
svn+apache per directory access control - disable root from modifying permissions file

Hi, I currently have an svn server running on a machine to which multiple users have root access. For the svn repository I want to use per-directory access control. So I user the mod_dav module with apache and specify permissions in /etc/svn-access-file The problem is that since multiple users have root access, then can potentially modi...

SSI Jboss not including html (context issues)

Hi I hope that someone out there could give a clue on where to here. Here's the problem. I have enabled SSI in some jboss under Solaris, I have the application web.xml configured as follows: <filter> <filter-name>ssi</filter-name> <filter-class> org.apache.catalina.ssi.SSIFilter </filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>conte...

svn+apache per directory access control: weird permissions issue (403 Forbidden error)

Hi, I had a perfectly working svn+apache install where I was using per directory access control to restrict access to various parts of the repository. In particular, no one had access to the top level in the repository [/]. People had access to folders like [/www] etc. I was specifying these permissions in a file (svn-access-file). I h...

Apache Webserver - How to write to dir/files with permissions set at 755 instead of 777

I just learned to install Apache 2 on my ubuntu linux localhost for the first time. I'm making it work with PHP5. I noticed that anytime I want to write to a file or directory, I have to chmod 777 the destination. But from my experience working on 3rd party hosting solutions, I am generally allowed to write to files and dirs that have...

What can change the include_path between php.ini and a PHP file.

I've inherited some code on a system that I didn't setup, and I'm running into a problem tracking down where the PHP include path is being set. I have a php.ini file with the following include_path include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php" I have a PHP file in the webroot named test.php with the following phpinfo call <?php phpi...

Downside to using persistent connections?

I have heard in the past that persistent connections are not good to use on a high traffic web server. Is this true, or does it only apply to apache's prefork mode? Would CGI mode have this problem? This involves PHP, Apache, and Postgresql. ...

How to redirect non-www to www URL's using htaccess?

I have a website say http://www.example.com/ in the root of my website, I have added .htaccess file to redirect any request of http://example.com/ to http://www.example.com/ Recently I have created a new section "Videos" so the URL for videos is http://www.example.com/videos/ . In this video folder I have another htaccess file which is ...

How does one control the hook order when adding a PerlTransHandler hook?

In apache 2.2 / mod_perl2 I'd like to add a translation phase handler (PerlTransHandler) but have it run after mod_rewrite. In apache 1.3 this was done by controlling module load order. In apache 2.x the hook ordering is more flexible, however mod_perl2 seems to always insert itself first in that hook phase. Looking at the Request Hook...

Why is attribute not saving in Rails?

I've added an "account" variable to a Rails app I'm running, and tested in the development environment with a mongrel server. Everything worked fine. I set my environment to production and use our Apache server, and suddenly nothing works. After a lot of debugging, I've found that the account variable is succesfullying being SET in my me...

Apache Log rotation Script

I have the following script running to backup my apache logs #!/bin/sh dt=`date +%m%d%Y` cp /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/error_log /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/oldlogs/error_log$dt cat /dev/null > /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/error_log cp /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/access_log /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/oldlogs/access_log$dt cat...

rewrite mysite/city/citiname.html to mysite/citiname.html

I want to rewrite these so that the text in the adress bar should be mysite.com/citiname.html ...

Replace the bundled Apache and PHP installs on OS X Server 10.5

Is there any way to replace the bundled Apache and PHP install on OS X Server 10.5? I've got them installed separately at the moment, but it'd be nice if I could use the Server Admin tools with them. I know this is a long shot, but figured it's worth it. ...

CSS background-image: url(none) leading to errors in apache log file

I have run into a strange problem. When I use: background-image: url(none); in my css file, it generates an error in the apache log file: File does not exist: /...../styles/none, referer: http://blabla.com/styles/styles.css I have used the W3C CSS validator and there are no errors (just some warnings about floats needing widths). ...

Fortify Source Analyzer and Apache Lenya

Hey everyone! First off, any help is much appreciated! I am trying to use Fortify Source Code Analyzer for a research project at my school to test the security for open source Java web applications. I am currently working on Apache Lenya. I am working with the last stable release (Lenya v2.0.2). Inside the root directory there is a fil...

Why is Apache's RewriteRule revealing local paths?

I'm trying to use RewriteRules in .htaccess with relative paths, but Apache seems to want to output the physical path instead of the server path whenever I try to output a relative path. Absolute and server-root paths work fine. For example: RewriteEngine On # this works fine, redirects to RewriteRule ^ab$ /cd...

mod rewrite subdirectory as root

I am needing to rewrite www.domain.com/newsite/ as www.domain.com/, basically I am doing this just in case the new site has some unexpected problem, I can easily roll-back to the original by editing the .htaccess file... ...

Pointing Apache to a SVN repo

I have a SVN repo on my server which contains a working version of our prototype. Currently we have the repo checked out, and are using our local dev environment (LAMP) to access the proto, make changes and then commit it. What I want to know is how to maintain a live working version of the repo in the LAMP stack, so that when we make c...

How do I add a script specific lib path in mod_perl?

I'm trying to migrate CGI scripts to mod_perl using ModPerl::Registry. The scripts use modules that are in the same directory as the script, but since mod_perl current directory is elsewhere, that doesn't work. I tried using FindBin to add on to the @INC, but here's what FindBin looks like: $FindBin::Bin: /usr/sbin $FindBin::Script: h...

Apache / PHP Disable Cookies for Subdomain ?

Hi There, I am trying to follow these guidelines (http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#cookie_free) to make my page load quicker, I have created a static subdomain to load static content from, however it is advising me to not have cookies sent on this subdomain, any ideas on how I might be able to do this in apache / php ? ...

.NET XMPP libraries under Apache, MIT or MS-PL licenses?

I am looking for a liberally licensed (MIT, X11, Apache, etc) version of the XMPP protocol for .NET and Mono. There are a handful of libraries under the GPL, LGPL and LGPL v2 for .NET and Mono, but none of those are suitable for the kind of application that I have in mind (integrating it with Mono's stack where we go for no-strings atta...