
Mysterious 500 Error with Basic Rails App on Slicehost

I am getting a mysterious 500 error when i try to deploy my first rails app on slicehost. I have followed the Ubuntu Intrepid articles very closely and it seems to be all setup accordingly. I am trying to run rails on Apache with Passenger. All I am trying to run here is a basic rails app with one scaffold (3 fields). The apache err...

is there a good listing of projects like apache software foundation?

I was wondering if there is a high-quality, (with open source software) listing of projects like the apache software foundation. How about one that groups projects into domains, i.e. web frameworks, messaging, etc? ( I was looking for something to help pick open-source technologies for a particular problem when developing projects from...

[alert] (22)Invalid argument: FastCGI: process manager exiting, setgid() failed

I am trying to start the Apache server and I am going to use Fast CGI. When I try to start it, I get following error message in error_log. [alert] (22)Invalid argument: FastCGI: process manager exiting, setgid(4294967295) failed So it looks like it is setting the group id and at that time it gave this alert message. Any idea about...

should apache load balancer should handle 503 if there is a node available in cluster?

I have 2 tomcat (TomcatA, TomcatB) servers behind apache httpd(P). Am using mod_proxy with sticky session load balancing options. If Request1 was always going to TomcatA and suddenly TomcatA goes down, shouldn't the proxy send the Request1 to TomcatB. I am noticing that client browser gets a 503 error and then a request is automatic...

Redirect ALL requests under a domain to static page - .htaccess or 301 or RedirectMatch?

Hey everyone, I am trying to redirect ALL requests for mydomain.com whether they are something like: http://www.mydomain.com http://mydomain.com http://mydomain.com/photos http://mydomain.com/index.php?id=672 to be redirected to http://mydomain.com/index.html As long as it has mydomain.com in it, they should see this page - its...

Passing Non Existing Directory As a parameter in IIS or Apache

First look at this url: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/xoxoxo/ This directory does not exists but somehow stackoverflow can pass that last directory as a parameter to his base script. Is this possible to configure IIS or Apache to do so? How? ...

Apache modrewrite htaccess problem

Hi, I have a rule, that gets up to three parts, separated by a / (slash). They represent /app/controller/action, but they are optional, which means /, /app, /app/controller work as well. The thing is, I want another rule, before this one, which would set the default app to "frontend", and I think it should look like this: RewriteRule ...

web based application server Implementation

I intend to create a web based application server. The server is implemented in C and I wish to create a web based interface instead of a specific client application. Could anyone please suggest what approach/technology I can use to implement ? Thank you. -Mac ...

Rewrite URLs for a website in a subdirectory

Hello guys! I'm developing a website on localhost using XAMPP under Windows 7. The website URL is http://localhost/lyrics. How can I enable url rewriting for that subdirectory? I tried with the code below but it didn't work. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /lyrics Thanks in advance. ...

Passing varible types though mod-rewrite

Hello i am having a issue with htaccess mod_rewrite, maybe someone here could point in the the right direction. my site has 1 main file [index.php] all the navigation is done by passing vars in the url string eg index.php?page=about this is working ok with my .htaccess [below] domain.com/about some of the pages have a second variabl...

Getting newlines instead of slash-f-s when echoing RTF from PHP

Hi, I'm migrating a old (circa 2001) PHP 3 app to a new PHP5 server. 90% of the code worked right out of the box after migration and most of the remaining bit worked once I went through the old php.ini and changed settings in the new php.ini to match. Still there's one really annoying thing. One of the major things the app does is creat...

If I echo a statement and no one hears it, does it ever get echoed? (PHP cron job question)

So I have a script that I debug with a bunch of echo statements. This is run every 3 minutes on my server by cron, and I sometimes leave the echo statements in there. They're not going to a browser, they're just going... anywhere? This is a vague question I guess, but what happens when there's no end-user or output for an echo statement...

redirect from subdomain to domain + .htaccess

Hello friends, Is is possible that i can configure RewriteRule for more then one domain. Like my requirement is My current domain name www.maindomain.com and let say i have three domian and subdomain the subdomain url is example1.maindomain.com example2.maindomain.com example3.maindomain.com Now i want when ever user try to access ...

mod_rewrite noobie question

So, i've got this Zend style frontcontroller set up. Basically it just redirects every url back to index. The urls are in the form of /controller/view/ + [additional parameters] I would like to create some shortcuts in the following form: RewriteRule ^home /home/index RewriteRule ^products /products/view RewriteRule .* index.php Ho...

How do I redirect incoming requests from domain.com to www.domain.com via HTTP and HTTPS using .htaccess?

I have the script: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301] Rewrite rule to redirect /old to /new RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/old$ RewriteRule . /new [L,R=301] Which will redirect http://example.com to http://www.example.com, but would like this script to work the same i...

Flex reverse proxy issues

I'm currently working on setting up a reverse proxy for testing a flex-based web application. The current setup is using mod_proxy (with mod_proxy_http) to reverse proxy to another host. Everything seems to work except for requests made from the flash player, which result in an error message that says "Security error accessing url". ...

Dual server deployment: PHP and Java

I need PHP for UI coding and I'll be making AJAX requests to a Java backend. I've never deployed two servers before. I'll need Apache for PHP and Tomcat for Java. How can I do this? ...

BeanUtils with an addXX method

Hi, I'm using the Apache BeanUtils setProperty method to import data from an Excel file in a generic manner. I provide the parser a list of "colum name" and "property name" pairs and then the parser sets the properties with setProperty( ..., "property name", ...) for the Excel fields that match with "column name". It's working nice but ...

Connection Pooling In apache(Web sever)

Hii All, I want to implement connection pooling in my web application.please suugest how can i implement that. ...

Problem with URL rewriting for same .php page

Hello, I'm having some issues with a mod_rewrite rule. I have to make 2 types of links (the first one is for the artists that have an album, the second one is the for the ones that don't): 1) /lyrics/artist-name/album-name/song-name.php 2) /lyrics/artist-name/song-name.php My code looks like this: RewriteRule ^lyrics/(.*)/(.*)/(.*).ph...