
Apache mod_wsgi Django setup - Forbidden You don't have permission to access /mysite on this server

I have install python 26, Apache 2.2, modwsgi ap2.2 py26 On windows XP. and apache loads modwsgi fine. when I check localhost: apache says - It works! but when i try to open the Django directory mysite: localhost/mysite i get : Forbidden You don't have permission to access /mysite on this server. I have re-installed and installed this ma...

how to I force apache to handle download request...running apache+mongrel

hii all, Am running apche as frontend to mongrel ,i added these line in Apache's httpd.conf file LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so LoadModule xse...

Apache Tomcat Threads in WAITING State with 100% CPU utilisation

The application, when subjected to load, sometimes, utilises 100%. doing a kill -quit <pid> showed 1100+ threads in waiting state as: Full thread dump Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode): "http-8080-1198" daemon prio=10 tid=0x00007f17b465c800 nid=0x2061 in Object.wait() [0x00007f1762b6e000] java.lang.Thread.Stat...

Why is my $_ENV empty?

I'm running Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) PHP/5.3.0 and I did the following in my .htaccess file: SetEnv FOO bar If I print out the $_ENV variable in a PHP file, I get an empty array. Why doesn't my environment variable appear there? Why is it empty in the first place? I did find my variable though, but it appears in the $_SERVER variable. A...

how to config apache2 and fastCGI to run my c++ application

Hi. I have written a program with c++ and compiled it with gcc ( like the sample in the fastcgi.com) but i dont know how to run it on localhost. everywhere i searched , i found the php configuration for mod_fcgi which wont work for c++. does any body configured apache and mod_fcgi to run a c++ web application ??? ...

Enabling auto indexes in child directory of a directory with "IndexIgnore *"

I have a directory (ie /my_directory) with a .htaccess in it: Options -Indexes IndexIgnore * However I have a child directory (ie /my_directory/DESIGNS) and I want to be able to enable auto indexing in the DESIGNS directory, however all the documentation I've read doesn't seem to cover re-enabling ignored files. I can re-enable the in...

Apache/MYSQL Problem

Basically, I get this error in my scripts: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/login/includes/db.php on line 10 I have uncommented extension:mysql.so I dont know why its not working, restarted everything aswell. I am running on ubuntu 32 bit. Apache/MYSQL is installed with full permissions. Here is m...

Calling a Java program from a CGI script fails

I have a Python CGI script from which I am trying to call a Java program to perform a task. The Java program uses JExcelAPI. When I run the Python script from the browser, it fails with error messages that it can't find the class definitions for the classes from JExcelAPI. I suppose this happens because the Python CGI script is run under...

Browsing Image in rails App on Apache Server

Hi All, My rails application is running on Apache server with phusion_passenger gem. For testing purpose I used both attachment_fu and paperclip to upload image in that application. There are two different methods, one for image uploading using attachment_fu and another for paperclip. When the application starts in development mode, ev...

How can I create a simple index.html file which lists all files/directories?

We use an apache server that does not allow directory listing. There is a specific directory I would like to allow listing of. How can make a simple HTML file that will contain the contents of this directory? ...

Apache RewriteRule to simulate directory

Hi StackOverflow ! is there a way to tell Apache to simulate a directory in the URL ? Here is what I'm trying to do... I currently have an URL like http://photo.mydomain.com/pics/17/120417/1.jpg and I would like to be able to reach the same content with an URL like http ://photo.mydomain.com/pics/51/17/120417/1.jpg . Is that possible ...

failed to allocate memory

Hi all, Am running apache as frontend to mongrel ,i am passing request to mongrel using passproxy like ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/ i have download routine in one of controller and now i would like Apache to server this request...for that i put a line in httpd.conf ProxyPass /streams/download/6626/ ! now my request fo...

I cannot start my apache server on my XAMPP 1.7.3

Hey guys, i downloaded xampp-win32-1.7.3 and tried to install on my laptop running in microsoft windows vista. I have switched off my skype. Even i have stopped my IIS server. But the problem is whenever i click the start button for apache in xampp control panel, it shows Running with the green backgroud for few second and my apache serv...

How to define apache's logrotation's file name using an external shell script

Guys, I have apache running on different servers, I would like to rsync log files back to a centralised server on a daily basis. I can use log rotate to create log file for a day and put it in a directory that gets rsync'd to the central server. However is there any way to set the log filename with a designation that could be read from ...

Does apache guarantee that stdin will always have an EOF ?

AFAIK: A http POST request is sent to apache, then piped through stdin and into a CGI program. Does apache guarantee that the stdin stream will always have an EOF ? ...

Running a local instance of apache without admin rights on Mac OS X

Hi! I'd like to make a portable version of apache/php to develop locally. But the problem is about binding a port. That process requires admin rights, which I don't have on my workstation. I'd like to compile an apache/php version which I'd transfer on my workstation and run it without any rights requirements. I read about privbind, ...

django on nginx & apache : where to handle 404 & 500 error ?

I know there is 404 error handling in django. But is it better to just put that config in nginx ? This ST thread has the solution for putting it. - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1024199/nginx-customizing-404-page Is that how everyone handles it when using nginx ? I have created my own 404.html & 500.html in the sites theme, want ...

Source code for a WAMP stack

Can i get the source code for a WAMP stack installer somewhere? Any help appreciated ...

mod_rewrite rule to enforce canonical percent-encoding

We have a PHP app with a dynamic URL scheme which requires characters to be percent-encoded, even "unreserved characters" like parentheses or aphostrophes which aren't actually required to be encoded. URLs which the app deems to be encoded the "wrong" way are canonicalized and then redirected to the "right" encoding. But Google and othe...

Another apache rewrite question...

Hey, In my scenario I redirect "/index/../" to "/index.php?act=..". I was wondering how can I restrict direct access to "/index.php" but still be able to redirect from "/index/../"? P.S. "/../" is anything... it seems you can't use * there. O.o Thanks in advance, The Devil ...