
mod_security - access denied 406 for some IE visitors

Hi there, Would anyone know why some visitors on our server are being blocked by the below mod_security rule when simply right-clicking a file (.doc, .gif, .pdf, etc.) on a site to download it? They seem to be all Windows/IE users. Anything we can do short of commenting out the rule itself? Thanks for any ideas. # allow request metho...

403 error when trying to run CherryPy behind Apache

I am trying to run CherryPy behind Apache using mod_rewrite, as described in the CherryPy documentation (BehindApache, ModRewrite), and it is not working. Edit: Earlier, my description of this problem was somewhat inaccurate. It seems like I forgot to restart Apache during some of my attempts. I have revised the question significantly. ...

Setting up Apache Virtual Hosts and ProxyPass

I am trying to set up Virtual Hosts on my WAMPSERVER 2.0i installation. Currently it looks like that: http://domain/main http://domain/sub1 http://domain/sub2 I need to set it up so that 1) accessing http://domain/ would redirect to http://domain/main, but 2) http://domain/sub1 and http://domain/sub2 remain working as they are. When...

Creating a website to communicate with an embedded device

I'm currently working on a project where I'm trying to control an embedded device through an Internet facing website. The idea is is that a user can go to a website and tell this device to preform some kind of action. An action on the website would be translated into a series of CLI commands and then sent to the device. Communication cou...

Running a constantly updated script

I have a PHP script that I keep updated and need to run on several servers to gather data based on config files like php ini, phpinfo, and other config files. I need to make sure that what's run is always the latest version of the script but this creates an annoying maintenance problem because the script is always being updated. So I'd...

Select Data From Solr Server in Java

Hi all! I am working in a struts project and there I am using Solr Server as the database. I need the Java codes and procedure to select, insert, update and delete. Can any one help me? ...

using mysql server community vs apache

i implemented an internal intranet system recently that uses mysql as a dbms and python as the main programming language . i was thinking about deploying it over apache , but my fried came to me this morning and advised me to use MySQL server community. this system will be handling the assets of a maximum 500 user daily ( we are talki...

Chrome (6.0.472.63) on Ubuntu (Jaunty) is not honoring x-frame-options (SAMEORIGIN) header. Any idea why?

Disclaimer: I posted this question in Server Fault first. One of the users there suggested SO instead. So here I am. Firefox 3.6.10 on the same machine does. When I try to display a page from Domain A using an iFrame in Domain B, Firefox displays an empty page. Chrome displays the page from Domain A even though it is not supposed to. ...

How secure is storing sensitive information in a .PHP file on an Apache server?

I am making an easy-to-setup, no-database PHP website which stores its data instead in text files. The setup is a Linux/Apache/PHP server. Up to now the information has been non-sensitive, so I store in: ../data/system.txt Theoretically someone could type (url)/data/system.txt in their browser and see the data file in plain text, which...

Redirection problem with apache

when i type the http://appName.com in the browser it gives me the tomcat-manager home page and if i used http://appName.com/appName/ it go to  /appName/appName/ and say dir not found note: i am using mode-ajp & the app was working fine with mode proxy how i can solve this issue? ...

How can I redirect from one SSL domain to the one with the correct common name?

Hello, all. I've got two domains set up under apache on a single server (Linux). I have an SSL certificate set up with a common name for the first domain (a.com), but not one for the second (b.com). When I try to visit https: // www. b.com, it merely takes me to https: // www a.com but maintains the same URL. Because of this, I am ge...

Translating paths in PHP from (*nix) server to (winxp) dev machine

I'm working on a PHP project that has a lot of hard coded paths in it. I'm not the main developer, just working on a small part of the project. I'd like to be able to test my changes locally before committing them, but my directory structure is completely different. For example, there's a lot of this in the code: require_once("/home/cl...

Host a WCF service from within Apache server?

Is it possible to host a WCF Service in Apache? What are the requirements and how would it be done? ...

Accessing kd Debugger via php

I work at a small computer shop, and we have to analyze windows minidumps all the time. My idea was to install the Windows Debugging Tools on a windows PC and use apache/PHP as an interface to it. That way I could just set up an HTML upload form that would accept the minidump file, run it through KD, then spit out the output. It nearl...

Can I make a dynamic .htaccess file?

Can I make my .htaccess be generated with php? I would like to use php to dynamicly create my htaccess file from information from the database. It would save me the trouble of making a new .htaccess file whenever I change a bit of my code. ...

Apache virtual host configuration question

We have discovered that there is an old DNS entry registered somewhere in the world that redirects some old domain name to our servers IP address. This other domain is not registered to us, but Google is indexing the content of that site (which is just the content of our site) and then marking our site's content as a duplicate of that si...

building apache from source on debian

I'm trying to build apache from source on debian. The only reason I'm not using spt-get install is because in the apache cookbook, they recommend installing from source.I get the following error when I ./configure: configure: error: invalid variable name: ' --with-mpm' I also saw some warnings when I ./buildconf Is this something I sh...

Cache Control Question

If I set this for cache control on my site: Header unset Pragma FileETag None Header unset ETag # 1 YEAR <FilesMatch "\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|swf|mp3|mp4)$"> Header set Cache-Control "public" Header set Expires "Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT" Header unset Last-Modified </FilesMatch> # 2 HOURS <FilesMatch "\.(html|htm|xml|txt|x...

Query AD group with apache mod_ldap

Hi ! I'm new to ldap and I have to auth users through mod_ldap on Apache 2.0 via an Active Directory server. If I use the following configuration, I'm able to auth users which are in the "Service Accounts" AuthType Basic AuthName "LDAP Auth" AuthBasicAuthoritative off AuthBasicProvider ldap Aut...

Compile apache with various modules

At work we have several Solaris servers. Each server runs apache which we compiled a few years ago. It's been fine so far. Now we want to build one apache, using the latest version, and have it include LDAP authentication modules (for AD integration), NTML authentication and mod_perl. I can't find a guide for building apache like this ...