
Occasional ctypes error importing numpy from mod_wsgi django app

Here's the setup: Django (1.2) app on mod_wsgi that imports ctypes Python 2.6.5 Apache 2.2.3 SELinux disabled RedHat EL 5 64bit some of the file system is mounted over nfs Occasionally, when I restart apache I get an import error when it's trying to import ctypes. Every incoming request fails with a 500 error. If I restart apache usu...

Zend Server on Iseries Apache httpd.config

I am evaluating Zend server on the Iseries. I am currently using Zend Core. I am unable to restrict accesses to directories in the htdocs folder. With Core I was able to restric accesses with the following: <LocationMatch /DirectoryName> Require valid-user AuthType Basic AuthName SecureArea PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%% UserID %%CLIENT%...

Non-blocking IO with Ruby?

I have some questions about non-blocking IO: If I use Ruby without EventMachine on Nginx, could I leverage non-blocking IO? If i use Ruby with EventMachine but on Apache, could I leverage non-blocking IO? If the above answers are no, then it means I have to use Ruby with EventMachine on Nginx to leverage non-blocking IO? ...

which Apache server will it use?

Lets us consider a case, there are 2 apache server running, and one domain is available. if we make a request like this, http://domain1.com/example1.php it should request one apache server where actual domain is present. When http://domain1:8000/example1.php it should point to a application in a another server (other machine) under a sa...

Site Down For Maintenance

I have a site arranged as follows with subdomains as subdirectories: / [webroot] /subdomain1/ /subdomain2/ I'd like to create an htaccess file that rewrites all accessed files to maintenance.php w/ 503 message, but I'm not sure why the following does not catch the subdirectories? RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REMOTE_AD...

problem in downloading large file

hii all, am using apache as frontend to mongrel and loaded xsendfile module in apache .am looking for 1 GB of download .this is download routine def download @stream = Stream.find(params[:id]) send_file(@stream.location,:filename => @stream.name,:disposition > 'attachment',:x_sendfile => true ) and And this is how it is ...

JBoss and Apache Load Balancing

Hi there, I am trying to set up a JBoss Cluster with Apache Load Balancing. Basically I have followed the guide from here. No problem faced. The only issue I have would be, how do I access my own application? From the guide, it didnt mention how do I mount my own application. Here's my environment setup: Windows XP JBoss AS 5.0 Apac...

On a LAMP server, I want the URL http://example.com/index.php to be rewritten to http://example.com. How do I do that?

On a LAMP server, I want the URL http://example.com/index.php to be rewritten to simply http://example.com My current .htaccess file is as follows... IndexIgnore * ErrorDocument 400 /index.php?module=error&action=error ErrorDocument 401 /index.php?module=error&action=error ErrorDocument 403 /index.php?module=error&action=error ErrorDo...

Apache error "Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting." No PHP or MySQL

Hi, I'm running Apache 2.2.14 on Windows Server 2003, without PHP or MySQL, basically to proxy as a web server for a Java web app. Every few hours or so Apache restarts with a message [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting. This (or very similar) issue seems to be most common for Apache/PHP/MySQL comb...

How to specify sub-context in JSF web application?

In my JSF application, I have a sub-context 'admin' and I have some pages under 'web/admin' folder. I am able to access all the pages under 'web' with the URL www.abc.com but I am getting 'requested resource not found' for the request www.abc.com/admin. I could make out that this is the issue with the 'context' specification in 'context...

Apache Tiles set html tag attribute using <put-attribute> value

I am using Apache Tiles 2.1 as my templating framework (along with Spring MVC). I want to know how best to be able to set HTML attribute values from within my Tiles definitions file. For example I have a text box and want to be able to set the maxlength attribute from within my definition. I expected the following to work - <input id="...

Apache .htaccess to redirect index.html to root, why FollowSymlinks and RewriteBase?

In order to redirect all somefolder/index.html (and also somefolder/index.htm) to somefolder/ I use this simple rewrite rule in Apache .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*\/index\.html?\ HTTP/ RewriteRule ^(.*)index\.html?$ "/$1" [R=301,L] This works well! But at Google groups they suggest to add also: Opt...

svn list command error 200 on an Apache+SVN server setup.

I'm setting up an Apache+SVN server for work. I can checkout a repository, but when I run the svn list command I get the following error "OPTIONS of 'https://server': 200 OK (https://server)" Here is my subversion.conf <Location /svn/> DAV svn SVNParentPath /svn/repos/ # Require SSL connection for password protection. SSL...

Apache URL Rewrite to domain.com/custom_url_name

Using Apache on a Red Hat server, I'm trying to rewrite the URL of a member's store on our website from: domain.com/store.php?url=12345 to: domain.com/12345 Using these rules, I can get it to work if I always remember to add an ending slash: Options -Indexes Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^store/url/(.*)$ st...

remove query string from url through mod rewrite.

Hi all, I am very new to mod rewrite so any help would be apprecited. let say i have a site named "www.sitename.com/index.php?p=contact" and i need to remove "index.php?p=" so that it will look like "www.sitename/contact" at its every occurence that means either i should be able to truncate "index.php?p=" or i should be able to replac...

How do I get a Ruby CGI program that requires a gem to run properly?

Hello! I have configured my Apache installation to run Ruby CGI scripts. I am now trying to run a simple Ruby CGI script that requires a gem. When I run this script from the command line, it outputs correctly. But when I call it as an Apache CGI script, it generates an Apache Internal Server Error. The script looks like this: #!/Ruby/...

Help Converting Apache htaccess to Nginx Rewrite rules

I need to convertthe following Apache htaccess rules to Nginx Rewrite rules: Redirect 301 /feed.php http://www.example.com/feed/ Thanks very much~ ...

how do i install apxs on windows for apache2.2.11

hii all, i would like to install apxs for apache 2.2.1 ,how do i do that?? ...

Apache httpd.conf alias match for wildcard directories

I am looking to create a url alias for any path of: /images/section* to /section_images/section* So for example /images/section_a/a.gif will locate to /section_images/section_a/a.gif I know how to create alias matches to rewrite specific directories: AliasMatch ^/images/(.*) /site/path/section_images/$1 However do not want everyth...

Migrating Apache to another machine

I am using apache version 2.0.16 on opensolaris machine.I have one application running on it.Now I want to copy all the configurations files from this to another machine which has the same configuration as the first machine. For this I would need to copy the httpd.conf file.Are there any other files or configurations I need to copy or wr...