
URL rewrite in .htaccess file

Hi all, I have two problems in my current .htaccess. The script below works but has a limitation RewriteRule ^products/([0-9])$ /products/$1/ [R] RewriteRule ^products/([0-9])/$ /viewad.php?adid=$1 Limitation: if adid, is more than 10. it fails. I want it to have whatever number still there and work. my current solution was to add...

Apache not Sending POST Parameters to Index URL

I am having a problem sending POST parameters with my relatively fresh Apache install. In my document root, I have a file test.html which has the following: <form action="/test" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="param" value="test" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> My .htaccess file sets the index file to be serve.php, as ...

apache .htaccess file on lighttpd

RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^packed\.js$ pack.php?debug=0 [nc] RewriteRule ^debug$ pack.php?debug=1 [nc] That worked fine on apache in a .htaccess file placed in a specific directory. If I want to do this on lighttpd, do I have to add it in the config file or something? Would I need to make any changes to these rules? ...

Pretty URL - mod_rewrite question

I'm trying to setup a simple mod_rewrite for formatting "pretty URLs". All I need is for something like: http://www.example.com/dir1/dir2/logs?page=12 to tranlate to http://www.example.com/logs/12 How would my .htaccess rule look like? ...

htaccess not working on ssl on

.htaccess rewrite rule is not working on https RewriteRule ^/templates/Styles/screen.css$ /css/scaffold/index.php?f=screen.css i.e. for http://example.com rewrite it's working fine but https://example.com rewrite it's not working I am using ubuntu and apache2 ...

Hosting web services on Mac OSX Snow Leopard

Does anyone what options exist for developing and hosting web services on a Mac OSX Snow Leopard server? Is webobjects still supported, are there other solutions? Does Python or PHP have a solution on Mac that also has libraries for working with MySQL? Any help appreciated, Thanks // :) ...

Rewriting an arbitrary number of path segments to query parameters

Hi all, I have this .htaccess rule: RewriteRule viewshoplatest/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/$ /viewshoplatest.php?$1=$2&$3=$4&$5=$6&$7=$8&$9=$10&$11=$12&$13=$14&$15=$16 It should map a URL like this: http://www.veepiz.com/viewshoplatest/start/10/end/10/filter/0/ownerid/0/sortby/date...

Can't view XAMPP localhost Page except Apache "It Works!"

Hi there! I am currently using Windows XP SP3 with Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.1 and XAMPP 1.7.3 installed. However after installing everything including XAMPP, I could not see the "XAMPP Welcome Page" at all! I only see the Apache default Page "It Works!!" on http://localhost/ . I also tried but it gives back the sam...

Set Caching Headers in Apache

Hi All, I want to set some headers in Apache 6.0.16 such as (caching headers max-stale, min_fresh no_store...) ....any suggestions helps are most welcomed. ... Thanks :) ...

PHP, x-cart, potential security breach.

Hello, The host of a server I work on just today turned off the site after x-cart was installed because the following commands were issued on the server and they think it's a security breach: ls -la 2>&1 id 2>&1;whoami 2>&1; id 2>&1 mkdir 123 pwd 2>&1 echo 1 The server is running linux (of some kind, not sure what..) and there is no...

How to rewrite urls like this ?

How would I rewrite ( for every posts in my blog ): http://localhost/post.php?id=13 to http://localhost/this-is-the-title-of-the-post/13 AND ( without id ) http://localhost/post.php?id=13 to http://localhost/this-is-the-title-of-the-post/ ...

convert whole folder of images to 777 permissions?

I took an opportunity to batch optimise a folder of images from my site, of course i forgot the new images would not have the permissions 777. Given the wiki-type nature of my site i need users to be able upload/replace the images! is there anyway i can change the permissions of the whole folder's images either with a php scrip...

Different file owner for files created via cron vs apache

Hi, I have a web application which has a shared config.php file. In this file, I include a function which gathers error messages (using set_error_handler) and then, at the end of the script execution, saves the errors to a centralised log file (using register_shutdown_function). Log files are created daily, in the format Y-m-d.log. Cro...

Unable to load template when URLResourceLoader is used with Velocity

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to access access Velocity template using URLResourceLoader. org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find resource 'http://localhost:8080/myvelocityapp/my-template.vm' at org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceManagerImpl.loadResource(ResourceMana...

How to evict or "kill" open connections when these are above a fixed limit (using dbcp w/ oracle)

Hi all, Does anyone know how to evict or kill open connections (in use or not it doesn't matter) if the number of connections is above of a fixed limit (e.g. maxActive) Currently I'm using DBCP from Apache under a Sun One 6.1. Thanks in advance!, ...

force client browser URL switch from http to https

Hi all, I have a specific set for my websites. Apache on port 80 stunel on 443 forwards decrypted msg to 80 stunel on 2222 forwards encrypted to 443 WAN-> NAT 443 -> stunel:443 WAN-> NAT 80 -> stunel:2222 This obviously uses "WAN ssl" only for connections on port 443 from WAN. Is apache mod_rewrite able to force http:// like url to...

Configure mail server to work with PHP.

Hi. My current project is a form that receives input from a user. After I receive that data, I must send a warning/report to a few email addresses, including the user who inserted the data. Almost everything is up and running, Apache, MySQL, PHP. Now I never installed a mail server, to work with PHP so I'm kinda lost. My employer has ...

How to rewrite /foo-bar to foo-bar.html but /foo/bar to foo-bar.html using mod_rewrite?

How to rewrite /foo-bar to foo-bar.html but /foo/bar to foo--bar.html using mod_rewrite? In other words, replace all slashes in the request URI with --, then append .html. I wrote the following code: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / # Take care of /foo/bar and /foo-foo/bar-bar RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_F...

How to override settings in php.ini and httpd.conf from my php application

I don't have any access to the php.ini and httpd.conf files. Are there any procedure to override (or add some) settings of php.ini and httpd.conf files from my php application? ...

Explaining Apache ZooKeeper

I am trying to understand ZooKeeper, how it works and what it does. And I am totally confused. Is there any application which is comparable to ZooKeeper? If you know, then how would you describe ZooKeeper to a layman. (Considering I am one) I have tried apache wiki, zookeeper sourceforge...but I am still not able to relate to it. Any ...