
"Connection Reset" error on Django Admin file upload

WheneverI try to upload an mp3 file through a CMS I built with the Django Admin contrib pacakage, the server takes a couple minutes, then gives me a "Connection was reset" error. I'm running Django on a CentOS server using NGINX which is proxying Apache with mod_wsgi for python. Could this be a server settings issue? ...

Using random folder name on web server to restrict access to it - bad idea?

Lets say I have "admin" folder in my public_html and I don't want anyone except me to be able to access it. What if instead of password protecting it (using apache htaccess) I just rename it to "admin-7815696ecbf1c96e6894b779456d330e" and leave it open (with disabled folder indexes of course)? People usually freak out from such "soluti...

How can I get apache to list a folders contents?

How can I get Apache to display the contents of my folder and provide links to them? Similar to http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/? I don't have access to the Apache configuration, so I'm looking for something in the way of .htaccess or something I can do in just my home folder. ...

How does Subversion handle file permissions and a .htaccess file?

I'm using Subversion for one of my PHP projects. I have two questions/issues: How are file permissions handled with Subversion? If I have a file that I CHMOD to 755, and I check that file into the repository, will it have the same permissions when it's checked out into other working copies? If it does not copy, do I really need to chan...

RewriteCond and RewriteRule in .htaccess

I have a client folder located at http://www.example.com/client However, I've now installed SSL on the server, and want to add a permanent redirect using HTACCESS so that whenever /client is accessed, that it redirects to: https://www.example.com/client Anybody know how to do that? I've redirected my domains in the past like this: Rew...

301 redirect .htaccess

Im trying to request the following entire site 301 redirect: word.something.blah.domain.com --> http://www.word.com I don't know how to write the 301 redirect rule. Can someone help out? ...

Apache's mod_rewrite and %{REQUEST_URI} problem

Hi, suppose we have the following PHP page "index.php": <? if (!isset($_GET['req'])) $_GET['req'] = "null"; echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "<br>" . $_GET['req']; ?> and the following ".htaccess" file: RewriteRule ^2.php$ index.php?req=%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^1.php$ 2.php Now, let's access "index.php". We get this: /index.php n...

How to configure PHP under Apache web server in GENTOO Operating System?

Hi, is there anyone who knows how to install / configure php under apache? I have emerge php apache both. I wanted to use mod_php for apache in GENTOO OS. php temp.php command line runs fine, but http://localhost/temp.php is not executing on web server instead it shows the content of the php code. ...

mod_rewrite for clean urls gives 500 internal server error

I'm having some troubles with mod_rewrite. On my index page (index.php) I show a blog and a single blog post page looks like this: http://www.mydomain.com/blog/post-title mod_rewrite for this is: RewriteRule ^blog/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)$ index.php?postslug=$1 [L] This works like a charm. But I also have another page called artists.php and...

Different types of WAMP's?

"WAMP" is an acronym formed from the initials of the operating system (Windows) and the package's principal components: Apache, MySQL and PHP (or Perl or Python). Personally I use XAMPP Lite, but thats because I haven't tried anything else. I've just been looking as to how to install SQLBuddy on it, and can't find out. I've heard about...

Apache mod_rewrite

Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteMap name2id txt:/path/to/map.txt RewriteRule ^/mods/([^/]+)\.html$ /mod.php?id=${name2id:$1|0} [QSA,L] First time to make a URL rewriting with rewriteMap. I have a code above but it returns a 404 page if i run http://example.com/mysite/mods/abc.html in my browser. I've put the above cod...

How does FastCGI work on a web server (eg. Apache 2.2+)?

Hi, I had a look at the sources of FastCGI (fcgi-2.4.0) and actually there's no sign of fork. If I'm correct the web server spwans a process for FastCGI module (compiled in it or loaded as a SO/DLL) and handles control of the main socket (the port TCP:80 usually) over to it. On *nix the FastCGI module "locks" that socket using a file w...

Apache .htaccess rewrite question

i wanna add a rewrite rule to apache 2.2 .htaccess file that if the rest of the rewrite rules did not comply and if the url is not found, to redirect to a specific php file. how do i do that ? ...

how to create .doc file using java?

Can anyone tell me how to create doc files using java? I know, there's a POI library, but it seems like it can save only simple documents. You can read anything you wish, but you can't save it all back again. Or may be i missed something? How can i save whole document with pictures, tables and styles? ...

Apache redirect 404 for only the files that are not found?

What I'm looking to do is basically take all requests to a directory, and if the file exists, send it. If not, send it from the parent directory (assume it exists there). The files are large and there can be a lot, and the subdirectories will change frequently, so filesystem links isn't a great way to manage. Is there some Apache conf...

diff in mod rewrite on apache 1.3 and 2.2

What is the difference in mod_rewrite between Apache 1.3(.37) and 2.2(.11)? RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^pages/edit(account|page)/([0-9]+)*$ ./index.php?p=edit$1&id=$2 RewriteRule ^pages/([\w'-]+)*$ ./index.php?p=$1 I wrote this and it "works on my machine" which...

How to stop WSGI from hanging apache

I have django running through WSGI like this : <VirtualHost *:80> WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ptarjan/django/django.wsgi WSGIDaemonProcess ptarjan processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP} WSGIProcessGroup ptarjan Alias /media /home/ptarjan/django/mysite/media/ </VirtualHost> But if in python I do : def handler(request...

WAMP + RewriteRule : Copying site to subfolder

I've just installed WAMP, and now I'm trying to copy my files from my server to my local machine. I have a rewrite rule like RewriteRule .* /index.php?url=$0 [L,QSA] But that seems to redirect to http://localhost/index.php when I actually want http://localhost/mysite/index.php. So I figured RewriteBase /mysite Would do the trick, b...

gzipped Apache response packet analysis

After enabling gzip compression in my Apache server (mod_deflate) I found consistently that end user was being served on average 200 ms slower than uncompressed responses. This was unexpected so I modified the compression directive to ONLY compress text/HTML responses, fired up wireshark and looked at the network dump before and after ...

ApacheDS - Storing user information in PostGres

Could anyone show me how to configure ApacheDS 1.5 to store user information in PostGreS DB? Regards ...