
apache mod_security says - Access Denied error

Background - I have my website code hosted on a linux server. My website allows new registrations for employers (http://www.gymandspajobs.com/Employer/Employer.php). The filled-up forms are verified by JavaScripts in the folder "/javascript" and if the information is found ok, the data is submitted via JavaScript HTTP request object and...

Configure Apache to use different Unix User Accounts (www-data) per Site.

An Apache 2.x Webserver with default configurations from the ubuntu/debian repositories will use the www-data unix account for apache2 processes handling web requests. Assuming that apache is serving two different sites (domain1.com and domain2.com), is it possible for apache to use unix user www-data1 when handling requests to domain1.c...

Problem with mod_rewrite rules in .htaccess file

This is my .htaccess file but it is not working. Not any URL is redirected. Help me. RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^home index.php RewriteRule ^contactus index.php?file=c-contactus RewriteRule ^course_registration index.php?file=c-course_registration RewriteRule ^ncplhpage index.php?file=c-ncplhpage RewriteRule ^scplhpage index.php?file=...

Zend Framework custom route isn't working at all

Hello, I've got a really weird problem with ZF (at least for ZF newbie): I can not access my existing controller and its action method. No problems with: localhost/ localhost/index localhost/index/index localhost/index/about But, I've set route like this: /localhost/test, pointing to index controller and indexAction and I see 404 ev...

how to use htaccess to disguise filetypes

I want to be able to name my files with whatever extension I choose. In this case let’s use .foo, and then process them as PHP files. Right now my .htaccess looks like this AddType application/x-httpd-php .foo But it doesn’t work, it still prompts me to download the file when I access it. Any advice or tips? ...

How can I protect a directory using .htaccess?

How can I protect a folder using .htaccess? I want the folder /files/myfiles to only be accessed by the server, not by a user? How can I do that? ...

Problem in image display using htaccess.

When I try to display image using image tag, there is problem to display image. For now images are in project/images/logo. The page where I am displaying image is in project/projectadmin/file.php. The image path is given as below http://localhost/project/images/logo/cat%5F149.jpg. When i remove htaccess, then no problem to display imag...

Is it possible to run ASP.NET MVC 1.0 web apps on Mono 2.4.x ?

Hi, I have searched various online resources and found conflicting information about the possibility of ASP.NET MVC 1.0 web apps running against the latest build of Mono (2.4.x). According to the Mono site, ASP.NET 2.0 is supported. According to Microsoft, ASP.NET MVC 1.0 requires the 3.5 version of the framework. From what I've read...

PHP session timeout callback?

I'm running a PHP + APACHE + CENTOS Linux combination. I have implemented a login & logout on the website. My question is, how can I know when the php session has timed-out (User has closed his browser without logging-out)? The reason is, I want perform some cleanups and/or database updates (calling another PHP) when the user has don...

Restrict access using SSL certs

Hello, is there a way to restrict access to a website, running Apache via cPanel, using SSL (like CTLs on IIS/Windows)? I.E, the user has to have an ssl certificate installed/issued to be able to access the site. ...

Hide index.php (or index.html) of an URL

When I type the address of my site in a browser (mysite.com), it redirects to mysite.com/index.php. Why not to index.html ? Because I changed it in the conf file in Apache 2.2 . Now I would like to hide the last "index.php" part. How do I do that ? Would it be different it was index.html than index.php ? Wouldn't be ugly if by lookin...

What is apache's maximum url length?

What is the maximum length of a URL in apache? Where is it documented, and is it configurable? I'm implementing an openid identity provider, and would like to know the limitations I'm up against. I know about the 2048 byte path limit on Internet Explorer. That can be handled specially using user agent detection. Other browsers have much...

mod_jk conflicts with mod_rewrite

Hello I've got an Apache and Tomcat running and I use mod_jk to bind them. I have a Tomcat worker called "tc1" and the following setup on my VirtualHost: JkMount /* tc1 JkUnMount /*.png tc1 JkUnMount /*.gif tc1 JkUnMount /*.css tc1 JkUnMount /*.js tc1 That way Tomcat serves all requests apart the ones for static files. Now I want ...

Changing upload_max_filesize on a shared webhost? (Apache, PHP)

Hello! I want to change upload_max_filesize on my shared webhosting account to something greater than 2M. Since I don't have access to php.ini, and apparently you can't use ini_set to change upload_max_filesize, I don't know what to do. Maybe something involving .htaccess? Thanks! ...

Apache C++ module persistent global objects

I want to keep some global objects in an Apache C++ module persistent across Apache child process invocations. How do I do this? ...

Phusion Passenger with Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 ?

Hi, How would I go about running two separate Rails applications using Phusion Passenger with one using Ruby 1.8.x and the other using Ruby 1.9.x ? I'm running Redmine which isn't Ruby 1.9.x compatible, and the other application is a home grown app. I'm using Apache 2.2.x with Passenger 2.2.4. Is this even possible ? ...

utf8 problem with swedish characters from command line

I have a script that gets a string from the database, splits it into words and writes the words to the database. It works perfectly when i call the script via http (using apache web server). It also works to run it from a windows command line. However, when i try to run it from the command line (shell) in ubuntu all swedish chars ÅÄÖ is ...

Using custom response headers to help detect site transfers

This is more of a best practice question. At our company we often have the requirement to transfer a website from one server to another. DNS takes a while to update so it's often nice to be able to tell when a site has transferred to the new server, even if there are no changes to the actual website itself. My thought was to set a resp...

Information about SSL and apache

Every now and then and since the last week more often I get questions about HTTPS & SSL. So no I wanted to get more into it and looking for some good information about the subject. Furthermore, I have develop on XAMPP and VISTA and I am looking for a good tutorial to get SSL working on this environment. Has anyone got good resources o...

Adding Zend Framework to php.ini include_path causes Drupal site to go blank

Hello Everyone, My hosting plan allows me to host multiple sites. When I try to add the Zend Framework libraries to php.ini, another Drupal site I have becomes a completely blank whitescreen. This is the offending line: include_path = "/home/myusername/myzendusingsite.com/html/Zend" The Drupal site is located at: /home/myusername/m...