
Mod_rewrite is escaping my query strings!

I have this url: http://dev.example.com//zina/Artist%20One%20Demo?l=7&img=artist%20pic%20can%20can%20be%20named%20anything.jpg&it=full And it's being rewritten to this: http://dev.example.com/?p=Artist%20One%20Demo&option=com_zina&Itemid=82&l=7&img=artist%2520pic%2520can%2520can%2520be%2520named%2520anything.jpg&...

MySQL not working with php; and crashing apache when enabled

I just recently setup a fresh install of PHP, Mysql and Apache on my Windows 2003 server. Php is working fine and my Navicat MySQL browser can connect to my tables. However no matter what I do. MySQL doesn't show in phpInfo() even though I have the extensions in my ext folder. I installed PHP via the windows binary installer. Any idea wh...

I want to optimise the upload of a file onto the server - whats the best way to do it?

Hi all, I have a rails app that does the following (at the moment linear) process: (1) User uploads a file via HTTP and a standard upload form on a standard HTML page (2) The file is uploaded to an apache server (same server as the one hosting the app) (3) The server uploads the file to remote storage service (call this storage 1) (4) ...

Apache HttpClient api, reading response intput stream is very slow

I am using Apache HttpClient. my code looks like this HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(uri); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet); InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent(); File file = new File("filename.txt...

Can I create a clean URL using WebBroker and Delphi ?

Hi, Can I create a clean URL for WebBroker webpages/applications ? A typical WebBroker URL normally looks like: hxxp://www.mywebsite.com/myapp.dll?name=fred or hxxp://www.mywebsite.com/myapp.dll/names/fred What I would prefer is: hxxp://www.mywebsite.com/names/fred Any idea how I can achieve this with Delphi/WebBroker ? (ISAPI/Ap...

Apache Module mod_rewrite

How to redirect it as follows?: mysite.com -> mysite.com/index.php mysite.com/index.php -> mysite.com/index.php mysite.com/index -> mysite.com/index.php mysite.com/main.php -> mysite.com/index.php mysite.com/main -> mysite.com/index.php Same with .html extension (ie. mysite.com/index.html -> mysite.com/index.php) ...

file_get_contents failed to open stream, connected party did not respond

Hello all, When we use file_get_contents, what does PHP use to resolve the domain name (local DNS??). I ask because I got this error: Warning: file_get_contents(http://external-domain.com) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond ...

Apache mod_rewrite rewrite everything but files in .htaccess?

The following RewriteRule redirects every request to bootstrap.php except the filextenstions between the parentheses RewriteEngine on RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|pdf|doc|txt|htm|html|xml|ttf|flv|swf|xml|ics|htc)$ bootstrap.php Is it possible to exclude ALL files witouth declaring them like above? So all requests should...

how to handle multiple iphone client requests using apache mina?

hi friends, i am working on a iphone application,in which iphone application sends a request to the server using socket connection.in server side java code(using apache mina) takes the request and it processes the request and sends the response. now the problem is if multiple iphone users sends request at a time to the server,t...

Comet Help on linux hosting

I have a shared linux hosting. Apache is running on it. My site is built in php. I have a chat application which uses ajax long polling. I want to turn it to comet chat. I do not have much knowledge about server things. Please help me step by step suggestion. It will be a great help to me. Thanks in advance. ...

Running old site on apache + php and new nginx rails side by side

Hi all My current site is running on a dedicated server on apache + php. I am creating my new site in rails and running on nginx. I want to run both sites together for a while while i slowly redirect all pages SEO rank etc to new site. My current site has say domain www.mydomain.com and new site will have www.mydomain.com/en infront ...

Apache decoding encoded URL instead of passing encoded URL?

I have a Selenium/PHPUnit test that needs to open a URL that contains an encoded URL. $redirectToLocation = urlencode('/myothercontroller/action'); // %2Fmyothercontroller%2Faction $this->openAndWait('/controller/action/thenRedirectTo/' . $redirectToLocation); But when I run my test, the browser tried opening the decoded URL: /contro...

How to share a site you've set up locally with the web

Hi, I've recently set up a new site that runs a database via MAMP. It's actually an expression engine site and I'm developing it at localhost:8888. I was wondering if there's an easy way to share the site with someone else over the web (like a client) via my IP address while my local server is running. Not sure if there are security is...

Servlet unavailable in AppEngine with Android Client

I am getting the following info log in GAE's console: "POST /xxx HTTP/1.1" 200 133 - "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4),gzip(gfe)" I can not understand if the servlet is not available, why is "200" being returned. I checked web.xml file for servlet mapping and they seem fine. What else could be causing it. Is it even an error on ...

PHP running time in Apache

I want to run a PHP file/function that will not stop until it finishes it work. Is there any option for that? (It will not print any information to the browser, it will make calculations and it will store them on a database. Note: The Apache server is in my PC. ...

apxs on MacOSX having trouble with architecture

I'm trying to set up a development environment on my aging Macbook Pro that matches my Linux EC2 production environment. I'm on the home stretch now, need only to get the mod_auth_mysql plugin for apache working. After a few hours of googling and patching and scratching my head, I think I'm almost there, but I've hit something that nothi...

CMS for existing site

I have a site which contains around 3000 static and dynamic pages. I think 2900 of the pages are based on 3 different php pages which create all the 2900 pages based on database content, and it has about 100 static pages. How difficult would it be to integrate a CMS into the website so our Marketing department can make changes to the w...

mod_rewrite {QUERY_STRING}

I'm sure that's been asked zillions times but i can't get it to work, i'm trying to rewrite a url with querystring, my url is for example: http://example.com/articles/index.php?keyword=book and i want to be accessible from http://example.com/articles/keyword/book/ I google it and i didn't have any luck, am i on the right track? i ... works, localhost not - VH - Zend Ce, Mac

Hi guys, I am having weired problem, after adding my virtual host conf entry localhost is not working (getting forbiden 403) but does (all accessed via browser - http), here you have my conf: NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/MyData/__www/default" ServerName localhost <Location /> Order deny,allow...

Repcached issue

Hi all Anyone using repcached? Basically, I am experimenting with it in order to use it for storing sessions there, while providing failover with its buildin replication Basically, I have 2 nodes running centos 5.4. The replication works fine wi\hen testing it and running some benchmarks with ab. However, I am doing the below test. ...