
Where does the PHP error log reside in XAMPP?

I've been testing PHP projects locally using XAMPP (on Windows). I can find the PHP error log though. Any ideas? ...

rewrite module test

hello there how to check rewrite engine is active on my server ? ...

MySQL trigger + notify a long-polling Apache/PHP connection

I know there are Comet server technologies that do this but I want to write something simple and home-grown. When a record is inserted into a MySQL table, I want it to somehow communicate this data to a series of long-polled Apache connections using PHP (or whatever). So multiple people are "listening" through their browser and the sec...

Firefox / Chrome shows plain text from cgi script

I currently have an internal website that is running Apache. It is serving some cgi script webpages (perl code). Recently in Firefox and Chrome it is starting to show plain text version of the HTML code. In Internet Explorer it renders the cgi files as HTML, but in Chrome and Firefox it is rendered as plain text. In the perl code I h...

nginx and codeigniter (telling a server to put all traffic through index.php?)

Basically, the htaccess I use with apache says something like "if the requested file or directory does not exist, route the request through index.php" How exactly can I do this with nginx? That way, if a stylesheet is requested, it's served. But if the url isn't to a file on disk, then it should run the framework. ...

How can I enable Perl web scripts to run on Apache?

I have a Perl script which is scripted to print "Hello!" on a web browser. I am using apache as my localhost server. The OS I am using is the Red Hat 5. The problem is that when I type the address http://localhost/example.pl or, it shows me exactly the entire script codes but not the "Hello!" word that should...

Where is ".htacess" apache file located in Linux Red Hat?

Hi there! Does anyone know where is the .htacess file located after I install in linux red hat 5? Thanks! ...

will restarting apache clear my memcache contents?

I just wanted to know if memcache is linked to apache or it runs as a separate process. So, will restarting apache clear my memcache contents or not? ...

How can I create read-only FTP access for user on Apache server?

I have a web site with lots of pages of photography. In order to allow visitors to download groups of photos without having to save each one individually, I want to create a read-only FTP user that will be publicly available. Via the control panel for the host, I can create "regular" FTP user accounts, but they have write access, which ...

apache use all of available disk space

Hi, I've a server with running apache, then, every 20 h i must restart apache service because / partition is full (100%), after restart space disk is 33%... what can i do for this problem? Thanks Bye Mauro ...

Developing Restful Web Service with JAX-WS/Axis2

Hello, I'm new with Restful Web Services and got some questions about some of the requirements needed to create one. 1) I got only Apache2 installed on machine and I can't install any EE Server. Is it possible in this circumstances create Restful Web Service? What is better in my case Axis2 or JAX-WS? 2) I want to make the content of ...

Configure Apache to run ELF executables

I've searched for this for a while but have not been able to find a solution. How can I configure Apache to run any ELF executable in the web root as a CGI program? For example, if I write and compile a C program and place it as /var/www/something, I want to be able to visit http://localhost/something and have Apache run the program, out...

Varnish: cache only specific domain

Hello, I have been Googling aggressively, but without luck. I'm using Varnish with great results, but I would like to host multiple websites on a single server (Apache), without Varnish caching all of them. Can I specify what websites by URL to cache? Thanks ...

htaccess - How to restrict to access from my home

I have a website on the internet that I only want to be accessible from my house. Could I have htaccess be restricted to the MAC address of my router? If not, are there any other options? I don't think I could use IP address because my ISP changes it all the time. ...

What is the correct mime-type for serving an iPhone .ipa file?

I'm trying to post .ipa files onto our apache web server for our beta testers to download. Currently I'm using the following line in .htaccess to serve the files: AddType application/octet-stream .ipa This works great in Safari and Firefox, but in IE the .ipa extension is removed and is instead replaced with .zip. So instead of MyApp...

[PHP] session_start Throws Fatal Error

I'm currently working on a small CMS for my website and I'm getting following error when calling session_start() : Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0 I'm storing the PDO database connection in the $_SESSION, so I need to call session_start() directly after starting up the script. Here's a snip...

How do I add some static routes to a CodeIgniter app?

How do I configure a CodeIgniter app so I can have one directory that will just serve some static (not MVC) html? I want to handle some existing links, in the form of: http://mysite/contactform/contact.html?queryvars Anything in the /contactform directory including sub-directories (which is just some css, js, images,etc) should not go...

deploying my grails WAR into EATJ free host trail don't work

i've deployed my grails WAR into EATJ.com free host trail but when i enter the url he give me which is http://emadhegab.s23.eatj.com/ it gives me 404 error i've deployed the war as ROOT.war and it's fully grails app. is there a problem with eajt or something?? or it's just me i'm still newbie at this ...

Dropping .htm from URL

I'm trying to create a mod_rewrite rule that will drop any .htm that gets appended to a url that gets put in. For example, if someone types in example.com/faculty/jim.htm, I want drupal to ignore the .htm and just go to the page example.com/faculty/jim. Any mod_rewrite experts out there that can lend a hand? Is there something I can alte...

How can i migrate SSL from Tomcat to Apache HTTPD?

I am migrating my single server tomcat to a cluster, load balanced and cached by Apache HTTPD (reverse proxy with mod_proxy). Is it possible to convert the certificate and keys to the apache format or i have to re-issue the whole thing? ...