
To allow only localhost in Apache's 000-default

How can you allow only localhost in Apache2? My /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default is <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /home/masi/Dropbox/a <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory> <Directory /home/masi/Dropbox/a/> ...

apple-jdbc-web server

Hi everyone !!! Plz i don't know if my post is in accordance with your policy...for any problem please i present all my desolations. I'm a bsc student in CIT . I have a project i which i want to use java applet and jdbc in a sort of host/client : My applet is working properly in the host but when i deploy it on apache webserver i lose ...

Apache rewrite with implicit redirection.

Hi, I've been trying to do this for some time unsuccesfully. I'll say in advance that this is probably a newbie question so apologies but I do need some assistance with this. I am trying to redirect requests to cgi-bin/java-rmi.cgi to a servlet on tomcat (from apache). I've managed to redirect to the servlet successfully but I have no...

Proxy pass to multiple upstreams

Is there a directive in apache or nginx (preferably) that allows to replicate an incoming stream to multiple upstreams simultaneously? The reason I need this: I want to stream live video content from one client to a number of Flash RMTP servers that will make that content available to a number of clients. This setup is working on one s...

Any good C/C++ web toolkit ?

I've been looking around and came across the WT toolkit, Is it stable? Any good? I was stumped on how to go about this in C++, given the lack of libraries and resources concerning web developement. (CGI/Apache) The purpose of my application is to populate some data from a Sybase ASE15 database running GNU/Linux & Apache Hence allow some...

Apache 2.2 reverse proxy not working as expected?

I’ve configure my apache accordingly from what I’ve read in the apache 2.2 manual. Taking the following as an example of my configuration. ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> ProxyPass "/home/kwokfu/sandbox" "http://localhost:8080/sandbox" ProxyPassReverse "/home/kwokfu/sandbox" "http://localhost:8...

Passenger/Apache: Can't set expire headers for versioned resources (rewrite rule not recognized)

Hi all, I'm trying to set the expire headers for Rails' auto-versioned resources, like whatever.css?1234567890 . (I don't want to set the expire headers for unversioned resources.) The only method I could find online involved two steps: 1) rewrite all urls that end in 10 digits to load from /public/add_expires_header instead of from /...

Rewrite only a specific file using MOD_REWRITE

I have a file that can be reached using multiple paths: http://mydomain.com/portal1/movie.swf http://mydomain.com/portal2/movie.swf http://mydomain.com/portal1/substep/movie.swf etc. I want a rewrite rule to get this specific file from the following path: http://mydomain.com/movie.swf How can I do that? ...

Permissions set to 777 and file still not writeable

I have set file permissions to 777 yet I cannot write to the file with PHP. I can clearly see in my FTP client that the file has 0777 permissions and when I do: echo (true === is_writable('file.txt')) ? 'yes' : 'no'; I get 'no'; I also tried: echo (true === chmod('file.txt', 0777)) ? 'yes' : 'no'; With the same result. The direc...

How can I use a wildcard in my .htaccess but only for 1 subdomain?

I add to httpd.conf: ServerAlias *.domain.com Now I want only 1 subdomain: h.domain.com to load hobbies.php Which lines do I need to add into my .htaccess file to make this happen? ...

Apache Redirect 301 fails when using GET parameters, such as ?blah=...

I've built a new PHP site for a customer and want to redirect the top ranking Google results from the old site structure to the new one. I've put several dozen Redirect 301's in a .htaccess in the documentroot, and while some work fine I'm having issues with a bunch of others. This works fine: Redirect 301 /nl/flash/banner_new.swf htt...

Session variables

Hy guys. I'm currently working on a project which uses a lot of data stored in session variables. My question is how reliable is this method and if affects the server performance and memory usage. Basicaly, what you would choose between session variables and cookies. ...

apache /php creates file, but same page not permitted to edit file

I've run into an issue moving onto my test (and tried it on prod, no go) where I have a php script create a file and put some data in that file. I've set the permissions to R, W, X for "Owner, Group, Other" using winSCP (i'm not much for commandline yet). What i can see is that the script is able to create the file (i've deleted, and...

mod_rewrite fail: .htaccess or server config issue?

The application i'm developing uses a certain file directory structure. Via the use of mod_rewrite and .htaccess files, i manage to have friendly urls for our users. It works fine on my local server, but once on the production server, it fails: apparently, the server throws a 404 error before the .htaccess has a chance to kick in. Here ...

apache camel Client Using Producer Template versus Client Using Spring Remoting PROXY

Hello! I'm trying the Apache Camel Tutorial JmsRemoting. Following the examples, the proxy client works fine to template and proxy clients configuration. But, when i change the example in order to use a JAXB transportation object xml, configuring routes with marshal and unmarshal dataformats, the situation become different. 1) When i...

Zend Framework Invisible Controllers

Dear All, this is a rephrasing of a question I posted yesterday. I got an answer but an incomplete one. I studied a bit and can now reformulate the question in a clear, simple way. I create a project with Zend Framework. I get inside and I create a controller. When I try to access thr view of this new controller, it does not work. I g...

How to setup apache and php to make mail() function work on local machine

Hi. I am using php's mail() function to send an email from a php scrpit, however, this is not working. I believe the problem is with my php setup and the lack of an smtp server. Does anyone have experience with setting something like this up on a local machine and what can be done to fix this? Thank you ...

Random WordPress Admin 404s

I've been getting completely random 404 errors when using the backend of WordPress. These errors are for completely legitimate admin pages. The workaround is to refresh the page – which usually works the second time around. I've seen this problem reported elsewhere but no solution. Wondering if anyone here has good ideas. ...

Disable PHP in directory (including all sub-directories) with .htaccess

Hi all! I'm making a website which allows people to upload files, html pages, etc... Now I'm having a problem. I have a directory structure like this: -/USERS -/DEMO1 -/DEMO2 -/DEMO3 -/etc... (every user has his own direcory here) -index.php -control_panel.php -.htaccess Now I want to disable PHP, but enable Server-si...

Web application deployment to limited user population

Hi all, I'm trying to determine the best way of deploying new versions of an established web application. In the past, I've done it a couple different ways but this time we're looking to do something a little different/better. We're using development/staging/production servers. After the development is done and the basic functionality...