
ProxyPass, ProxyReverse vs AJP

I currently have a Tomcat + Apache HTTP server setting to serve my Java servlet: ProxyPass /myservice http://localhost:8080/myservice ProxyPassRerverse /myservice http://localhost:8080/myservice This is all fine except that myservice needs to know the client IP address, which always turns out to be due to the proxy. Is there...

Apache mod_rewrite only if request does not start with '/THEMES/'

Hi all SO users! I'm writing a CMS in PHP, and now I'm working at the themes feature. I have a .htaccess file: RewriteEngine ON RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)$ index.php?m=$1 RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)/(.+)$ index.php?m=$1&p=$2 If I have a request to: /page it must load the view function of the class called page. If...

How can I get my website to display a .c file instead of trying to make the user download it?

My webserver is Apache (I don't have admin rights over it though). In my www/ directory, I have some .c files I'd like to display to the user to view in their browser. Currently though, the website tries to make the user download the files instead of simply displaying them. How can I fix this? Is there some sort of .htaccess trick? ...

add a server alias to the domain's VHOST?

I have a VPS. I hosted a domain ipointing to a sub directory of the www folder. The domain works fine till the home page. The moment I start going to other pages its shows my servers [orginalname]/[subdirectory name] . I think I need to add a server alias to the domain's VHOST. Can anyone tell me how to do that?? ...

Django python path with Apache and mod_python

I'm trying to set up Review Board, which uses Django, on WinXP with Apache 2.2 and mod-python. I have a default Python install, but I want to use a different instance. The default is c:/python25, but I want d:/xxx/python25. mod-python has a config option to change the path, but I don't want to have to recompile mod_python (as the code i...

Choosing a Subversion Server

Hi, After settling on Subversion as my RCS needs (and AnkhSVN/TortoiseSVN for my primary Subversion clients), I am trying to choose an SVN server. I have looked at a bunch of them: Local (ie file:///) Collabnet VisualSVN Server Tigris SilkSVN SharpSVN Apache module I’ve installed each in a VM to try them out but have not found enoug...

Mod_Rewrite Force HTTP On All Files Except One

Hi, Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. I have a folder which when I visit loads in both HTTPS and HTTP. I want all the files in that folder to load in HTTP except for one file. The file I need in in HTTPS is: login.php and this folder is called "forum". Also if it helps: All the files in the folder are *.php. ...

Weird 500 Internal Server Error (firebug, php, display_errors, ajax)

Guys, on one page I am doing multiple AJAX calls. All calls return responses successfully but the last one (not related to other ajax calls) returns 500 internal server error as response code (as firebug tells). However, in spite of error code, correct content is returned from that AJAX call. To my amazement, when I set display_errors ...

APC Enabled but Apache Still Opening Files?

Hey guys, I'm working on a high-traffic webserver farm serving dynamic PHP code which includes around 100 files on most requests. APC opcode cache is enabled, include_once_override is enabled, and I have allocated 64MB ram to the cache, yet when I strace an apache process I still see it open()ing and stat()ing all of these includes for ...

JDBC PoolingDataSource vs PoolingDriver

With reference to apache commons dbcp, what is the difference between PoolingDataSource and PoolingDriver? The source code states "Note that this example is very similiar to the PoolingDriver example. In fact, you could use the same pool in both a PoolingDriver and a PoolingDataSource" However it does not explicit state the differenc...

htaccess rule conflict?

In my .htaccess file I have the following rule defined. RewriteRule t/([^.]+)/$ /video/tag.php?tag=$1 [QSA] This rule is working fine for tag pages. When I am accessing URL as http://example.com/video/t/funny/ then its displaying all the result with tag funny. But When I am accessing a URL http://example.com/video/script/common/vide...

How to rewrite URL based on domain in apache and add extra parameter?

Hi, Basically, what I want to do is to rewrite all urls because we have many different languages. We have a server that hosts several domains. We have www.example.com, www.example.fr, www.example.de, www.anotherdomain.com, www.anotherdomain.de. What I want to do is to redirect all requests from example.xxx to www.example.com with extra u...

Modrewrite and PHP issues

I am trying to write this rewrite code and it just is not working (apache 2.2): RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^account/activate\?token=(.*) index.php?route=account/activate&token=$1 I tried many different variations. After trying for about and hour and searching google I am stumped. This is where you come in! ...

Redirect 404 to another domain with apache?

Hey guys, have a question regarding apache. I have a site that's been re-engineered, but I want to capture all the 'old' links that people may have bookmarked or come from search engines to the old site which is under a new domain name. How do I get apache to redirect only 404 not found to the old site? TIA, J ...

.htaccess URL reroute to different folder based on first part of query

Here is my .htaccess now rewriteengine on rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.example.com$ [OR] rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com$ rewriterule ^index.php/? "http\:\/\/example\.com\/" [R=301,L] #4a397bb852bc9 Which sends all requests from the root directory to index.php What I need to do is send all requests from www.example.com/site2/ t...

How to Compile Mod_Python 3.3.1 for Python 2.6 and Apache 2.2 on Windows?

I have no experience compiling code other than using Visual Studio's Build command. I am hoping we can create a step by step guide for compiling mod_python on windows. Please be as descriptive as possible. This is what I've done so far: Download and install python 2.6.2 Download and install apache 2.2.11 Download the most recent sourc...

On PHP Error Apache gives 500 Error

Everytime I get an error in any of my PHP, my local Apache server gives me a 500 Internal Server error. I never seem to have problems with any of my CakePHP projects, but this is plain vanilla PHP and it is really slowing down progress having to guess at the error. ...

What's a great way to benchmark Apache locally on Linux?

I've been developing a web-site that uses Django and MySQL; what I want to know is how many HTTP requests my server can handle serving certain pages. I have been using siege but I'm not sure if that's a good benchmarking tool. ...

use variable in shtml include statement

I would like to use a path contained in a variable to include a file in an shtml/SSI page. Basically, I would like to set a variable with mod_rewrite first and then process the filename contained in the var. <!--#include virtual="some_variable"--> Is this possible without using another scripting language? ...

Installing Django with mod_wsgi

I wrote an application using Django 1.0. It works fine with the django test server. But when I tried to get it into a more likely production enviroment the Apache server fails to run the app. The server I use is WAMP2.0. I've been a PHP programmer for years now and I've been using WAMPServer since long ago. I installed the mod_wsgi.so an...