
Slicehost installation profile

I'm no UNIX Guru, but I've had to set up a handful of slices for various web projects. I've used the articles on there to set up users, a basic firewall, nginx or apache, and other bits and pieces of a basic web server. I foresee more slice administration in my future. Is there a more efficient way to set up users, permissions, and sof...

Which distro is best for hosting LAMP + memcache? (answer gets a Linode or Slicehost referral)

Despite having very little Linux experience, I'm too enticed by VPS (and too sick of cPanel/shared hosting crap) to not give it a try. I'm a smart kid and pick up things pretty quick. I took a class in Linux and know basic commands, how to pipe commands, some scripting and shell stuff -- all of which I've nearly forgotten... but I'm ...

what is the equivalent of the following jdk path in slicehost ubuntu?

I got to setup the following two variables: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/:/usr/java/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/client/:./ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0/ Since, the above is for the version of jdk installed via SunJDK, what could be the equivalent path for the openjdk-6-jdk package! My OpenJDK is installed at...

Which is better for Java development hosting: Aptana? Google App Engine? Slice Host?

I am split between the benefits of developing Java (non-commercial) webapps and deploying to something like Aptana or Google cloud, or just going with a Slice Host account. Tomcat or Jetty and MySQL are really my only big requirements. Aptana and Google App Engine come with some cool Eclipse deployment options, but does scalability rea...

Which apache worker to use with passenger and how?

I've this config in my apache2.conf <IfModule mpm_prefork_module> StartServers 5 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 10 MaxClients 150 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 </IfModule> # worker MPM # StartServers: initial number of server processes to start # MaxClients: maximum number of simultaneous client connections #...

Slicehost - How do I generate a CSR so that I can purchase a Thawte SSL cert?

I am in the process of purchasing a Thawte SSL cert to be applied to my slice on slicehost which is hosting my new web app. Thawte is looking for a CSR. How do i generate this? Regards, Fiona ...

Using a CDN to store/serve user image uploads?

Hi everyone, I'm still new to the whole CDN ideaology, so this might be a stupid question but I'm sure someone can shed some light on this. I've got a basic php script that takes user image uploads, resizes them, creates a directory ($user_id), and stores the finished product in the directory (like$user_id/image...

Mysterious 500 Error with Basic Rails App on Slicehost

I am getting a mysterious 500 error when i try to deploy my first rails app on slicehost. I have followed the Ubuntu Intrepid articles very closely and it seems to be all setup accordingly. I am trying to run rails on Apache with Passenger. All I am trying to run here is a basic rails app with one scaffold (3 fields). The apache err...

Worrying about scalability of a new site

I am building a webapp that has the following characteristics: It only has a small number of pages, home,contact us, about,singup,etc. Each user has one jquery-based page that allows them to drag/drop/manipulate DOM elements. When a user has finished manipulating elements they can hit Save and elements are sent via JSON to a PHP script...

Monitoring Software for Ubuntu 8.10 on Slicehost?

I am new to server administration and I am looking for some options for monitoring my slice (ruby on rails site) on slicehost. Ideally, a live view of status and loads would be great. Any suggestions? ...

Connect to slicehost from MediaTemple with a PHP Script (GS Hosting)

Hi, I want use a Redis server with a PHP Site hosted on a MediaTemple GS hosting. MT allows PHP Sockets to contact an external server (slicehost)? ...

Linode or Slicehost

I'm looking into VPS for LAMP and wanted to see if any of you have an opinion to help me decide between Linode and Slicehost? Pro, Cons and overall opinion will be much appreciated. ...

Accepting emails from domain with wildcard subdomain

I'm setting up an app to preform mailhooks. You create an account, assign a callback url, and a pattern to match. Then you get a subdomain that you can send email to. Something like This is how it might work. Pattern: ^(?P\w+)-reply$ Account: accountname Callback:

liferay on slicehost

Could anyone provide the steps to install latest version of liferay on slicehost ubuntu server? ...

Mercurial clone operation works, but I don't have write access

Somewhere I did something silly. I was deploying my Rails app via cloning the Mercurial repo down onto my Ubuntu server. It worked the first time, and then...well, I made a small change on my dev machine, pushed the changes to the repo, and then deleted the copy on the Ubuntu server and re-cloned from the repo. The clone operation (the...

I want to version control my entire slice

I'm renting a slice (i.e., a VPS) from Slicehost. I've a spent a day or two filling up /usr with my favorite packages, /etc with configs and init scripts, and so on. Now I want to: save this whole setup somewhere (e.g., to load onto another machine). see what changes I've made to which files revert changes, tag revisions, and all tha...

Capistrano error while deploying to slicehost

Hi, im trying to deploy an application in slicehost using capistrano. I can log in via SSH using the same credentials, however when I try to deploy it i get the following error: executing `deploy' executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start executing `deploy:update_code' updating the cached checkout on all servers executing locally... vs which fits Java applications better?

Dear friends, I've been searching for a hosting solution for a grails application. I've read some very good comments on slicehost, but not much about linode. could some one with the experiences of either of them share your insights please? thanks. ...

Free service that allows storing game data online?

I have created a small game in Java and I would like to add the ability for a player to publish his highscores online. I'm willing to write the server software myself (it's easy these days with Ruby Mongrel, or even C++). I just need to have some sort hosting. One solution that immediately comes to mind is Amazon EC2. But that's kind of...

Deploying a Rails app on an Ubuntu server using Git

I'm completely new to Linux, but today I find myself setting up a server (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS lucid) from scratch to host a Rails application. Anyway, I managed to get a Rails app up and running on the server itself, but I had to scrap that because I want to use Git. So I setup a git repository on the server, then pushed all the code from ...