
Image remains cached until explicit browser page refresh (F5) despite proper Etag

I have an image that is server properly with the 200 code the first time round. Let's say I modify its timestamp, so the Etag changes as well (same result with changing the image size). The image is not invalidated in the browser's cache if I try to navigate the web with simple clicks on anchors - I get a 304 response code until I explic...

W3c Markup Validator on Windows 2003 with Apache

Hi All, OS = Windows 2003 (latest sp / hotfixes etc) Perl = Active Perl 5.8.9 Build 825 Apache 2.2.11 Followed the following How-To: http://validator.w3.org/docs/install_win.html Moved to : http://superuser.com/questions/188549/w3c-markup-validator-on-windows-2003-with-apache ...

how to redirect to current directory with rewriterule

how to redirect to current directory with rewriterule How can I redirect to current directory with rewriterule. example: http://www.mySite/directory/subdirectory/index.php now program is trying to goto vvv.mySite/index.php RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d ##RewriteRule . /index.php [L] RewriteR...

PHP in Mac OS X : Shows up the PHP code when opening the page

PHP Source Code is being shown up when opening PHP page in my localhost. This looks strange to me. I'm using using PHP 5.3.1 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. $ php --version PHP 5.3.1 (cli) (built: Feb 28 2010 15:02:51) Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies I'm running the defaul...

Is Mono for ASP.NET mature enough for real applications?

Have you heard of real ASP.NET applications that use Mono? What problems do they face? Would you advice this technology to build a server-side for a RIA? We plan to build ASP.NET Web Service. There is a team of .NET developers and we want to reuse our skills so we have to stick to ASP.NET. But it would be undesirable to use Windows serve...

Apache, HTAccess, rewrite rules

Hi, Hope you are fine. I have a problem, if you can help me. #My rules (in this order):# (WORKING:) RewriteRule ^artists\/(.*[^discographies])\,([0-9]*)\/$ /artists/artist.php?id=$2 [L] URL: /artists/B/barrington-levy,869/ (WORKING:) RewriteRule ^artists\/(.*[^discographies])\,([0-9]*)\/discography\/$ /artists/discography.php...

Problem using php ODBC functions from within a Joomla article.

I am new to Joomla and new to php (wish I was so new in age too). I have installed joomla on a local apache webserver. I am trying to use some php code in a joomla article in order to fetch some data from a Sybase ASE 12.5 database. I installed sourcerer and started to try an ODBC connection using a system DSN (which I verified it is wor...

redirect with htaccess

hi, i need to redirect temporally a domain to a subdomain, this is my code for .htaccess: Redirect 302 / http://m.domain.com/ this works great, but i have some subdirectories like: http://domain.com/photos, the code above redirects this way: http://m.domain.com/photos i have a lot of subdirs and sub-subdirs, how i can redirect success...

Server returning no response for certain URLs for Rails app on Apache2

I just implemented a new controller in Rails, and added routing info to routes.rb. Things work fine when I access the new URL on my local machine in dev mode. However, after pushing the changes onto my prod server and attempting to navigate to the URLs controlled by the new controller, I get no response from the server. I've tried restar...

Apache Folder Permissions

When I create a directory with PHP's mkdir(), the folders' owner is 'apache'. When I create a directory over FTP, the owner is 'ftpadmin'. For some strange reason, with PHP's rename() function I can't move any files into a directory owned by 'apache'. I've chmod() both the file and the directory to 777 and 0777, but 'apache' refuses to ...

php development workflow

I'm looking to setup a development pipeline that will allow me to separate my code into three categories: live, staging and dev I'm using a2hosting's shared hosting package with ssh access. Ideally I'd like to have three paths on the server for each one of those branches. I'd like to keep each version of the site into svn so I can quickl...

Error of installing Apache: no services installed

Hello guys, just now I am trying to install Apache 2.2, and it just tells me "no services installed" after installation. And I can't find a file called "apache.exe" in its program files at all. What should I do? ...

Content Encoding Error

Hello. I have a page with gzip and in my php index file i have ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); [HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING] has value gzip,deflate and even that i receive in some refresh case that error about Encoding. In htacces i added php_value zlib.output_compression Off and nothing. Any ideea how to fix that? Thanks. ...

.htaccess mod_rewrite rule "works", but server sends 404 code!

I have the following .htaccess file on my webroot: DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200 RewriteRule .* - [L] RewriteCond $1 !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|ico|css|js|pdf|mp3|flv|swf)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Rewrite...

How to redirect "/" to "/home.html" only if the file "/index.html" does not physically exists?

Hello everybody, I found a way to redirect (not load, but change the URL) "/" to "/home.html". And now I want to add a RewriteCond to avoid the redirection if the file "/index.html" exists. I tried (without the comments), but it didn't worked : # We check that we comes from "domain.tld/" RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} =/ # We check that ...

Redirect from one domain to another, without the user realizing it

Hey I have a bunch of domains on on of my servers. I'd like to be able to redirect some domains to a different domain without the user knowing, so not a 301 redirect. An example, redirect domain.com to masterdomain.com/sites/domain.com. So when visiting domain.com, the user would be displayed with the data on masterdomain.com/sites/do...

What does mod_auth_passthrough do?

Hello. What does apache module mod_auth_passthrough is for exactly? It seems to be shipped with CPanel and sometimes is active. What exactly is it for and what does it do? ...

Request Entity Too Large PHP

Hi, In one of my CakePHP site, I got this error. Request Entity Too Large I don't know what is the problem. I think the data that I am posting through form is too large. I searched this in search engine and got that I will have to increase post_max_size. Be default I think it is set to 8M. But don't know how to increase post_max_size...

Wordpress Permalink Redirection Hell - Should I Just Use .htaccess?

So I've been in the process of improving the SEO of a wordpress blog I took over at my job. As I have learned more I have wanted to change the permalinks. Originally the permalinks were all /year/month/day/postname/. First I changed them to just / postname/, but then I wanted to do a better job siloing. So a few weeks later I changed the...

php silently ignoring include on localhost, but not on external server.

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 with Apache2 and PHP5. I have a directory structure like this: \www\ \index.php \parts \head.php \body.php Inside my index.php I have a command <?php include("parts/head.php") ?> and the equivalent for body. These files both exist and they contain more php and html code. The on...