
Including an embedded web server - possible issues with deployment.

While analyzing some approaches to making our web app easier to deploy on our customers' sites, one of the suggestions was to include an embeddable web server to save the customer from needing to configure/install Apache/IIS. What are some drawbacks to this approach? Specifically, what are the possible issues that we could come across ...

Apache Django Mod_Wsgi Sessions Development Enviroment

I'd like to know how I can maintain sessions while developing on my local machine (django, apache, mod-wsgi). Each time I make updates to python code I need to restart Apache for the changes to take effect. ...

Running an ASP.NET Web Application on Apache with Mono

Hello: I have developed an ASP.NET web application that has the following files (after being published): Default.aspx, Web.config, .dll (in bin folder), .pdb (in bin folder), and an App_Data folder that currently has nothing in it. This application runs well in Visual Studio. My company uses Apache so the IT department decided to tr...

Apache vs. IIS PHP performance comparison

Does anyone know of any links to realistic performance comparisons of IIS vs. Apache for PHP hosting? I am looking to utilise existing infrastructure for a change of technologies from .NET to a PHP application but I cannot find any information about PHP hosted on varying platforms. There is heaps out there about IIS vs. Apache in genera...

How to get variable in CGI made by /bin/sh + Apache

I'm coding following CGI script echo "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n" echo "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>title</TITLE></HEAD>" echo "<BODY>" echo "<FORM ACTION="http://exapmle.com/page2.cgi" NAME="PAGE1" METHOD="POST">" echo "input:<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="data1" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=10>" echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=nbtn VALUE='GO TO PAG...

Subversion: Allow both svn based (passwd file) and windows domain authentication

I have subversion currently set up on Windows to authenticate against our domain controller via Apache. Is it possible to allow authentication against both the domain controller and the subversion passwd file? To accomplish this, would I have to have apache for windows authentication and also have svnserve run as a service and have t...

cocoon 2.2 xsp generator

Hi, Any hints on how to put the blocks of xsp working? I managed to build them, but I cant seem to use xsps generators on my pipelines. Is this still available? Thanks greetings ...

Apache Port 8080 Windows XP

I've installed Apache 2.2. Accepted defaults. I've created a simple php file calling it index.php. If I enter this in Firefox: http://localhost:8080/ I get the splash screen: If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful. You may now add content to this directo...

Tutorial for developing Web Services with Apache Axis 1.5

I'm new to Web Services under Apache Axis and I've worked through this tutorial which was really helpful (written for beta1, but seems to work up to 1.2) I'm having trouble with using the newer version of Axis though as the tools and behaviour seems to have changed significantly. Is there anything around the same level for the more rece...

PHP & MySQL on Mac OS X: Access denied for GUI user

Hey! I have just installed and configured Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin on my Macbook in order to have a local development environment. But after I moved one of my projects over to the local server I get a weird MySQL error from one of my calls to mysql_query(): Access denied for user '_securityagent'@'localhost' (using pass...

Error in Django running on Apache/mod_wsgi

Recently i asked a question regarding an error in apache/mod_wsgi recognizing the python script directory. The community kindly answered the question resulting in a successful installation. Now I have a different error, the server daemon (well, technically is a windows service, I say tomato you say...) doesn't find any of the models, her...

PHP error log and newline chars

What's the PHP config setting which allows or prevents newlines in debug output from being escaped? On two different installs (a dev laptop running MAMP/OSX, and a dev server running debian) I see different results in the error logs when debugging. error_log(print_r(array(1,2,4),1)); On Debian this appears in /var/log/apache2/error.l...

How to create a certificate for local development with SSL?

I am currently doing local development on a webproject using a LAMP stack. Since my production application will be using https for login, I'd like to be able to mimic this in my local dev environment so that all the url's remain consistent. I am new to ssl certificates so could anyone please point me to some reference on how to do this...

How can you get the original REQUEST_URI from within a Struts 2 Action reached via an apache ErrorDocument redirection?

How can you access the REQUEST_URI from within a Struts 2 Action? In perl/php/ruby it is readily available via ENV["REQUEST_URI"] and the like. In java it seems that the PageContext.getErrorData().getRequestURI() is what I'm looking for, but sadly, the PageContext does not appear to be defined within the action, either because the ErrorD...

Symfony Sandbox 1.2 returns a blank page after unpacking into web folder

I have symfony 1.0 running on my Windows XP machine but have recently wanted to try Symfony 1.2. I unpacked the sandbox and set up a virtual host. The page returned is blank. http://sf_sandbox/web/ returns a blank page http://sf_sandbox/web/frontend_dev.php/ returns a blank page PHP, SQLite, Mysql are all fine. I tired adding echo ...

How to force a browser to refresh a cached version of a webpage

I have a website that because of an ill-prepared apache conf file has instructed users to cache a website URL several years into the future. As a result, when a person visits the site, they often make no attempt to even request the page. The browser just loads the HTML from cache. This website is about to get a major update, and I woul...

500 Internal Server Error?

Hi,everyone, Recently, I put my project which is php+smarty+mysql in my httpd server. But I encountered an error that says: 500 Internal Server Error My OS is archlinux, and the httpd server and php were installed like this: sudo pacman -S apache php If I use a test native php file which contains the following: <html> <head...

How to display arabic characters in web page using php and sql server

How can I display Arabic characters in web page using php and sql server? The Arabic data is stored in the database (sql server). Now I want to use php to display that data on the web page. How can I do this? ...

(Apache) Possible to match UTF8 characters in rewrite rules?

I know it's possible to create links where UTF8 characters are encoded, but is it possible to actually match those characters within rewrite rules? Example being just rewrite a static page in utf8 cyrillic russian text to some other page. ...

Apache2 - multiple sites, easiest setup

Hi, I'd like to use mod_vhost_alias for ease of site setup in Apache2.2. So I'd have my virtual host setup something like this: <VirtualHost *:80> VirtualDocumentRoot "/var/www/%0" </VirtualHost> What I'd also like to do on a per site basis, is to include an extra config file - something like this: <VirtualHost *:80> Virtual...