
Why doesn't rrdtool generate any PNG output in my Perl CGI program?

I'm trying to output an image from RRD Tool using Perl. I've posted the relevant part of the CGI script below: sub graph { my $rrd_path = $co->param('rrd_path'); my $RRD_DIR = "../data/"; #generate a PNG from the RRD my $png_filename = "-"; # a '-' as the filename send the PNG to stdout my $rrd = "$RRD_DIR/$rrd_path"; my $png = `rrdto...

make example.com/user/Bob go to profile.php?user=Bob

My current http access file is # Pound sign comments a line out # Disallow viewing of htaccess files <Files .htaccess> order allow,deny deny from all </Files> Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On # enable hiding php extension RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php ...

Apache - multiple websites - allow top folder access

Hi, I have multiple websites setup on my Apache2 server. The directory structure is as follows: /var/www/ /var/www/site1.com /var/www/site2.com It is setup such that "www.site1.com" has root folder /var/www/site1, "www.site2.com" has root folder /var/www/site2, and http://server_ip_address has root folder /var/www However, if...

better way to debug XAMPP authentication issue

Hi all: I've been working with a simple authentication process on localhost, here is the .htaccess file: AuthType Basic AuthName "Admin login page" AuthUserFile /Application/XAMPP/htdocs/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null Require User [email protected] I have created the related .htpasswd file, the browser can prompt for me to...

[mod_rewrite] redirect ex-ample.com/asdf to example.com/asdf

Hi, I want to redirect all requests from ex-ample.com to example.com. The url structure should remain the same, I only want to "replace" the "-" in domain... http://www.ex-ample.com/asdf123 redirects to: http://www.example.com/asdf123 thanks! ...

.htaccess profile rewrite help

RewriteRule ^user/(.*)/(.*) profile.php?user=$1&v=$2 [L] works for if i do it 404's. if i do it 404's if i do it 404's I tired RewriteRule ^user/(.*) profile.php?user=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^user/(.*) profile.php?u...

Getting the URL path to the directory of a file (PHP)

Hi I have a php file at, say, localhost/foo/foo/bar.php which includes a file at localhost/foo/included.php I need to be able to get "localhost/foo/" as a string inside included.php If, instead of localhost/foo/foo/bar.php, it's localhost/big/burpy/lolz/here.php (still including included.php) I still need to get "localhost/foo/" So, I ne...

URL rewriting question

I have a CGI script (pwyky) that I called index.cgi, put in directory wiki/, and setup Apache to call localhost/wiki/index.cgi when I access localhost/wiki. I'm getting errors when I'm trying to use this application -- it creates a page with links like "http://localhost/wiki/@edit/index", but when I click that link, Apace is trying to s...

cannot render serverfbml in Linux (ubuntu + apache2 + asp.net mvc)

I am writing a facebook application. The application is written in ASP.NET MVC. For the compatibility reason, I chose to use .NET 3.5 instead of .NET 4 (Because the application will be ported to Linux with MONO, which previous supports up to .NET 3.5). In the end of the applicaton, user will see a friend selector to send invitation. Plea...

Help with .htaccess file. mod_rewrite for custom urls?

Situation: I have a few hundred posts each belonging to a particular category. A] Now when the user visits the home page, the content is irrespective of the category sorted by date. http://www.example.com He can navigate through different pages like: Type 1: http://www.example.com/3 which corresponds to http://www.example.com/inde...

Litespeed from Apache with Interworx CP

Hello, We are currently using Apache and Interworx control panel, when we install litespeed and activate that versus apache all websites loose mysql connections. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks ...

HTTP authenticate a directory via an existing users table in a database.

I wish to tie my user accounts into HTTP for a specific directory of my website and normally that wouldn't be too much of a problem, because I could either edit the htpasswd file or use mod_auth_mysql (which I'm not too familiar with). However, the passwords are encrypted using SHA1 and a salt. How can I HTTP authentication password an...

Multiples domains pointing to differents ports in apache server

Hello everyone, I am working with a web development framework which publish its applications in apache server ports:8080, 8081, 8082, etc. For instance MyApp1 runs in localhost:8080, MyApp2 runs in localhost:8081, and so on. What I would like to achieve is that my domains point to a "port" where its application is running in my apac...

Apache mod_rewrite domain to subdomain?

Hello, I have this address http://www.example.com and have this page http://www.example.com/world. Can I do this with mod_rewrite,to my page become http://world.example.com ? Any link,tutorial,...,will be nice,if I can do this? And what will be with these links for example: http://www.example.com/world/some-other-page http://www.ex...

Which Apache2 modules can I safely disable?

These are my enabled mods: alias auth_basic authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_user autoindex deflate dir env mime negotiation php5 reqtimeout rewrite setenvif status I'm attempting to reduce Apache's memory footprint as much as possible. Can anyone guide me in the right direction as to which of these I absolutely need and...

gzip not work for me

hi guys, i define in my apache the settings for gzip, this is my phpinfo for gzip: zip Zip enabled Extension Version $Id: php_zip.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $ Zip version 1.8.11 Libzip version 0.9.0 zlib ZLib Support enabled Stream Wrapper support compress.zlib:// Stream Filter support zlib.inflate, zlib.d...

Apache on localhost: give virtual hosts specific servers name

Hi, Ok, I ask my question first and below are details of what I have so far trying to solve the thing: On Apache running on localhost, I want to have different virtual hosts that would be accessible through url: http://name-of-the-virtual-host.name-of-the-machine/ Details: So I have Apache running on port 8080 of my laptop. Linux Min...

IIS, APACHE, YAWS runtime environment

Recently I gone through a an article explaining potentiality of YAWS server and the number of requests it processes per second. It was mentioned that YAWS can handle 80K requests per second and it also run in multi threaded environment to improve request processing limit. How can we compare IIS, Apache with YAWS? Which one will process ...

Problems while Developing MVC Projects using WAMP server

I am trying to develop websites using Zend Framework. But I came to a strange problem, the public folder is not showing up. I was suppose to change the apache's configuration to redirect http://localhost/ to http://localhost/public, but there are many projects inside the WWW folder, which has to be accesed. I can enable the mod_rewrite ...

How to pack efficiently apache server in desktop application

Hello all I need Apache server with php interpreter to distribute in my desktop application The reason is that my application create reports that are basically php code that runes under Apache web server Is it user friendly to distribute Apache server with php interpreter with your desktop application ? Also I like to be able to start /...