
.htaccess - redirect anchor link

I want: http://www.example.com/#test to be redirected to http://www.example.com/test With .htaccess, is that possible? How? ...

Apache minimum version for Phusion Passenger

Our current Apache installations are running Apache 2.0. Now we'd like to add some Rails applications and plan to run them on Apache with Phusion Passenger. I've gotten conflicting reports about whether we need to upgrade Apache to 2.2 in order to use Passenger (a consultant I highly respect recommended that; someone from Phusion says ...

htaccess rewrite rule not loading site content

I am struggling with .htaccess rewrite rules. Let's say I have this URL. localhost/site/index.php and I want to rewrite it as this URL localhost/site/tutorial I would use this RewriteRule Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^tutorial/(.*)$ /up/index.php The page works, but the CSS files don't load. Also, if I ...

How to use Staticgenerator with Django + Apache + mod_python

I have currently an enviroment with Django + Apache via mod_python. How can I use Staticgenerator without nginx, just with Apache and mod_python? Thank you. ...

Redirect if File Exists in Subdirectory

I am trying to redirect to a subdirectory for files, but only if the file exists in the subdirectory. Essentially, its modeled like this: Does the file exist regularly? If so, display it. Does the file exist in the subdirectory? If so, redirect to it. If we're at this point, route into a dynamic script at index.php. The tough part ha...

Why is the PHP get_headers() Last-Modified different from the apache file info

I have an Apache directory listing of files on a remote server (in Australia/Adelaide +930) I have no control over. This server shows the correct last modified date of a file as: 14-Aug-2009 09:41 I have a PHP script on my US server to check the date of the remote file. get_headers()['Last-Modified'] returns: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 00:11:11 G...

How many connections/how much bandwidth can Apache handle?

This is a request for pointers to good documentation/good articles. I'm looking for information on how many connections an Apache server can reasonably handle, and potentially how to load balance between multiple servers. I've done Google searches but it's harder for beginners to judge what are good docs. ...

Help me understand apache ab

I did a few Google search, but found no explanation of how it actually performs stress tests. As far as I understand, concurrency means simultaneous number of connections. ab probably starts the given "c" number of connections at the very same time, and hold back the following waves until all requests are fulfilled. Am I right? Given ...

Apache ssl redirect using mod_rewrite

I want to do this: if they do https://example.com I want to redirect them to https://www.example.com (add the www.). I have tried oodles of things to no avail. Redirect https://example.com/<anything> to https://www.example.com/<anything> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com [NC] RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} =443 RewriteRule ...

passing GET parameters that look like URI directories

I've seen a lot of URIs that look something like this: www.fakesite.net/stories/1234/man_invents_fire and I was wondering if the /1234/man_invents_fire part of the URI are actually directories or if they are GET parameters (or something else). I've noticed that a lot of times the /man_invents_fire segment is unnecessary (can be remove...

What are the usable compiled server side languages as of today?

I've heard of ASP.NET compiled DLLs which only works on Windows Server, but I would like to know if there are any other compiled server side languages?, maybe even ones for Apache server? Installation of the runtime shouldn't be a problem because I will have physical access to the Unix/Windows servers, but if it is a CGI plugin its an a...

Is there an easy, simple, lazy way to test rules against Apache's mod_rewrite?

Hi, I want to test the effects of my RewriteRules without going through all the trouble of setting up a vhost and a RewriteLog and throwing URLs at the browser (or curling them). But I don't just wanna test regular expressions. I want my URLs to actually go through Apache's mod_rewrite stack, and I want to see the response that would c...

How to use SetEnv with a URL parameter

I'm trying to implement language switching in .htaccess, and the only thing left now is to handle clients which don't support cookies. To do that, I must set prefer-language when the user clicks a link with a language parameter. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)language=(en|fr|no) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1?...

How can I configure Apache to run Perl CGI scripts?

I want to configure Apache web server to run CGI scripts on Mac OS x 10.5. I have already started Apache Web Server on Mac. What are the steps to make the Apache run the Perl scripts? ...

Run process with realtime output in PHP

Hi, I am trying to run a process on a web page that will return its output in realtime. For example if I run 'ping' process it should update my page every time it returns a new line (right now, when I use exec(command, output) I am forced to use -c option and wait until process finishes to see the output on my web page). Is it possible ...

Suggestions for Fun Web Programming Projects at Home

Given Jeff Atwoods assertion that All Programming is Web Programming, and having newly setup Apache on OSX with dynamic DNS on a home machine, what would the StackOverflow community suggest as fun programming projects to build on this, and what technologies to use? ...

SSI escape HTML output

When i use SSI directive is there any way to escape variable with HTML entities? <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="10; URL="/index.shtml?r=<!--#echo var="HTTP_REFERER" -->"> Thx in advice! ...

Create dynamic subdirectories using htaccess and php

Every single time a user registers on my site I would like them to have their own subdirectory with their registered "username". Every user subdirectory will have the same "index.php" file which will do something. For example: "/users/username1/" and "/users/username2/" If some one wants to access the subdirectory they would simple go ...

Setting a part of a site with other functions (PHP/Apache)

I'm trying to set up a part of a site with apache to use shell_exec, while the others have this function restricted though this is my first time so I really have no clue where I'm looking at. What I need is to call it with a different port (ex. http://localhost:8080, go with other) and practically change the document root, a more "libe...

switching my app from http to https

hello, i'm working on an extranet for my school, in php and mysql, running on apache2 and using friendly urls via mod_rewrite. I'm thinking that since there is potentially sensitive data involved, it would be better to work on an https url rather than http. The thing is: i have absolutely no experience in https. The pros, the cons and ...