
Apache 13 permission denied in user's home directory

Hi, My friend's website was working fine until he moved the document root from /var/www/xxx to /home/user/xxx Apache give 13 permission denied error messages when we try to access the site via a web browser. The site is configured as a virtual directory. All the Apache configurations were unchanged (except for the directory change). ...

ASP .NET 2.0 on Apache (Windows XP) ?

I am building an ASP .NET 2.0 web app for an intranet environment. The site may have to be hosted on an XP machine in the LAN. IIS would restrict the number of connections to 40. My requirements are different - the number of clients in the LAN could be much higher - say upto 1000 or maybe even more. The site is built using ASP .NET 2.0 ...

Acessing other webapps while one is in document root

I have a Zend Framework project on a local machine, and as recommended its /public subfolder is made a DocumentRoot in httpd.conf. So I access this app simply with http://localhost. This new requirement makes me unable to access other web apps in a former webserver root (which contains a few regular php apps and a couple of zend framewo...

php to htaccess rewrite - redirect if no $_POST data

if( count( $_POST ) < 1 ) { // determine if this was a secure request - we use a non standard HTTPS port so the SERVER_HTTPS_PORT define should always be used in place of 443 $protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == SERVER_HTTPS_PORT ? 'https' : 'http'; header( "HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently" ); header( "Status: 301" ); /...

Preventing directory listing by redirecting?

I'm wanting to use .htaccess to prevent directory listing. I've got pages within /location/ but I don't have an index file. So Im wanting to redirect to /location/about.php for example. Is there a way to do this, without creating a index.html and redirecting requests to that? Thanks for the help! ...

Simple Apache Ant Question: Including library dependencies.

Hey guys, I can't quite figure out how to add all of my .jar dependencies to my client jar. This is what I have so far: <target name="create-metrics-client" depends="clean,build"> <jar destfile="sd-metrics-client.jar" basedir="${build.home}"> <manifest> <attribute name="Main-Class" value="com.mycompany.client.M...

User getting default Apache page instead of website - Safari/FF?

I have someone complaining that www.archstl.org (a site I manage) loads fine from his Windows PC, but not on his Mac; and apparently he can't get it anywhere he takes his Mac, either... I've heard of this happening to one other person, but I can't find an explanation. When they try loading it on their Mac using either Safari or FireFox,...

I've got a django site with a good deal of javascript but my clients have terrible connectivity - how to optimize?

We're hosting a django service for some clients using really really poor and intermittent connectivity. Satellite and GPRS connectivity in parts of Africa that haven't benefited from the recent fiber cables making landfall. I've consolidated the javascripts and used minificatied versions, tried to clean up the stylesheets, and what not...

apache rewrite folder+query to query

How can I get Apache rewrite to do the following... take a url received as: domain/somename/index.php?query=1&anotherquery=2 and change it to: domain/index.php?query=1&anotherquery=2&name=somename cheers, Omer. ...

MaxClient Directive in apache

we have php web application on two db linux web server connected with RAC load balancy with two Oracle db server.. we have a high traffic .. about 500 client concurrency on the same time conenct the web application .. our linux web server is 2 giga RAM .. and 2 processors. we want to make apache more performance .. i have installed zend ...

apache php connections

Hi, I have one site running in apache and php, when I'm downloading something the site doesn't repond to any click on links until the download finish. What can be? Regards, Pedro ...

header readfile in remote server PHP

My site is Downloading one file using this code: $flv = **filename** $ch = curl_init($flv); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); //not necessary unless the file redirects (like the PHP example we're...

How to co host django app with php5 on apache2 with mod_python ?

Hi folks, I have django+python+apache2+mod_python installed hosted and working on ubuntu server/ linode VPS. php5 is installed and configured. We don't have a domain name as in example.com. Just IP address. So my apache .conf file looks like this ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www <Location "/">...

asp.net on mono: how to add a reference to an assembly

Very basic question - but I couldn't find an answer. I have got a asp.net web service which is located in an asmx file. This should call a function from a helper library. Using a different asmx file in Visual Studio everything is working fine - I just had to add the assembly to the dependencies of this project. Altough I have copied th...

apache mod_rewrite affecting files inside sub folder

Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /mysite RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/([^/\.]+)/?$ page.php?p=$1&name=$2 [NC,L] RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ page.php?name=$1 [NC,L] The above code is written in my .htaccess file. I want my URL from: http://localhost/mysite/page.php?p=categoryname&amp;name=article_title http://localhost/my...

Can I get a Java Socket from a file descriptor number?

When a program is started via FastCGI, it is exec'd with a socket already open to talk to the web server. The socket's file descriptor number is handed to the program, but how can that be converted to something useful in Java, such as a Socket instance? My hosting service uses mod_fastcgi for Apache httpd. They won't allow me to configu...

Rewrite Query String

I have this URL: oldsite.com/profile.php?uid=10 I would like to rewrite it to: newsite.com/utenti/10 How can I do that? UPDATE: I wrote this: RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^uid=([0-9]+)$ RewriteRule ^profile\.php$ http://www.newsite.com/utenti/$1 [R=301,L] But $1 match the full query string and not just the user id. ...

Apache mod rewrite returns blank screen for php files with wordpress header included

Here's simplified .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^index$ index.php On my local lamp server everything works fine, but there are some problems on production server. myurl/index returns only blank screen, php is not parsed. When required file is accessed directly (myurl/index.php) it works fine. I noticed that this prob...

Why doesn't apache show a 404 error when I send a 404 header with php?

Hello, I have a header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); somewhere along the code but it doesn't redirect to the Apache's default 404 page for some reason. I have a Rewrite Rule on the .htaccess file that redirects every request to index.php. Could that be the problem? Thanks in advance, Omer. ...

mod rewrite beginner questions

How would I rewrite script.php?id=3295 to script/3295?? and Im also wondering if someone could explain what these 3 RewriteConds does: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l Thank you very much ...