
NullPointerException in a singleton when Tomcat is shutting down

I have apache tomcat 6 installed as a service on my windows xp machine. I have a class which implements ServletContextListener and it initializes a singleton required for the correct flow of the servlets (it does so on contextInitialized). The problem I'm seeing is that when I stop the service in windows (via services.msc) and I still ha...

mod_rewrite not working well with trailing slash & css breaks apart

I have just one root directory with index.php in it along with two folder img and css. I refer to files in this folder like: src="img/path.png" i.e relative to the root directory. The other day I had some mod_rewrite question & this is what someone gave me, which seems to wrok fine except for trailing slashes and css/img breaking apart ...

Apache Redirect multiple domains to other directory

I have 1 IP number and I have 4 multiple domainnames: www.alurelingerie.nl - www.aaamsterdam.info - www.webshopdesigners.nl - www.rtps.eu Every domeinname must redirect to a sub dir on my Apache server. I tried to work with VirtualHost *:80 but I doesn't work... It doens't redirect to the correct subdir... It did only redi...

php.ini problems? Increasing post_max_size and upload_max_filesize causes php to ignore POSTs?

I have this weird problem. Whenever i try to increase the post_max_size & upload_max_filesize to 2500M, my website seems to hang on me. Pages will continue to load, but any attempt to login or submit forms will not work. It simply ignores the POST as if it never was sent. But, when i change post_max_size & upload_max_filesize back to 2...

Is there a web log analyser that can understand processing time and parse querystring?

Does anyone know of an web log analyser that can both report on the 'processing time' field that Apache can store (%D), and also parse querystrings intelligently? I've looked into some of the usual suspects eg AWStats and Webalyser but none I've looked at seem to offer either of these features. Ideally, you'd be able to report on spec...

One subdomain without cookies

Greetings I have a website with multiple subdomains, one subdomain per language: pl.example.com, en.example.cm, fr.example.com. I would like to keep one session across all subdomains so I'm setting session cookie and remember_me cookie for ".example.com". On the other hand all images should be served without cookies. Is it possible to t...

htaccess help, removing a string from the URL

Hi there, I am wondering, is it possible to remove index.php from an URL? Basically on some pages in a site I have this structure, http://www.domain.com/index.php/members/register, but other pages I have URL structures like this, http://www.domain.com/category/products/id/5, I want to know is it possible with htaccess to remove the in...

LAMP display php errors

I've installed developer's LAMP server and made changes on php.ini display_errors On display_startup_errors On but it doesn't display any errors or even a little warning, what's the problem, what's wrong? ...

PHP mysqldump doesn't work

I've the code shown below but nothing happens after execution system('mysqldump -u USER -pPASS DB > /tmp/bckp.sql'); What is wrong with this code? Sultan ...

Lot's of ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod: CONNECT in a Rails application

I'm getting lot's of these exceptions in a Rails application: ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod: CONNECT, accepted HTTP methods are get, head, put, post, delete, and options As far as I see it seems to be some crawler or something like that trying to use CONNECT as an http verb. I've never heard of it, but the documentation say: ...

Pentaho : Images not having correct path

I am running Pentaho reports. The problem is all the images are set to localhost:8080 etc, so, I am not able to view the images. Can you tell me where this property be available ...

Mod Rewrite - How to Rewrite All URLs With Doing Manually In .htaccess?

Hello, I'm working on a custom CMS that another developer built a few years ago. I need to change the urls to clean segment based urls from query strings. I could just add the rules for all the pages in the .htaccess file, which would be a pain as that's a lot of pages. Plus when a new page is added, obviously I won't be there waiting t...

Problem when executing Ant task

I have installed Apache Ant and set the correctly the Path, CLASS_PATH and ANT_PATH variables. When I run a jar task in a command line within my project folder where the build.xml file is, I get the following error: BUILD FAILED C:\Documents and Settings\TonyS\My Documents\My Workspace\code\build.xml: 32: The following error occurred ...

Force type and content type

I have a folder with some sql files that I would like to be processed as PHP and I would like the output to be text/plain. I can force sql files to be processed by PHP like this: <FilesMatch "\.sql$"> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </FilesMatch> Is there a way I can set the default content-type when these files are served to be...

How to reinstall a LAMP server?

I want to reinstall the whole LAMP server under Debian Lenny. This means, using 'apt-get remove' is not enough, I want to remove completely all components, and start again. I tried but files are always there so I can't make a new configuration for everything. What can I do? Thanks! ...

Convert Applet to Servlet (Apache)

I currently have a java applet sitting on my Apache server (in the htdocs directory). The applet is a web crawler and takes a very long time to process before delivering results (I guess applets get very limited resources). I would like to push the crawling work onto the server but I don't have any idea how to do this. I know that I...

MySQL-bin.XXX taking up extreme amounts of space in logs

We have recently deployed a Drupal 6 install and the directory storing the mysqld-bin.XXX files /var/run/mysqld has caused the mysql server to crash. The size of these files (log) are over 1g in size each and there are tons of them. I would like to know a way we can either enable log rotation or something similar to insure this does no...

Nice remote apache log viewer

I have a server with 10+ virtual domains (most running Mediawiki). I'd like to be able to watch their traffic remotely with something nicer than tail -f . I could cobble something together, but was wondering if something super-deluxe already exists that involves a minimum of hacking and support. This is mostly to understand what's going ...

.htaccess break all css and js, though i set absolute path

Here is my .htaccess file Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond $1 !=cms RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/search/([^/]+)$ index.php?lang=$1&id=search&searchword=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)$ index.php?lang=$1&id=$2 [L] It doesn't work as i expect. ...

Prevent url with a directory from pointing to a web page.

I have a domain let's call it newsite.com which is parked to maindomain.com. I use mod-rewrite to direct all requests for newsite.com to a subdirectory on maindomain.com. On newsite.com I have CodeIgniter installed. Which means the urls look like this: newsite.com/products/shoes/ The above works just fine. However, if I set up a con...