
Apache error [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.

Hi, I'm using PHP5, CodeIgniter and Apache. The localhost php pages were loading fine and then suddenly they started crashing Apache. The web pages seem to get to different stages of loading when apache crashes. The only interesting line in the Apache error log file says : [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477...

Debugging Delphi ISAPI Dll on Apache

I have run into a situtation where frequently when debugging a ISAPI Dll (TWebModule) running under Apache I get errors. The caption on the error box is "Debugger Fault Notification" and contained in the message is, among other things: "c:\program files\Apache\bin\httpd.exe faulted with message......." When this happens the cpu window ...

Should I use passenger on Apache or Nginx?

What are the pros and cons between deploying passenger on top of Apache and Nginx? ...

wordpress, apache redirection question

Hello. I have a wordpress application thats currently the only application on the domain. Now in this application, I've just created a /presentations folder... How can I present anything stored in just this /presentations folder from getting redirected... Thank you ...

Setting up several Django apps on one server

Hi all...I've been trying to configure two separate Django apps on one server such that they can be accessed at different URL's...using the below config, I can access the first app, but I'm at a loss at how to include the setup for the second app. The admin media is also not being loaded at all NameVirtualHost *:8032 ServerName ...

How to debug, and protect against, infinite loops in PHP?

I recently ran up against a problem that challenged my programming abilities, and it was a very accidental infinite loop. I had rewritten some code to dry it up and changed a function that was being repeatedly called by the exact methods it called; an elementary issue, certainly. Apache decided to solve the problem by crashing, and the...

Is there anythings besides IIS that I can use to get Windows Integrated Authentication?

On a Mac os x server with apache, is there any programming library, framework, etc. that I can get to allow Windows Integrated Authentication? I don't mean just LDAP because the user still has to logon the website before I can get the LOGON_USER. I am looking for something that gets the credentials of the Windows user from the browser ...

Rewrite Url with apache2

Hi, I'm experimenting with CodeIgniter PHP framework, this framework works like: http://localhost:7777/~dhalsim/ci/index.php/blog So, I tried to remove index.php part from there. So far I do these: make $config['index_page'] = "index.php"; to $config['index_page'] = ""; make $config['uri_protocol'] = "REQUEST_URI"; from $config['uri_...

Flex Web-Tier Setup

Howdy Everyone, This one has been driving me nuts for a few days now and I've tried Google but no luck (judging from my good luck with finding answers on google, this is a rarity for me not to find an answer). To cut a long story short, I did have the capability to compile my mxml files via the browser on my local machine. I've had to ...

Is there an alternative to PHP's $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); for apache that does not require a full blown programming language (e.g. SSI)

Hi. I have a simple html page that only uses PHP in two places <?php preg_replace('/(www\.)?([^.]*)\.(com|info)/', '${2}', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); ?> <?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); ?> In page is loaded on multiple domains, and I just want to display the host name as text in some other static content I'd like to remove the need fo...

Axis Web Service Keep Alive

I have an axis web service running in Tomcat. Clients are making connections without sending a Connection: close header in HTTP 1.1 which means that the default is Keep-Alive. Unfortunately the client seems to be having a problem and when it gets an exception the client is not closing the connection. Since these clients are sending lots ...

Redirect non-www URL to www URL in conjunction with other rules

Redirecting a visitor who hits http://example.com to http://www.example.com isn't terribly difficult. But how is it done in conjunction with a RewriteRule that directs all page requests through "index.php"? RewriteRule !\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|php|ico|xml)$ /index.php ...

How to tell Apache, in reverse proxy mode, to intercept or trap 302 responses from backend server and redirect internally without sending 302 response back to client?

Hi, Does anyone knows how to tell Apache, in reverse proxy mode, to intercept or trap 302 (or 30x) responses from backend server and redirect internally without sending 30x response back to client? Ultimately, the backend server the response is redirected to would not be accessible from the outside (or not listed in Apache conf). My si...

Apache2 "sleeps" for couple of seconds on Windows

Hi guys, I run an Apache2 server on my Windows XP Pro SP3 machine. The problem I am having is that it does not want to start loading php page for 2-3-4 seconds. I monitored the Task Manager and the httpd process is at 0% cpu activity for that time and then on starting to parse the page, it goes to 20-30-50%. The webserver should not be...

What are the best books and resources for learning to develop, deploy and/or host Django?

I'm a newbie on the Django scene coming from an ASP.NET C# background. I'm looking for some good resources to help me learn the ins and outs of Django/Python. Any recommendations? ...

How do I compile a 32 bit apache module for a 64 bit platform?

Hi, I am trying to comple mod_auth_kerb for apache on mac os x 10.5.7. I get no compilation errors, but when apache tries to load it: org.apache.httpd[95092]: httpd: Syntax error on line 160 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/libexec/apache2/mod_auth_kerb.so into server: dlopen(/usr/libexec/apache2/mod_auth_kerb.so, 1...

How to set a cookie with a php script thats executed by Flash?

I have a flash upload script, that uses a .php file as the processor. I need the processor file to set a cookie with a gallery ID that was created by php script, and pass it on to the confirmation page. Except when Flash runs the php file... it doesnt set the cookie. It does set the session variable, which was good enough, but now Im usi...

Apache getting denied access to a directory on my local server

I have OS X 10.5 with about 40 websites in the Sites directory. I just downloaded one from my server to initialize a local copy but I am getting denied access. The permissions seem fine but Apache is still giving me the 403. Any ideas why this would happen? Does it have to do with me downloading the files from the internet? drwxr-xr...

Deploy standalone PHP/MySQL applications

I have been looking for a solution that would allow me to deploy PHP applications on Macs and Windows. I've been developing online applications but would like them to be offline applications as well but that would require that Apache/PHP/MySQL be installed on their platforms as well. I've set up WAMP and it was NOT that easy. Lots of con...

Want to get into the linux web dev world, book recomendations for o/s and apache primers.

Want to get into the linux web dev world, looking for book recomendations for o/s and apache primers. Something that steps me into the concepts slowly... ...