
we have ? in a url and ajp converts it to %3F

with the Mod_jk connector we have this in our /etc/apache2/sites-available file: RewriteRule \/$ /op_ugw/orderportal/home?switchprofile=RecyledPlants [L] This works fine. and www.recycledplants.com will get you to the correct place. However on Ubuntu 10.04 server we setup ajp instead of mod_jk . so we have ProxyPass / ajp://10.1.1....

Shiro permission string has denied feature?

I use shiro plugin for grails and allow user to add permission at runtime. My controller has many actions such as index,list,edit,create,save,update,search,delete .... Suppose that controller name is "foo" The permission string for simple foo controller is foo:* means everybody which has this permission can access all actions of foo con...

Get apache to serve different site to developers for same URL

OK. So the customers existing site is running nicely on the server from /home/nfc/public_html at the URL www.example.com. We've developed a new site under /home/nfc2/public_html and this has been checked by using a development URL such as nfc2.dev.example.com. Lovely. But now I want to test for various links etc and check all works as...

Problem with mod_rewrite

I need a mod_rewrite rule to redirect url depending on the hostname they are comming from. The situation: We have multiple domains pointing to a same webspace and we need to restrict what the specific host can see/download. domainname.com/images/logo.jpg and /www.domainname.com/images/logo.jpg should transform into domainname.com/doma...

Managing multiple websites through a single controller

We developed some custom app here with CodeIgniter to help manage all of the domains we own (180+). The goal I have is to be able to create a single front-end controller on our master domain (lets say it's at /home/master/www). Lets say one of the sites i'm managing is called TestSite.com. This site is located at /home/testsite/www on...

Deploy Zend to a Subdirectory

I just started learning Zend. I managed to get the basic working (using zf create project) in my local web server. Let's just say my project is called square The only .htaccess that I have: square/public/.htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILE...

mod_rewrite everything to one landing page

I need to take down an entire site, so I want to route everything request to a landing page. What does the mod_rewrite look like for that? My directives are giving me a "can never complete" error in firefox. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^[^.]*/$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /alert.php [R=301,L] ...

https: Apache TLS renegotiation: Debian, Apache2, openssl. How to?

On modern browsers, my site gets marked as sorta insecure: Google Chrome for example says "The server does not support the TLS renegotiation extension" in the "Page Information". HTTPS runs fine though, the connection is encrypted and the certificate is valid. # openssl version OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 # cat /etc/debian_version 5....

Merging Cells with Apache POI for PowerPoint (HSLF)

Hi I was wondering if it was possible to merge cells using Table/TableCell for Powerpoint (like colspan in HTML), similar to this example for Excel http://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/quick-guide.html#MergedCells Thanks! ...

Programmatically send username & password to Apache web server

I currently need to access an API that is set up in an staging environment on an Apache web server but the web server throws up a username/password dialog when browsing to the API url. Unfortunately I do not have access or control over the behavior of this web server. Is it possible to programmatically send the username and password to ...

How do I stop Apache from inserting unwanted line breaks in its error log?

My Perl/FastCGI app makes extensive use of "print STDERR" to log all sorts of debugging info to the Apache error log file. I insert frequent line breaks myself, but Apache (or perhaps FastCGI?) still feels the need to insert extra line breaks, usually right in the middle of my nicely formatted output. How can I stop this from happening...

Mod_rewrite forward everything to index.php 's params

How can I get anything but files to rewrite to index.php's params? I'm using apache, mod_rewrite, etc. ...

can't write to file in mod_wsgi app: permission denied

I have a very simple mod_wsgi python application that tries to write to a file: tempfile = open('temp.txt', 'w') This fails with IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'temp.txt' The folder with myapp.wsgi has world-writable permissions (777). I can write to a file from a simple PHP test script. This is running on Mac OSX 10.6 ...

Difference between three .htaccess expire rules

What's the difference between the following three .htaccess rules and when to use each, is there any special use cases that prefers one over the other?: Header set Cache-Control "max-age=290304000" Header set Expires "Thu, 15 Apr 2020 20:00:00 GMT" ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 years" ...

Request is terminating without response

In an site I'm currently writing, I'm facing a strange, mind-boggling behaviour: after seconds of 100% CPU usage, the server is responding nothing, only closing the connection. If I limit down the work of this request, it starts working as normal. XDebug is showing that the bottleneck is not SQL, but rather CPU usage (some function call...

How to solve "cannot open shared object" problem while opening subprocess within apache

I run a web application in apache. My application try to execute a executable written by QT. But I always encounter "cannot open shared object libQtWebkit.so: No such file or directory" error. I can run this executable in shell without any problem. I tried set LD_LIBRARY_PATH but still not working. How can I set shared library path ...

Securing administrative section of my website

I have a classifieds website... As you might imagine, as a webmaster (administrator) I need to sometimes remove classifieds, edit them etc etc. I have my own Linux server, with root access offcourse. Currently I have a section of my website with all administrative php scripts which I use to remove classifieds, edit them etc: /www...

.htaccess redirect doesn't hide url.

Hi, my .htaccess in the root folder includes the following lines : Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)\.htm$ http://example.com/?city=$1 [NC] when I open the address http://example.com/bla.htm, my browser doesn't hide the GET values specified in the .htaccess, it redirects me to ?city=bla. eventhough I'm not u...

Multiple symfony projects on same domain but different folders

Hi am building a several symfony pages on the same domain. Note that they must be on the same domain as different folders: www.domain.com/[project1]/ www.domain.com/[project2]/ www.domain.com/[project3]/ www.domain.com/[project4]/ i would like the same symfony installation for these sites . Is this done easily? do i need symlinks to sym...

Google Analytics when website "inactive"

I am not entirely finished with my website, and I am using apaches authentication to demand password and username when entering the site. I wonder, will this cause any problems with using and testing Google analytics? Should I first "open" and remove the authorization before using GA? Thanks ...