virtual Hosts on Apache in Amazon AWS EC2 environment

I am trying to set up two virtual hosts served over SSL on Apache in Amazon AWS environment. I understand that SSL cannot use Name Virtual Host on Apache unless: * I bind two IPs to Apache each serving a separate virtual host. Unfortunately, AWS does not allow me to bind more than one public IP to each EC2 machine * or I use SNI (server...

How to solve import errors while trying to deploy Flask using WSGI on Apache2

I am having an issue deploying a flask app on apache2 using wsgi. I have posted the error logs and config files below. I have tried moving things around, renaming them, etc, but all give me an internal server error. Not sure why I'm getting the import error. Any input / suggestions are appreciated, thanks! Here is my apache error.log [...

Is there a way to check if a directory exists in Apache configuration files?

Is there a way to include configuration settings in Apache based on if a directory exists? Basically I have a portable hard drive that I transport between work and home that has some stuff I'm developing on it. I only want the Apache config to load a particular virtual host if the folder exists. ...

svn per apache with mod_rewrite

I have the following virtuslhost for my subversion repository and i want to create a link which always points at the latest stable tag. i tried this using mod_rewrite. it is accepted by apache without any errors but wont work. i also tried to rewrite .* which seems not work (yes i restarted apache) <VirtualHost svn.warsow-race.net> ...

Mac web sharing: default directory listing name length

I'm sharing a folder over the web using Mac's Web Sharing. Some file names are long and they are concatenated. How do I change the default directory name listing length on a Mac? ...

Problematic slashes at my URLs

I've got a web page with URLs like http://www.domain.com/section.whatever.php. Problem is, whenever an URL like http://www.domain.com/section.whatever.php/something, the page still works but the slash completely destroys the design of the web, I suppose it makes the browser think all the static assets like images and CSS are at the wrong...

apache mod_deflate not compressing

Hi, I've done the following to enable and configure mod_deflate in apache running on ubuntu >sudo a2enmod deflate >sudo apache2ctl restart >sudo vi deflate.conf <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/xml application/x-javascript text/javascript application/javascript DeflateFilt...

I'm having trouble following these instructions: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/FAQ.html#ssi-part-i

I want my apache server to parse shtml files so I can include them in other html files, but I can't seem to understand how to modify the config files, even with these instructions: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/FAQ.html#ssi-part-i Could anyone provide really really specific instructions? Such as specifically what files to open, ...