
Something rewrites rules for php when Apache mod_rewrite module is disabled

I run the following url: http://localsite/index.php/foo/bar index.php is executed and outputs variable: $_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME] = E:/path/to/file/index.php mod_rewrite in Apache is disabled. Who rewrites the rule?Or what happens? How index.php is found? Why apache decided to run it? My configuration: Windows Vista, Apache Apac...

CakePHP Missing Controller - but it exists

I recently downloaded cakephp-1.3.4. I set it up on my web server. I followed the advanced installation settings. My folder structure is as follows. /common/ cakephp/ app/ etc... /htdoc/ The /htdoc folder is the webroot; cakephp resides in the common folder. I have configured the paths in index.php to point to this folder...

Why do I get 500 error codes on certain URLs on certain servers with certain client certificates?

Warning: I've found a weird reason for this behaviour. The question below is obsolete. Here is the followup for all the gory details. Setup: A production server running SuSE Enterprise 11 and my Django 1.1 application. The application is being served with Apache (mod_wsgi) over HTTPS with client certificates (SSLVerifyClient require...

How to retrieve images stored in file server?

I have a java web service through which I upload images to a file server. I want to access these images from my java web app. How can I make the image files (and eventually other static files) available from this file server? The only thing I could think of was to use Apache Http server as a proxy to my web app for these images, but th...

Filter apache log file using regular expression

Hello, I have a big apache log file and I need to filter that and leave only (in a new file) the log from a certain IP: I try using this command: sed -e "/^" < input.txt > output.txt But "/d" removes those entries, and I needt to leave them. Thanks. ...

how to have apache always return code 200 with data instead of 304?

Hello all, I would like to have Apache HTTPD return response code 200 with data of resource request via a GET instead of returning response code 304 with no data. Any one have an idea how to do that? Thanks in advance ...

Rewriting a redirected URL with mod_rewrite

Hi, Here is my setup : I have a website located at www.cabsh.org/drupal I want to use mod_rewrite to do 2 things : Redirect www.cabsh.org to http://www.cabsh.org/drupal/index.php (I got this one) Rewrite /www.cabsh.org/drupal/index.php to www.cabsh.org/site/index.php I cannot figure how to achieve the 2nd point. I'm using .htacc...

forwarding every request(other than specified) to same php file

Hello, I am trying to route every request(with params) to file home.php without changing the URL other than few we would like to go as normal i.e. /user.php?a=new should forward to /home.php?a=new but browser url still should show /user.php?a=new /profiles/user.php?a=delete should point to /home.php?a=delete and url should stay same ...

Running Multiple Sites with Django's Sites Framework through Gunicorn/Nginx

I have a Django based CMS that uses Django's sites framework and Nginx/Apache/mod_wsgi virtual hosts to run a number of websites on different domains. We're assessing other options for a Django stack and have the CMS running with a single site on a new server with Nginx proxying to Gunicorn (gunicorn_django, specifically). Although this...

Php server to server session management

Hi all, I am trying to retrive XML from a site and process on my server. I can get the XML on my browser after I log in to the specific site. but I cannot do it by sending request from directly from server because the session is not available. How can I achive this ...

mod_mono question: Could not resolve the name 'ConfigurationManager'

Hello, I'm running mod_mono 2.4.4 on Ubuntu and I'm finding that I've had to go through my VB files and add "imports System.Configuration" to all of them to resolve the name error. This was not necessary in mod_aspdotnet on the Windows side. I have, however, run into one error of which I can't find the source: System.Web.Co...

Auto Add Google Analytics Code to a HTML page each time the page is rendered

I have a web site hosted on an a Apache web server. Another person uploads static html files to a folder each week via an ftp generated from third party software. I am looking to insert Goggle Analytics code to each page as it is rendered while preserving the URL's, original HTML and process of uploading. I do not know when the files ar...

route matches "/error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var" with {:method=>:get} while uploading 2.2 gb of file

hi all, am running apache(2.2.11) as frontend server to mongrel and using rails application trying to upload 2.2 gb of data but i am getting route matches "/error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var" with {:method=>:get} error anyone has any idea to deal with it, ...

PHP header() gets sent after ouput

Hello, Until recently, my LAMP was working as I expected and using PHP's header() to redirect behaved according to documentation. Out of nowhere, this changed. The problem can be seen here: <html> <head> <title> BLAH </title> </head> <body> <p> TEXT </p> <?php echo "BLAH BLAH BLAH"; sleep(10); header("Location: http://example.com")...

htaccess redirect: [everyone] [every page] -> [holding page] - except me?

I'm about to launch the latest version of my webapp and would like to ensure all visitors are redirected to a holding page while i make the transition. So i need an htaccess redirect that excludes my ip somehow? ...

Server Monitoring / Alerting application needed

Can anyone recommend a good (preferably free) application or service to monitor the uptime of a server? And possibly send out an alert by email or sms when it goes down? Statistics are not really needed, it's just about knowing when a server goes down. ...

Apache processing authentication directives before mod_rewrite rules

I'm using mod_rewrite to redirect people from one domain to another (whilst preserving the rest of the URL). Both domains point at the same codebase. One of the directories has authentication controlled by a local .htaccess file. These authentication directives get processed before the mod_rewrite rule are processed. Therefore the clie...

.htaccess code to deny folder browsing

Can you please tell me how to deny folder browsing using .htaccess file ...

Problem with HttpServletRequest & Apache

Hi all when i tried to get the requested url on some page on myapp.com i get something like : and it was expected to be: http://myapp.com/mypage i think that this is because Apache acts as a Mediator between the tomcat and the user requests/responses any ideas guys why such behaviour occurs, and how ...

Excel correl() function with java?

Hi everybody, I need a clone of excel correl() function in java, I found apache math commons library that has some functions in org.apache.commons.math.stat.correlation package, but not sure if they are the same, some docs says that excel correl() function is very similar to PEARSON() excel function but not quite the same, anybody famil...