
What web server to use for Lua web development

What web server (and why) should I use for Lua web development? ...

Apache mod_rewrite a subdomain to a subfolder (via internal redirect)

I'm trying to write a set of mod_rewrite rules that allow my users to utilize a single folder for doing development on different projects, and not have to mess with adding vhosts for every single project. My idea to accomplish this, is to set up a "Global VHost" for every single user who needs this ability (only 3-4), the vhost would be...

PHP / Apache how to set session.cookie_domain from outside php.ini

Hi There, I need to restrict cookies to my www subdomain, this works by me adding the line session.cookie_domain = www.example.com in the php.ini file. However I have a number of virtual hosts on my server so I need this domain to be different for each one. After a bit of a web-seach, I have tried using: 'SetEnv session.cookie_domain w...

Remove spaces in file names apache

1.Hi, I have a internal use only file upload script that uploads the files to a directory. When I upload something from my computer with a spcace in the name i.e example 1.zip it uploads with a space in the name thus killing the link in a email. Is it possible to make apache remove the space when its uploaded or make it a underscore? Th...

mod_rewrite index.php?p=$1

I'm trying to rewrite index.php?p=page to /page/ but i cant get it to work! This wont work: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule .* index.php?p=$1 [PT,L] Help please! ...

Web GUI for editing INI files

I am looking for a Unix based application or framework that would allow me to view/edit ini files on a remote system in a Html GUI via Apache (or similar). Searching for ini/config/GUI solutions via search engines returns a lot a false positives. Any recommendations? ...

.htaccess with dynamic php - subfolder problems

Hi, Necessary Knowledge My .htaccess file redirects like this: domain.com/about to domain.com/index.php?page=about RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L] The "page" variable is used in a php include: <?php include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/contents/".$page.".html"); ?> The "contents" folder simply contains .html...

'Memcache' not found in command line PHP script

I have Memcache installed and working for PHP apps run through Apache (v2.2) but when I try to run a .php file in the command-line i get this error: Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found in /usr/local/Matters/app/matters-common/connection.php on line 94 Line 94 is: $memcache = new Memcache; Other info: CentOS 5.2 PHP 5.2.5 (cli)...

Python Server Pages Implementations

I've been a PHP developer for quite awhile, and I've heard good things about using Python for web scripting. After a bit of research, I found mod_python, which integrates with Apache to allow Python Server Pages, which seem very similar to the PHP pages I'm used to. I also found a mod_wsgi which looks similar. I was wondering which impl...

mod_rewrite not working as internal proxy

I have a site that needs to use mod_rewrite to direct traffic to www.example.com to, port 8080, through an internal proxy. This is the rewrite rule I'm using: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [P] When I visit www.example.com/myurl, I receive the following error with a 404: The requeste...

Twiki problem : Cannot create any topics or new content

Hi, After installing Twiki on Vista and attempting to create a new topic, I see the following : During save of Main.TSI an error was found by the version control system. Please notify your TWiki administrator. Can someone point me the right direction? I'm a newbie at Twiki. I'm using Apache and ActivePerl as part of my installation ...

How to open word document at specific paragraph with poi ?

Hi All, Requirement is this ... We are reading word document and getting all annotation from that document, and we are sending this document to user, when user open the document that time document should open with some specific page specific paragraph. ( That specific page, paragraph location we can give it, I can give the org.apache.p...

nginx rewrite rules with Passenger

Hi, I'm trying to migrate to nginx from Apache using Passenger in both instances to host a Rails app. The app takes a request, which is for an image- if the image exists at /system/logos/$requestedimage then it should get served, or it should be allowed to hit the Rails app to generate it if needed (where it is then cached to /system/lo...

Apache ReWrite problem

I'm working on a webpage that takes a URL as a parameter, and would like it to be easily indexed by search engines. One requirement is that each URL appears as a directory. My script is in the format: myscript?url=<a url>&page=1 I'd like redirects to look something like: lookup/<a url>/page:1/ The URL is predictably giving me tro...

LAMP: Set Document Root for Specific Directory

So I must upload the CMS that I've been creating in the development environment to my company's server to show the client. But the software I created was built in the document root, and the company wants me to upload it to a folder on the server. Is there any way to set the document root dynamically with PHP, or to include an .htaccess o...

Rewriting query string using mod_rewrite

In my MVC application I use a uri router than determines which controller and action to use and detects GET parameters from the uri. I've written it so that it will accept both these forms: http://localhost/controller/action/param1Name/param1Value http://localhost/controller/action?param1Name=param1Value Now what I'd like to do is use...

Apache POI xls column Remove

I dont find how to remove a column with the Apache POI API. I would appreciate a sample code or help on this point. Thank you ...

solve apache problem when more clients connect the site

I have a php web application on web server connect with two oracle db server in loadbalance between them... we use in web application smarty template engine ..and ajax jquery the problem in - when more clients connect the web application the site stop or apache not running so we make restart to apache. - some web pages is slow. i want ...

RHEL/Apache ssl.conf configuration problem

We've got multiple subdomains, each with it's own virtualhost entry in httpd.conf and (for those supporting https) in ssl.conf as well. Our main www subdomain has a GoDaddy cert associated with it. The subdomain I'm configuring right now ("api.bulbstorm.com") has an ssl.conf virtualhost entry that looks like this: <VirtualHost 172.16....

Problem uploading files greater than 10Mb in IE6

Hey. This code works in most browsers, and even partially in IE6. It uploads files less 10Mb (approximately), but not anything larger. The code specifies that those files are permitted. Also, note that it seems like the entire file seems to be transferred to the servers before disregarded. The website is at: www.mgxvideo.com/mgxcopy-...